Why don't you play fighting games, Sup Forums?

Why don't you play fighting games, Sup Forums?

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I'm a faggot who can't git gud at good fighting games and everyone bullies me for liking SFV

Don't wanna put in months of study/practice just to get to the fun.

No one to play locally any more, and playing online just feels repetitive.

It's easier just to masturbate to the porn of the characters.


This in all honesty.
Plus I don't have a great reaction time.

But I do user. Ive got IJ2, TK7, SF5 and soon MvCI on rotation on my ps4.

I'm not a nigger

I tried but even when inputting the basic shit like 90 degree turn I make mistakes

I liked playing through the old Soul Calibur Chronicles of the Sword mode. But otherwise I typically lose interest far too quickly to stick with it. It's a type of repetition I just can't get into.

they're becoming more casualized and exploitable
I also dont have money for GG Xrd Revelator
T7 is annoying as fuck on PC
i dont think anyone plays Skullgirls anymore
Simpleton Kombat XL is too easy
and none of my friends play fighting games so it becomes too competitive and unfun

because sf5 is shit and a waste of time.

I do and I suck at them.
I just bought a stick and trying to learn. I like how it feels, but the stick that I got was defective and feels kind of cheap. Hoping the manufacturer would let me upgrade to a better model.

Lets see those mains wip no bully

Because it is way too hard do adapt to some of the really hard stuff. Shit like

>Being able to parry or read the most intricate shit on SF3
>Dealing with constant pressure like raven, leo or sin on gg
> Skullgirls and kof in general

I really fucking tried for years but the lack of friends to play with and most games having way too little players to play and learn the game with, dogshit online and the amount of stuff i have to learn learn turns me off. Even on games that i actually went out of my way to try to get good resulted in not much progress.

I still play fromtime to time but i just gave up.

Bingo. I'd rather just play five adventure/RPG games in the span it takes me to git gud at one character in a fighter

fuck the template
>Tekken 7
>Street Fighter 4
Ibuki im shit so I mostly play Akuma
Triborg Sektor
>Soul Calibur 4
Maxi or Mitsurugi
>Killer Instinct (SNES)

sauce on pic?

I quit because I plateaued at SHITTY at all Competitive Multiplayer games I played and I was not getting any better.

I've quit SFV at Ultra Bronze.
I've quit Overwatch at Silver.

I'm just going to retreat into the safe little babby's world of single player conquest...


I do, but you gaylords don't play the fun ones or the ones that interest me. Only gay stuff for gaylords like SFV.

Nothing about them excites or interests me. Jumping around on a small 2D plane autistically remembering awkward button combos isn't my idea of fun.


I want to like SFV, but capcom is literally incapable of making a good product.

Not to mention all the censorship really soured my apples, I can't really forgive them at this point.

Pretty much this, I kinda can't enjoy online gaming nowadays

Because I don't have to play the games to masturbate to the porn.

too hard
I only play casual games

oh but I do, birdie is my spirit animal


I want to bury my face in there. Also, most fighting games require meet ups to actually play against people. That's a fucking hassle and huge barrier of entry.

I play them casually, because I like being flashy and having a well-paced fight too much to play high-level. At least I accept it.

SFV on the other hand, is simple enough I can do both. Yet too simple to warrant owning it. I like the charge characters and they all seem to amount to checking with sweeps and confirming med punch into charge attack at my level.

Props for Decapre. She was late to the game but still fun to play.

These are mains from the games I still play. Also sub May in Rev2 and play M.Bison in SFV.

I should update this thing, it's missing some games

I do. Super turbo and goober gear right now.

>ST vega

unga bunga pitiful iq

tier whore for top tier easy execution brainlet characters

kill yourself my man

>lei lei

can you even do TRH combos nigger? or are you just another poser on Sup Forums that pretends to play the game



I'm terrible at videogames, I'd rather just fap to Mika.

