How does it compare to AM2R's?
Both sounded good, but Samus Returns wins by default because it was made by an actual musician who understands music theory and composition as opposed to some fan who has no musical background and suffers from autism.
>How does it compare to AM2R's?
Does literally using assets from Fusion count?
They both sound the same to me and both fail at being "atmospheric"
I'm partial to DIORROID myself
Obviously you want me to say AM2R is better but I'm not going to say that.
Honestly. I surprisingly like Samus Returns much much more. It's simply got more layers and emotion to it.
>height 6'3
Samus Returns feels much more alive
Samus Returns is better.
AM2R by leaps and bounds for me. The Remake one is way too busy, the atmosphere it's trying to create is drowned out by all that noise.
Metitem is trying too hard to be a badass
Diorroid is a natural who kills bitches just standing still on his throne with arms crossed
Man this theme is doing things to me
Despite being quite a Metroid fag i've been holding myself from getting hyped for this game, mainly 'cause i got hyped for some pretty deceptioning shit recently but also because being inspired by 2 it's bound to be pretty linear in one way or another, didn't even enjoy AM2R very much
But this theme man... It's getting to me, i can feel the excitement of beginning a brand new Metroid adventure!
Gotta cool my blood man
Holy shit, and that's just the overworld theme? This soundtrack is going to be incredible.
oh my god finally
samus returns is more badass and electronic
am2r is more low-key and atmospheric
it's a matter of taste
Jesus Christ all they had to do was almost make it like an orchestra singing it and it would have been fine but this sounds like techno garbage
fucking nice.
I can't wait for the 15th.
Any review fags out there? How's the game?
Like a return to form
The only thing that bugs me about the game so far is it looks like they didn't give the Space Jump that weird blur effect and it just looks fucking awkward until you get the Screw Attack.
That's fucking cool, I'm grinning like a motherfucker right now.
Hmm, better than I thought. Reminds me a LOT of the music in the prime games, which is great.
cia when?
The original blows them the fuck out. That said I prefer the SR version as I've always hated the AM2R version ever since I first heard it. It sounds like it's trying way too hard to be atmospheric by randomly cutting off the main 'chorus' and being way too light and airy.
Being a banging track that you could bob your head too was one of the strengths of the original surface theme don't rob it of that.
>both SR and AM2R have prime inspired soundtracks
Do people not like AM2R? I thought it was fun. Way better than I expected a remake made by some guy in his spare time. Gave me Zero Mission vibes.
It's way better but people won't admit it because >mercurysteam
Kenji Yamamoto and Minako Hamano have been working for Nintendo since the 90's though, MercurySteam had nothing to do with it.
>Composed by the same guy that's been making Metroid music since Super.
What's Mercury Steam have to do with it?
Do you think people will even know those names? All they see is the shit dev's name on the box and be like "fuck you for ruining castlevania"
MercurySteam is making the game, not the music, monkey.
It's kinda hard not to give the game props, the jump from SNES's chiptune to CD quality music made its score's impact on the series all the more noteworthy.
thread is dead just like the franchise
>Metroid threads can barely get past 40 posts
Every Metroid thread I see either hits the bump limit or dies before 100 posts. There is no middle ground.
I like the simpler and quieter sounds of AM2R's version better.
Now, call me when we get to Hydro Station. I guarantee whatever they put in for SR won't even touch AM2R.
>bait versus actual thread
This, honestly, but Samus Returns' version isn't that great either. They could've made the beat flow a little but instead it sounds like the same harsh chiptune with filters and ambience over it.
I wonder how the two games will really differ when it comes to the Metroid 2 songs that are just beeps and boops.
Despite all the shitposting that's come about because of it, post-E3 has been a pretty good ride.
The soundtrack is so clearly inspired by Metroid Prime, especially the title screen
>Str vs Def
Reminder, Sakamoto is /ourguy/.
>Those notes from the original game's title screen kicking in at 1:45
I can't wait for him and MercurySteam to make Metroid Dread (Metroid 5) for the Switch in 2019 or 2020.