Katanas are a separate skill from regular swords

>katanas are a separate skill from regular swords

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>Katanas are a martial weapon two handed, but exotic weapon one handed


You don't use a katana the same way you'd use a dual blade straight sword.

This is only okay if there are no "regular swords" and each type has its own skill. It makes sense.

Honestly dropped BG2 because of this.

>there isnt an option to use other two handed swords one handed as exotic weapons

name one game that does this

>katanas are the strongest type of sword in the game

D&D you fucking retard
But that's just because katanas are functionally equivalent to a bastard sword (1d10 19-20x2). They even require Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) and not (Katana)

Because other two handed swords aren't bastard swords moron


>all blade weapons use the same skill

A katana isn't either, that's just a thing 3.5 does for convenience since they couldn't be assed to actually create a new weapon for Oriental Adventures in 3.0

An actual katana is a two handed weapon, always.

Except for those katana styles that use one-handed attacks, you know, like half of them

Kill yourself filthy Sup Forums avatar fag

A sword is not designed for slashing. It's designed to stab.

Claymores are designed to cut horses limbs off as they race by while its rider uses his lance to stab you to death as you do it.

Katanas are designed to be used against people wearing no armor (or very light armor) and to slice arteries.

Katana is a different beast from an arming sword/shield combo.

That said a great sword, long sword, and arming sword are all different too, but most games mislabel the shit out of those because they look similar if you don't have size for scale.

DnD will let you specialize in throwing halfings at things. Not really a fair comparison.
The game has a skill for everything seriously.

Katanas aren't in D&D anymore by default.

Nowadays everyone just uses Longsword stats (1d8) which makes far more sense.

What about that style that uses two?

they dont use katanas. it's a wakizashi. Katana isn't a catchall for 'japanese sword' thats ken.

I really like her design, I wish she was in a game that I would play

That doesn't make any sense since longswords and katanas have vastly different styles

she looks adorable as a little piglet

most D&D weapon stats are based on the physical size of the weapon. The katana has always been hard for the devs to stat because functionally it's a single edge longsword wielded in two hands but it has the whole FOLDED A GORRILION TIMES, CUTS THROUGH TANKS meme.

People don't seem to understand WHY japanese steel swords were folded so many goddamned times.


Because tamahagane was shit and you had to pund out tons of impurity. Yeah it's much more lame in real life.

Katanas aren't balancedl ike a longsword. They'er meant to be two-handed. They're more similar to a bastard sword than a longsword. If a longsword is treated the same as a katana then so should a bastard sword be.

Thats how it works in most editions of the game. The katana is a bastard sword with a higher crit range or it requires a different feat to be chosen to use it.

>regular swords
Define please. I was under the impression that there was quite a variety of sword types, all requiring different skills to use effectively. There are greatswords, broadswords, curved swords, rapiers, katanas, and many more. I guess what I'm ultimately saying is that yes, katanas SHOULD have their own skill tree, as should each other type of sword. What exactly defines a "regular sword"?

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

Irons from the sand and the scarcity of their mines was so. fucking. bad. A "pure" Japanese steel blade is laughably pathetic compared to the better ore in other nations. Worse yet, the Japanese blacksmiths felt "purifying" the blade of with their iron and just burning it over and over to just make the flexible metal more stiff since the burning added carbon...barely. This was TERRIBLE in creating weapons or in reducing costs. It made such a bad steel. They never experimented in creating better alloys because the japanese were/are just so fucking narrow-minded.

>What exactly defines a "regular sword"?
Any short blade, meant for one-handed wielding, designed for thrusting.

I love this pasta because it's like walking around with a +2 large size scythe in longsword form.

>designed for thrusting.
regular swords were designed for slashing. the thrusting sword was made to defeat mail armor in the 13th century and is thus not regular but rather an armor piercing sword.

I like it because it's older than the average poster.

I'm willing to respond to a bait pasta

>finest blades
They are artisan metalworks, true, but terrible weaponry. It's the result of perfecting awful metallurgy: no innovation or creativity to improve the quality or effectiveness, simple refinement which could only raise its ability to exponentially decreasing curve to a plateau that sits far below contemporary weaponworks.

>thrice as sharp
Thinner, some. Sharper, no.

>thrice as hard
Certainly not. They were brittle and quite soft as they rarely mixed anything in with the terrible iron ore that steel was based on, and iron is quite flexible and soft.

>cuts better
As a slashing weapon, the arc and design of pulling though makes this statement partially true, only because its sole purpose was to slash. Even still, it slashed flesh or cloth; slashing anything else destroyed the edge and made the blade instantly worthless.

Do you want it to be part of regular swords so you can complain how overpowered it is instead?

>get katana
>enemies take more than one hit to die

>responding to shit that had over 100 variations on 1d4chan.
And I thought /tg/ had the biggest spergs.

He was asking a semantic question, though. A regular sword is a standard sword, and standard swords are armor piercing thrusting blades, usually triangular in shape. The only slashing was done as along arteries in the armpit or slicing the neck. A regular sword was always meant to be shoved into the torso of the opponent, all throughout history.

You right, but it's a semantic argument. And words change meaning, unfortunately, and even the same word can change value in time or location.

shit someone post those shitty "mastering way of the blade" meme i wanna save up a folder

This one?

oh shit spot on thanks user

>A regular sword was always meant to be shoved into the torso of the opponent, all throughout history.
No they werent. Prior to the proliferation of plated mail armors most swords had a broad tip with little point and damn near no taper to the blade. The cross sections were also formed to give a slashing motion the most effectiveness. They were designed to slash and you don't start seeing thrusting innovations until it became necessary to shove them into the weak joints of armor.

