+Much much more games/exclusives
+Exclusive genres
+Best edition of almost all multiplats, unless the port is shit
+Can emulate and play games all the way back to the 1980s
+Graphixs + frame rate
+Choice in controllers, peripherals etc
+More choice in general
+Can be used for work
+KB+M > Controller for most games
+Don't have to throw it out after generation is over, just upgrade GPU/CPU every 5 years or so
+Mods again (this is a big one)
+Cheaper games
+Choice in games vendor, not a monopoly
+Can be used for couch experience with big picture mode
+Better for the gaming industry than home consoles

~Piracy (good for the pirate, bad for everyone else)

-Hackers more common
-More expensive
-Not 'plug and play'
-Sometimes gets bad ports

Is this accurate Sup Forums?

go back to (r)eddit

Horrendous post

>more expensive
pick 1

you forgot
+strategy genre

Pretty much.

Still, you're a casual if you don't have at least few consoles and a PC.

>more expensive

>Exclusive genres
im lost on this one

Not the games but a a gaming pc is more expensive to build than buying a console.

This post falls into that one category of bullshit that has always been discussed since the dawn of video games, and the normie arguments that surround it will never, ever stop until the end of time.

>-More expensive
On the contrary, especially in the long run.
Cheaper and totally free games + no monthly fees for online + in-game options / mods / cheaper upgrades once every 5-6 years save you a ton of money in comparison to buying a new console and its games.
>-Not 'plug and play'
it can be, if you want it to be. No idea why you'd want that though.
Not to mention modern consoles are barely p&p either; it takes something like 2 hours to fully set up a PS4, with all its obligatory Sony account creation steps, content activation, system updates, game installations + updates... etc. If you have patience for that crap, you should be fine on a PC, where everything also loads faster.
>-Sometimes gets bad ports
So do consoles, practically all the time.
However, unlike on consoles, if devs abandon their game in a shitty state, on the PC, the community may fix it themselves.

tl;dr: PC is for absolute maximum freedom and for minimizing costs.

Stop posting my university's anime club poster.

Best exclusives

Just get a Xbox scorpio and be done with it

And cheaper to upgrade

No exclusives are worth playing at bad resolution and frames. That makes them bad games.

RTS is PC exclusive except for a few outliers and strategy games rarely show up on consoles

>more expensive
You can build a PC more powerful than a ps4/xbone for the same price.

For cheaper in fact. Consoles are more expensive.

Why don't real girls blush like this so I can better take hints?

Dumb sissy anime boi.

Keep dreaming

Because real life is not for you.

>quantity = quality
>most, if not all genres have already happened on console
>consoles get the same shit
>this only applies to PS1 and 2 games (literally the only upside)
>this only applies if the devs try and you spend gargantuan amounts of money, which you might as well just buy the console at that point
>the same controller can be used on a console
>this wont be an upside any longer
>more choices of shit games indeed since it's the dumping ground for indies
>irrelevant for PC gaming
>only useful for shitposting on Sup Forums
>throwing away a console (expected from someone who made this thread)
>see point 7
>have to wait until the game actually gets ported to matter
>Steam is literally the one vendor everyone uses and a borderline monopoly
>if you use KB+M on a couch, it defeats the purpose of KB+M
>nobody wants to port to PC because it's harming the industry with DRM and pirates

PC is definitely more expensive, because many of PC's good points are dependent on you not buying the $500 pre-built shit.
And of course time is money, so you might as well factor in the time lost learning about parts, building a rig and troubleshooting software, etc.

Dropping $600 on gpu alone every few years is more than a single console, not to mention you have to do a bigger upgrade at some point when your CPU starts lagging behind.

I was talking about PC games

You can buy a new gpu for less than it costs to upgrade to the next gen of console and that's all you ever need to do. This is console propaganda.

Bait or retarded

God I'm so lonely I'd probably join this club. Someone help.

>girl goes silent and blushes
>mistake it for her getting annoyed


Most people have a PC. It's basically a requirement for living in modern times.

Not everyone is a game enthusiast to the point that they would pay the money for a dedicated platform that does nothing but play video games.

People who like video games a great deal more than others will purchase consoles. They will likely also have a PC that is capable of playing video games, in part because PC games these days tend to be developed for the lowest common denominator of hardware, thus making it easier for the average PC to run games.

