What is the zombie Simpsons of vidya?

What is the zombie Simpsons of vidya?

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The Legend of Zelda

Probably Pokemon

MMOs and Pokemon

Every single Nintendo franchise that transitioned into 3D

Pocket Monsters.

The Sims

Pokemon Sun and Moon


Mario games

romance of the three kingdoms

Should've been the first post, but what is Sonic the Hedgehog?

Pokemon, Call of duty, Mario games (at least out of the 3 mario is the most fun to play)

>Long running series
>Abandoned by many of the original creators
>Almost a parody of it's former self
>Relies on "modern" trends and cameos to stay relevant
Maybe Metal Gear now that Kojima left Konami and they are making a zombie game.
Anything Tom Clancy worked on.

Pokemon isn't the right answer, it's been going on long but it didn't completely lose its spirit like Simpsons did.

The real question is, what game was insanely popular, started to go on a decline as the creative forces in charge lost interest, and eventually became everything that it once stood against?
Sonic would have been the answer if Mania wasn't a thing.


>but it didn't completely lose its spirit like Simpsons did.
lol speak for yourself

>but it didn't completely lose its spirit
oh yes it fucking did

fire emblem

This. Aonuma is a later season Simpsons writer who took over and pushed his ideas for how the show SHOULD be, a horrible parody of what it once was.

No, both of these belong here. Pokemon a little less than Sonic, but still. Also, you think one good game in 17 years suddenly makes Sonic good again? Pfft.

How many cutscenes were in Red and Blue?
How many cutscenes were in Sun and Moon?

Thats different, Sonic was conceived as a business move, he was designed with a particular public in mind and to contrast Nintendo's mascot: Mario.
The games might have been good but the product that is Sonic has always been soulless.

acfag pls don't do this

>didn't completely lose its spirit

It's been almost eight years since Black and White.

Gen VI and VII were bad, yes, but aside from the casualization it's still, at its core, still a Pokemon game.
You need something that fundimentally changed what it was in a desperate bid to appeal to a changing demographic, as it was only ever relevant as a product of its era.
So Sonic.

>Gameboy game has no cutscenes

OK that fucking hurt me, user. God damn it.


Sonic never changed for demographics. That dumbass Lizuka does whatever the fuck he wants. Sonic is far from soulless but it is certainly misguided.

Silent Hill.


This. Pokemon never lost its original spirit. It stayed consistent to how it always was. It's audience just grew old and tired of what it did

explanation vid link?

Fuck off acfag

Ratchet and Clank

It's a perfect fit

I would personly say the Halo series, it started off weird in the first one, and then when it got on its feet it was amazing like the second and third one, with some spin off added in like ODST, then it started to get a little old, but was still strong like Reach, but now its gone stale, and with the old gone and the new replacing it, the new things added to its stale body still make it stale, but even worse is some parts and barely anything better, which would be Halo 4 and so on forth with no end in sight since we are getting a 6th in the future

Yea, i would say Halo fits perfectly for the Simpsons of vidya but thats just me.

Never said Sonic changed demographics.
In fact, Simpsons didn't either.
Demographic =/= soul

Pretty much this.

Pokemon seeing as I doubt any of the people who watched it in the 90s watch it today.

That doesn't change the fact that it's never been soulless outside of a couple of instances, such as Lost World. There's always been some form of effort in those games despite poor decisions and behind-the-scenes issues.

I'm tempted to say this or Pokemon.

Final Fantasy.

Recently Monster Hunter.


dead rising

What is The Simpsons Season 2 of video games?

I don't think so. FF has always been an entry level JRPG with a big focus on story and good presentation.

I thought that too when I played XX, then details about World came out and it looks like they unfucked it.

Street Fighter 5.

Team Fortress

>started as a small concept that was part of something greater (Quake TF/Tracey Ulman Show)
>got popular for being a unique take on its respective genre, and ushered in a multitude of clones/knockoffs
>iconic characters, artstyle and humor
>signs of its decline were present but most people brushed them off
>more remembered for its negatives than its positives

Mario Series
Call of Duty
Noticing a pattern here?

The proper answer to this question are soft reboots by other companies.