Well, that's true. I truly meant after the widespread usage of the weapon for war, though. Prior to the ease of manufacturing both the blades and various armors, it was uncommon and more a style combat than battle design. It's something like basing axes' use since it was first created from flint in order to be smashed into wild animals or tied to sticks as an arrowhead.

Slashing swords, as opposed to stabbing and chopping swords, were far more rare and a sort of elite sport blade.

It's like he's trying to describe damascus steel.

>game has only two skills
>one for hammers, axes and some other blunt weapons
>one for swords
>spears stopped existing

They share some similarities, but tamahagane becomes a homogeneous piece of metal over the course of the process while damascus layers don't truly alloy.

>get katana
>enemies do NOT take more than 1 hit to die


I always find it funny just how good Damascus steel was. As a steel, there was literally technology to create it and it was so phenomenal it literally became world famous in the 3rd to 16th century; people could not stop talking about it because it was so incredible. Even today, we literally don't know how they figured out how to do it. We can recreate it fairly simply enough through our modern access to composites and chemical treatments, but it's never how the ancients did it.

Which isn't to say it's the best ever, because we can obviously make better steel and certainly better blades today, but to have something of "Damascus" quality in 4th century Europe because of persian trade for a north Indian steel ingot? Remarkable.

I fucking hate this in all games it exists.
Fuck you cunts. A sword is a sword.

You don't see CUTLASS skill trees. And yet we still have cocksuckers combining axes, hammers, and clubs into one group. Oh, and "Maces and flails? What the fuck are those, amirite, guize?" is still disgustingly prevalent.

Maces are just misshapen clubs, and flails are farm equipment.

>flails are farm equipment.
Holy shit, I had no idea.

>using different swords in the same way

Have you learned nothing from video games?

So? Knives were originally just tools, yet we still shank fuckers with them.

>sword hits unimaginably hard surface like carapace, armor or stone (like a golem)
>does same damage as any other weapon type

Always put 10 points in for Mind's Eye, nigga.

>Maces are just misshapen clubs
>a literal upgrade from clubs is a "misshapen club"

>Can't use pommel to bash your opponent's fucking teeth

Reminder that Katanas are the weakest metal weapons in history

What does that myth of Katana cutting through thick slabs of steel come from anyways?
Can't come from a single chinese cartoon pulling it off and sparkling an obsession that'll plague the sword world until the end of time

Outside of massive swords they really should be. They're a great middle of the road in many cases. I'd rather have a katana than a longsword, bastard sword, etc.

Decent weigh, good cutting, good piercing, quick drawing. Sure you're fucked against good armor, but swords aren't usually meant to kill someone wearing armor.


>Can't come from a single chinese cartoon pulling it off
It literally can and did.


Sad thing is that the japs werent even trying to make a "katana is better" idea. They were just making a "cool" scene so the otaku fucks keep pumping money into the business
It's the western weaboos that fucked it up and turned it into the folded gorillion times meme

Sausage finger neckbeards polished their knob over grorious nippon steel long before that

>stainless steel butterknife defeats hot lead
what is this gif even supposed to mean?

That you really can cut a bullet

Massive swords are garbage and a longsword is literally a better katana.

theres a massive difference between cutting lead and cutting a quarter inch of hardened steel.

Except the long sword chops, not cuts. Against low to no armor your better bet would be a katana.

You're a massive retard.

That's straight up a lie.

This isn't a fucking videogame you retard. They're both sharp swords, they will both cut the shit out of anything they hit, assuming you align your edge well.
The longsword is longer for its weight because it's not curved giving you more reach, which is an insane advantage.

>kill someone wearing armor
that's why you pick a longsword or a bastard sword, dumbass

the pommel and crossguard are literally made for it

The virgin slice
>only useful vs unarmored peasants and softwood "armor"
>edge chips as soon as it touches anything harder than unboiled leather
>some autist had to spend his whole life bending it

The chad chop
>won't break if you use it as a club once in a while
>can halfsword to drive it through a chink or European in armor
>can be mass-produced and still be useful
>can stab
>can break spear formations

Low to no armor either would do the trick
That's like saying a dull axe would do worse than a katana; they both fucking kill the guy, who cares about how clean the cut is

Every time I see this kid's complete lack of muscles and it's like, how do you not blow away in the wind beanpole

Then please link a longsword mat test where it has the same results as a katana.


No, that's why you pick a mace, morningstar, or halberd you ingrate.

It's about speed friendo

Wont do jack shit against a nigger with a gun.
Bet the rape afterwards would be so fucking hot

No user, that's why you pick a rifle loaded with armor piercing rounds.

No user, that's why you pick a nuke

now post the one where it bends when it hits the longsword

The fuck are you? A north korean?

He uses the wind to fly and teleport behind people
How's that for a boss fight

>Bamboo block gets cut twice before falling off the platform

Are there any gifs or webms of western swords doing "trick shots" like that too?

>needing armor piercing rounds for medieval armor

Loads, any properly sharpened cutting blade can do that.

>this nigger doesn't know about half swording or morde-handing

You'll have to point me in a direction then because any time I try to search for sword trick videos all I get are katanafags or plain old single slices on watermelons or gallon jugs of water.

I hate Skallagrim because he's a massive faggot about what he talk, but he gets the point straight:

If that doesn't satisfy you, it's pretty easy to do the research yourself, there are a tons of videos, text, and everything in between that show even the earliest medieval swords were sharp as shit.
I even remember a guy pulling off what that user's .gif show pretty easily with a european arming sword.


Many thanks kind user.