It's not that complex. If you are a video game enthusiast, and spend more than the average amount of your free time and income on video games, you are going to have more than one platform.

So, basically, there are two major reasons for being a monoconsolist:
1) you can't afford it.
Or 2) You don't actually like video games all that much.

Only two points are based on that. Graphics and framerate. You can play any game on low with a £2-300 PC.

I own an xbone and it just collects dust in my basement ever since I bought my PC, I just cannot go back.

retarded post
also mostly correct, although it's only more expensive in terms of entry cost because games are generally a lot cheaper and it opens you up to being able to play almost every game ever made outside of xbox/xbox 360/xbone/ps3/ps4/vita exclusives (so if you want to play an old game that you don't own you don't need to pay out of the ass for a copy on ebay)

Except consoles have no reason to exist or be owned other than ignorance and a will to throw money down the drain to awful companies.


Found the consoletard

Fuck you faggot

Except no one has a pc these days. Phones and cheap laptops are what most people use.

>+Much much more games/exclusives
The quantity is there, undeniably. And yes, a lot of them never leave the platform, but as far as quality goes, it's hit or miss.

>+Exclusive genres
Not technically true, but I see your point. Consoles have made valiant (failed) attempts at RTS games in the past.

>+Best edition of almost all multiplats, unless the port is shit
Again, true, but the port is shit so often, and the games come out so late that all hype of interest may have left by then. May.

>+Can emulate and play games all the way back to the 1980s
Can, yes. Will? No. A majority of these are still buggy and flawed in some way, and though emulation may actually increase the quality of said games (upping internal resolution, and widescreen patching), it's still not perfect.

>+Graphixs + frame rate
You only get both if you own an absolute monster, but being able to draw the line where you want to is nice.

>+Choice in controllers, peripherals etc
Consoles have this too, but not as vast as PC.

Consoles have mods, but it's nowhere near the quality or the scope of PC.

>+More choice in general

>+Can be used for work
Why does this matter?

We're really starting to leave the topic of gaming, aren't we?

>+KB+M > Controller for most games

>+Don't have to throw it out after generation is over, just upgrade GPU/CPU every 5 years or so
...which is usually more expensive than a new console.

>+Mods again (this is a big one)
Really running out of points here, huh?

>+Cheaper games

>+Choice in games vendor, not a monopoly
Does Steam not exist anymore?

>+Can be used for couch experience with big picture mode
What the hell is a "couch experience"?

>+Better for the gaming industry than home consoles
Depends a little on how you look at it.

And all this is from someone who hasn't bought a console in 12 years.

gaming on pc:

>here's a full back-catalogue of every game released in the past, except a couple of newer ps4/xbone exclusives
>here's a fuckton of games that cost less than the console version
>here's a bunch of extra options that allow you to control how the game looks and feels, that you didnt get with the console version
>here's some superior control (kb+mouse) that lets you target the enemy at lightning speed compared to controller users
>here's some mods that fix the errors that the devs couldnt be bothered to fix

And you also have halo ce, the second best shooter ever made (doom being #1).

>meaning exclusivity at all
same jewish puppet like console peasant, you're embarassment to our community

wrong the prices now are horrendous unless you go to some small little part shop in the middle of town or a pc warehouse but yes pc is better most of the time

then why buy a pc if i can get a console
can you list some of the 200$ pc's for me laptop preferred

There are no PCs under 300 that can play every game on the lowest settings. Also laptops are generally more expensive so the price would be even higher.

-more expensive

+less expensive

what do you mean by plug and play? if you mean you can plug it in and then play games than yea, if you mean you can plug it in and play without having to install anything then consoles don't have this either

i dont care about every game i just want to play mortal kombat 9 and a few other games like divinity and maybe try my hand at emulating some stuff at acceptable speeds

He means setting up a console is easier than building a pc

>no argument

Not sure how multi-monitors is off topic of gaming.

You can use multi monitors for games.

>Does Steam not exist anymore?

>What the hell is a "couch experience"?
Not an argument. You know how people harp about couch play, if not you're retarded.

pc's that are as powerful as ps4/xbox right now cost more than the consoles because of bit coins miners unless you are talking about cheap parts from ebay offer up and craigslist or some random shops in town

>not owning both
you DO have money for both, don't you user?