Deus Ex vs DXHR/MD
Splinter Cell then and now

Actually a definitive example would be Operation Flashpoint vs OFP: Dragon Rising, with ArmA representing a new show made as good as the Simpsons with the original cast/creator.

Counter-Strike fits too, same reasons.

Splinter Cell maybe, but the Deus Ex games are great and arguably better than the original if you're not massive nostalgiafaggot so that doesn't quite work.

>simpsons zombie
you take that fucking back

>it's a burned former Pcbro insists that TF2 sucks and everyone hates it now episode
Every time.

What's the Jurassic Bark of video games?
Fairly typical for the genre, but gets you with one brutal gut punch at the very end.


World of Warcraft

Kirby is an undead balloon of a series

Lufia II

Worms didn't change for the worse, the problem is that it barely changed. Team17 released the same game 20 times sometimes not even changing the graphics much.

i wanna destroy that marge with my COCK

Fallout, maybe.

This is actually a great fucking answer
does that mean MGS is futurama, seeing as a lot of team silent ended up at KojiPro?

Except that new Simpsons is almost totally bad while current TF2 is totally playable and pretty much fine

Kirby still has been Kirby, outside of a few weird spin-offs. Still plays fine. I wouldn't consider it a zombie series.

What the hell is the family guy of vidya?

I'm gonna go for the most generic answer, and say COD

Dragon Rising wasn't so bad, Red River can go fuck itself though.
I disagree.


Final Fantasy I and III are far from focusing on story, and Final Fantasy II is far from entry level.

>MGS, MGS2, MGS3 = Futurama Season 1-4
>PW, MGS4, MGSV = Futurama 5-7

I guess

Skullgirls is the Family Guy of fighting games

>Oh man, I made a reference to something else!

A game that started as a love letter to older games, which became so self obsessed that it lost sight of what made it good in the first place? Something that adds political agendas later in its run for no real reason?

>Political agendas
I'll register you as a retard.

>Created to parody the most popular series at the time
>Initially a competent show that pokes fun at popular culture
>Black humour, likely influenced by another popular series (Southpark)
>Musical numbers
>It ends
>It's revived but now it's worse
>Parodies are lazy and the humour gets darker for shock value rather than laughs
>It ends again
>It gets revived a second time and it's even worse

See the difference between Family Guy and Skull girls is one of them knew when to quit.

Uh oh

Silent Hill is probably the worst offender. Resident Evil was certainly up there, but I feel they redeemed themselves with 7.

>Muh lesbians.
>Muh transexuals.

Skull Girls is actually a pretty good answer, though.

(world of) warcraft

literally a parody of the shit yuri anime toby would watch in early 2000s
none in the game

I don't remember seeing any trannies in Undertale.

>political agenda
gay people are not politics user

the arkham games

Let's see, cutscenes in RBGY (As in, scenes were your character moves and interacts with others automatically or a change of scene occurs that's irrelevant to gameplay)

>Welcome to the pokemon world
>Oak preventing you to go outside
>OId man scene
>The scene where you automatically walk towards Lance at the E4
>Hall of fame and credits


Those were generic from the start.

The Arkham Games are the Dark Knight trilogy of vidya.

Wow what a unique answer that hasn't already been given 9 times.

>one good game in 17 years
Sonic Rush
Sonic Generations
Sonic Colors
at least one of the Sonic Advance games

You must have missed the last 2 decades then.

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Jurrasic Bark wasn't the best.

Luck of the Fryish was bar none the best Futurama episode for so many goddamn reasons
>Kept distracting you from the obvious truth by playing off the trope of shitty older brothers
>The first time in the series where Fry had to come to terms with all of his family being dead and realizing what hes missing

Then the movies shit all over it god damn

League of Legends.

>OId man scene
Actually back in RBGY, the "this is how you catch a pokemon" tutorial was completely optional but everyone watched it for those delicious Missingno item dupes

Wheres the joke Fuckley

Ass Creed

Why? I never watched the movies.

Futurama was still good up until the end, r-right?

In the movies he went back in time and led a full life before refreezing himself a second time.

So the scene of his dog or family never seeing him again was fucked over.