Metaknight is fun as fuck tho

if you're terrible at sfv you could just play mika

he's going all out!

yeah he really is
I always played either him or Toon Link

No one to play locally and I refuse to play online because my ping is shit.

Don't be a fool, you retarded scrub.
There is a huge skill gap even between rookie and bronze.

It won't matter who you pick if you're new cause you will get bodied anyways.

Fighting games demand an opponent. If there is noone to fight, there is no game. If there is noone to fight at your skill level, there is no competition. When you find someone of your skill and play, its rare, and doesnt happen often enough.

All of the joy of fighting games is in direct proportion to your opponent. And if there is no opponent, then, thats it, you dont play fighting games.

I mean, yeah, the internet has become a big thing in fighting games lately. Matchmaking allowing you to find opponents. But matchmaking didnt always exist. I mean just imagine you go to an arcade and want to play tekken. You play against the computer for a while, but nobody else in that arcade plays tekken, or whatever fighting game. Then, thats it, you play the arcade a bit, you beat the game, you leave, you dont keep playing.

More people would play fighting games if there was an easier way to get opponents.

The new version of my game isn't out stateside yet, so I have to be content in trying to pick up subs on a rudimentary level.

I pretend to play that one because I rarely find matchs online and no one I know wants to play with me although I'm awfully average on the rest too due to no local and shitty third world connection I'm sorry

Hard to get opponents because the playerbases are stagnant and dwindling. It's usually the same set of people playing all the fighting games, and new blood is rare. But the new games make changes the core players don't like, so the core players leave and the changes end up failing to attract new players anyway. If someone wants to play games against other people, easier to just pick a more popular genre like mobas or fps.

>All of the joy of fighting games is in direct proportion to your opponent. And if there is no opponent, then, thats it, you dont play fighting games.

this pretty much having enough people at your skill level to play, practice and better yourself is key.

Pretty much every other game his filled with veterans of the series or dead. i'm sure said veterans have fun among themselves but expecting new people into their respective series is kinda farfetched.

the only reason people put up with street fighter and mk iis because of the brand. people usually play the new fighters for like a month and the same people drop the game right after.

I keep it simple and honest.

I love healthy women

because i dont find fighting games fun unless playing with a competitive mindset

i dont play online because latency isn't at all indicative of tourney/high level play and i dont have anyone to play locally

Because they took away the only fighting game I ever enjoyed

Yeah tits are pretty nice.

Big based all day every day

But those genres are too different than fighting games to be compared. Mobas are 5v5 usually, and fps are often something as big as 10v10. Fighting games are 1v1, or sometimes 2v2.

I would compare fighting games to something like collectible card games, or even board games like chess because of the 1v1 nature. The games are 100% about an interaction between you and one other player.

>tfw ywn have a fighting game friend(s)
I just want someone (or preferably a group of people) to git gud alongside with in several games.

Not trying to compare their gameplay. But they're all still competitive multiplayer genres and if that's what people want they'll gravitate to the more popular and accessible ones. I don't think many people care about whether a game is solo or team based, and the few that do play fighters because they want the 1v1 experience aren't really enough.


>terrible story mode
>terrible online
>terrible graphics
>shit music
>garbage characters nobody asked for
>8 frames of input delay
>intentionally make some characters ugly so players are forced to spend 7$ to make them look 'good'
>self censored
>make stages that you officially ban later
>no tourney mode
>no arcade mode
>impossible AI grind to unlock fucking color schemes
>dumb fuck cross play with PCheaters who have ruined the game with bots and so called 'mods' that give them advantages

The list can honestly go on and on. FUCK SFV, and FUCK capcom.
This piece of shit would be in the god damn dumpster bin with 0 players globally, and completely forgotten if it wasn't riding on the coat tails of its past success.

