ITT: Unexpected sad moments in vidya

ITT: Unexpected sad moments in vidya

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The SJW invasion.


Generally the game was pretty dim all throughout and then this part kicks in.

She's been breaking anything that reminds her of everything bad that happened. Not like she could wreck a whole car but she tried.


Anyone else find it sad when Steven, the store clerk psycho, said "My...customers..."? I felt like he really enjoyed his job before the zombies came and seeing his regulars (it was a small town mall despite the size) turn into flesh eating monsters probably shattered him.

I feel like the psychos were all under developed

imagine if the reason the clown in 1 went crazy was because he entertained the local children everyday, and he had to kill them to protect himself? one of the reasons why I feel like children not made by bethesda could add a lot to games




"Have a nice day. :)"

A lot of them were genuinely good people but just couldn't take the trauma very well. However, because some of them acted TOO insane or silly, it's hard to feel sorry for some of them.


>tfw gave that one injured guy a gun in my first playthrough of Dead Rising

whay were you supposed to give him

You don't give him anything.
Then you tell him you're taking him to the security room anyways and he just goes "lol ok."
Happy end.



I felt no regret for doing what needed to be done. They started that war, and if those bastards didn't want to die they wouldn't have been there. I didn't make her fly that mission, I didn't make her engage me; all I did was get a target lock and perform my duty like so many times before.

Certainly didn't feel like a gut-punch when 13 said that.

Right in the feels.



>Unreal Championship single-player

>Get to the final round of the campaign

now, only one of you can earn your freedom. Respawners disabled.

After killing my team I am then treated to a cutscene where I'm turned into a brain in a jar

The last thing I expected from Unreal Championship was an ending where I felt like a manipulated dickhead


>this whole scenario

The only time I cried at a video game as a kid. His theme song did not help one bit.

Chuck's death in Off the Record.

At least you cried at it as a kid and not an adult. That would be pretty autistic

How about most horrifying death

Like Henry in mafia 2 when he gets hacked to death with meat cleavers on the street

Katey needs her Zombrex

That part was both terrifying and kinda sad

why did you say that name

The sad part for me was how muted it was. Yellow 13 loved 4. Maybe not romantically, but he did love her, and all you hear is "Yellow 13 here, did anyone see 4 get out?", and to you its just another enemy dead.




>kill all the chinks with Joe later
Cool shit.

fuck off

was that the vietnam vet?

Both him and Winston. I didn't like either character at first. One was a muscle brained thug, the other a slimy wannabe poser. Yet both of their last scenes were more than a little touching to me.

heh...yeah...crying as an adult, what a loser...




I refuse to believe that make was killed by a simple downed helicopter.


poor bastard didn't deserve what happened to him

Damn near any time this song played
No more crying...Smile.

>hahaha xD
Fuck off No one cares about your dumbass boogeyman.


Autist detected

>Didn't even bother to check if the final scene was in this video.


Do you feel like a hero yet, Mr Krabs?


I don't get it

I felt bad for all the female assassins in both games.

>Pulls out a pistol twice the length of her head.

I'm sorry but that was just too fucking funny. It's like when the Joker pulls out a comically large gun.


It would have been better if he actually shot himself

In Metal Slug you mow downs random mooks, pic is the wife of one of those said mooks. ;_;

One of the soldier you kill is either her sibling, her father or her boyfriend.

Oh and also you are the bad guys and the rebels literally dindu nuffin.

>vault 11
>killing the yetis in rdr

didnt think id see something so simple yet so poignant


>tfw DOM! NO! and Marcus trying to go to the truck to try and get him out before it just blows up again for good measure

>Asura trying to break his daughter out of the barrier and she tearfully blasts him away so he wouldn't supposedly kill himself try
>The flashback battle with Yasha
>The bro fist
>The whole finale

fucking amazing ending



This was way more sad than the Japanese counterparts, not to say that those were sad either

always a brother


At last the pain is gone

Poor dom

Lost Odyssey.

It hit me in the feels several times over.

I think, when you realise the overall scope of the game is hundreds of years, you realise how depressing the game actually is.


How is a Nam veteren that buff?

Getting a gameover in Zack and Wiki. As a guy whos played alot of point and click adventure games the sheer fact that Zack or Wiki could die in a scenario took me by surprise and left me incredibly sad when it first happened.

I straight up almost stopped playing because of how shocking it was.

It's ending, to me, was one of the most satisfying and sweetest endings out there

>calling someone an autist because he doesn't cry about some rendered pixels

This scene to an outside observer may not seem so sad, but in it's full context, when you play it, it's the most depressing shit ever.

The Battle of Sekigahara hit me like a truck out of absolute nowhere in Samurai Warriors Chronicles.

It was my first Samurai Warriors game. I did not know Japanese history at all. The player had always been on the winning side. I had been unlocking a lot of Mitsunari's events and had very recently decided that he wasn't so bad. It was just a Musou game and I wasn't expecting to feel anything.

Kurtis his death in Disgaea.

And Laharl meeting his mother and not realizing it.

It's absolutely criminal what happened to Mistwalker after The Last Story sort of bombed, sales wise.

They are too good for mobile shit. We live in a world where we get another shitty Star Ocean but not another Mistwalker RPG that's actually good.

I found Sniper Wolf's death scene to be sad.

Grow up.

He didn't die though, he just disappeared.


Yes. He says he lost it after he heard his granddaughter scream as she was killed by zombies. He gives Frank a key that unlocks a room of hostages.



>Hi Neogaf!

thats projection, but this isnt. this is literally what all poltards look like

>we will fight the social justice menace to the very last pede!

>inb4 triggered poltards start counterting with pictures of pink haired landwhales as if that makes it better

I wasn't expecting to meet her again

The memories come flooding back

>pic related is you

Jackie from Sleeping Dogs
the wedding too

Kurtis wasn't that bad for me but I almost balled when Laharl saw his mom and the music started playing
