Looking for games that are toaster friendly. Intel HD 3000 graphics, i5m @ 3.1 ghz, 4gb of ram.
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Played it back when it came out. Recently played Torchlight II which was extremely optimized. The 2nd newest game i've ran at playable speeds was a modded down Skyrim. All FPS games before 2005 feel really bad.
Just Cause 2 and OG Devil May Cry 4 are surprisingly well optimized.
I ran those on a laptop
For some reason every time I google "GAME Intel HD 3000" and look at the youtube video it's never in english.
You can actually play quite a lot. I got a bit weaker craptop myself.
STALKER trilogy runs great on the DX8 Static Lighting + Starter Pack's graphics. Your superior CPU may even allow smooth ride on DX9. See this rookie guide for some starting tips.
FEAR is the mid-00s FPS classic, and looks & plays great.
Same with the Condemned: Criminal Origins, which runs on same engine. A bit slower paced horror game this one.
The Talos Principle is a superb, atmospheric game, and not only is it damn well optimized, it has GIGANTIC options menus, that let you tweak EVERYTHING. If you can't run this smooth, you're doing it wrong.
Serious Sam 3 was like the better, proto-nuDOOM, and runs on the same engine as Talos. Similar level of optimization and customization options, so it may run damn well on lower settings, but in general there's a bit more action going on. Steady 30 is prolly to be expected anyway.
For some older stuff, there's the PC ports of the Silent Hill 2-4 games, that practically don't stress modern components at all, even in HD resolutions. You can also emulate SH1 (a PS1 game) without any issues.
Speaking of horror titles, the superb Resident Evil Remake's HD port isn't hard at all to run either, but by default it renders the game at 1440p resolution, which kills integrated video chips. Look up the tweak that lets you drop this; 720p rendering reso + Low shadows + 30fps lock should do just fine
While at it, you should seriously upgrade your RAM to 8GB. As the Intel HD Graphics uses regular RAM as its VRAM, the more you got + the faster type it is, the better games run too.
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
>not just pirating the original DUKE3D.GRP file, and slapping it into eDuke32 source-port
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
NES, SNES, Genesis etc emulators
Visual Novels
Every AGS Adventure Game
Mother Russia Bleeds
Literally the most popular game in the world
Would never have assumed Stalker was optimized although that assumption is rather dumb seeing as it's PC exclusive.
Interesting you mention emulators. I'm not against them quite the opposite actually but PS1 games have aged miserably.
This laptop is slowly melting away from extended periods of gaming. The fan on it gets maxed out as soon as games are launched. Upgrading ram feels like a waste of money.
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Rome: Total War
Gothic II
Arx Fatalis ( probably needs Arx Libertatis overhaul for maximum performance )
Unreal Gold
Sonic Mania
That would be my course of action if I didn't already own a copy, i'm just angry that Gearbox decided to take that down and release their shittier version for double the price. Really makes me wish that Valve would still let us stockpile games in our inventories, I would have dozens of copies of Megaton Edition and Alan Wake.
>Would never have assumed Stalker was optimized although that assumption is rather dumb seeing as it's PC exclusive.
You're forgetting that it (SoC) is a literally 10 years old game now, running on even older engine and assets. I literally played it for the first time on an early-00s Windows XP machine, packing Pentium 4 @ 2.4ghz +1.5GB RAM + Geforce FX 6600GT 128mb. Got steady 30+ fps even in bigger human settlements, while playing on the DX9 full dynamic lighting, med-high settings, at 1024x768.
My laptop with i3 @ 2.1ghz + 6GB RAM + HD 3000 clocks over 70fps on DX8 lighting & high settings at the native 768p, when Vsync is disabled. Pic very related.
>PS1 games have aged miserably.
No they haven't, or you just play the wrong ones. RE1-3, Silent Hill, MGS, Spyro trilogy, and all PS1 FF games for example never get old.
>This laptop is slowly melting away from extended periods of gaming
Open up the bottom panel, and clean out all collected dust with canned air. Invest into a cheap CoolerPad with USB fans / place a Lego block or something under the machine, near the back edge, so there's better airflow underneath laptop.
If those steps don't help, consider applying new thermal paste on CPU and GPU. Last trick would be limiting the games' maximum framerate with the RivaTuner Statistic Server -program; steady 30-40 fps not only eliminates screentear, it also stresses the GPU way less than 60+.
If you like arpgs, try diablo II, Sacred 1 and 2 (2 is waay worse than 1 though), torchlight1 and 2, Dungeon Siege series
Age of empires 2 and the HD edition should be playable. TF2/Dota 2 as F2P games should run alright on lowest settings, oblivion (through oldblivion mod) should work too. As for anything newer it's unlikely you'll be able to run but sometimes you have to make do with older games, Starcraft BW is free on battlenet, and if you have Warcraft III it still has a bit of a community and will run well on that toaster easily (used to play it on a 2ghz intel celeron (pentium era) intel GMA 965 graphics (way weaker than intel hd) and 3gb ram and it ran at 45-50fps average and sometimes 60fps even on the larger custom maps), game was overall darn fun during its heyday but not sure if the community is quite so lively. Battlefield 2 also is free to play currently though haven't played it in a while, but it had a bit of a community way back. It should run fine (ran at 60 fps on my old celeron laptop on medium settings, should run maxed out easily on yours).
If you have an MMO itch I'd recommend FFXI. It can run on literally a potato at this point.
If you haven't already place a book under the laptop to raise the rear near the ventilation so that it can pull air better, that will make some difference for temperatures, otherwise if you could invest in a cheap cooling pad they can make a bit of a difference. For my laptop (i7 3632qm and 7670m) it makes a difference between 95-99+ degrees celsius full load on cpu/ 75-80 gpu in games and about 80-85 degrees cpu and 70 for gpu and far less throttling, i can lower it to around 80 flat if i remove the bottom panel on the laptop for better airflow.
You missed the part of OP's post where he said "good" games.
Guy, just buy a new laptop
$350 craptop can straight up run GTA5 better than PS3/Xbox360 did.
>tfw these always cost at least 50% more in my country
>import taxes and shit increase the price by 150 bucks alone
It's actually on a weird steel mesh table so the bottom has complete ventilation.
Oblivion without lighting(TLB console command) runs at 60 fps. Doesn't help that I put 100+ hours into when I was 16 on 360 then put another 300 when I built my PC. Skyrim actually runs alright with a couple mods.
Diablo 2 worth it for singleplayer?
I have a WoW sub.
Good luck playing anything.
You want at least 10 gigs of grafix
100 terabyte hardrive
and 100 gigs of ram
That will let you play MAYBE a few games on low settings.