What a fucking JOKE the so called 'fgc' is for supporting this literal GARBAGE despite the fact there is better games on the market.
This shit-tier genre deserves to be over taken by fucking smash babies an their retarded nintendo games.

they're mostly popular on consoles and I don't play those anymore, that and it takes a lot of time and effort to git gud and I'd rather play games I'm already good at

Post the fucking Juri porn already

that's half the fun, learning something new, trying it out in practice, then doing it on a real opponent

>using a preworkout
>needing to resort to magic motivation juice because you're too weak willed to put the work in without doping yourself with stimulants

takes too long and too much effort to become "good" in just one game
why bother when i can play the 300 games in my backlog spread out over multiple console generations instead

Capcom lacked the talent to censor cammy's model, so they just turned her skin inside out.

Rest in Peace my guy

>Tekken 7

Gief although I haven't played the game in a hot minute

>scoops right into mouth

fuckin degenerate man

>I'm a sensitive cunt who is incapable of learning how to lose like a gentlemen.

Just admit it, you're a fuckin pussy dude. It doesn't take very long, or much effort to get good. You losers put 500 hours into your low IQ moba's easily, and that same time frame would could have made you a serious competitor had you just played the game.


finally someone with common sense. powdered jew is a huge waste of money. people can get way more protons from become vegan

Get some cream for your ass hurt SFV baby


I don't play sfv though


Not those anons but the amount of learning I'd have to do is too much. Especially considering the last legit fighting game I put any time into was SCII

I respect that but when there's 1,000 "new things" to learn before you can even reach the point where you have a complete understanding of what you can do and how to do it, it doesn't seem worth it.

I'm fine with fighting games being complex and having high skill ceilings, but they do a piss poor job of introducing new players. It pretty much consists of just throwing them in the deep end and saying "git gud" and hoping that a few are autistic enough to not just quit and do something else.


The only thing SFV is good for is shitting on.
I can't wait for it ti fail and die off officially.

MVCI and DBFZ is going to be the nail in the coffin of this turd game that it so desperately deserves.

what are you hoping to achieve here

error 40002 is why i dont play sfv


Such an ugly game.

I used to play fighting games at a very high level. I played in tournaments and had some good placings. I took rounds off of people who are now world famous.

I caught a mysterious virus in 2011. By the time they did tests on me the doctors said it had already worked its way through my gastrointestinal tract. But it left me with severe scarring in this area and I am now diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is not what you think it is. It doesn't mean I have to go to the bathroom all the time. It means that whenever I am under stress I will experience severe pains in my abdomen. It's related to the amount of cortisol produced by my body.

What this means for me is I cannot engage in my favorite hobby anymore. Simply playing ranked matches of SF V online produces so much stress I end up in agony for hours afterward.

I was in a serious car accident in 2013 that has created issues with my back and neck. The constant pain from these injuries also takes a toll on my ability to focus. Not enough to matter a lot in daily life, but enough that I can't keep going for more than about one match at a time without taking a break.

I still log in and play a match here and there, but I always pay the price for it.

As long as Capcom is throwing money, the pros will play it.


and it still isn't fixed to this day, all her muscles cast a shadow in the wrong direction lmao.

that sucks man

that image really does reflect which characters and games I like to play though, I just added meme overload to it since I'm sick of seeing people whoring their "MAINZ" template images

I don't like multiplayer games.

You made this up, right?


Because the girls are too attractive
I wish I was joking

>Simply playing ranked matches of SF V online produces so much stress

Fake and gay. If you were really a tournament player, you'd have zero stress playing online. It's fucking online and meaningless.

because I suck at them and have never been able to git gud

Says the faggot who doesn't even play fighting games.
He's probably full of shit, but I believe it. Fighting games shave years off your life expectancy from stress alone.

because every day I'm told that I'm a horrible person and the cancer thats killing the fgc because I'm a casual that started with SFV

The only people who get stressed from playing online are scrubs.

game sucked idiot

Don't take it personally. You aren't cancer, and there is nothing wrong with being casual.

Says the fucking faggot who doesn't even play fighting games. Your thoughts and opinions are entirely meaningless. Its clear you don't know what you're talking about and are not involved in any part of the FGC. Pro's choke all the time. Mental damage from your opponent is real.