$20+ dollar priced game

>$20+ dollar priced game
>literally 3-30 people playing
>goes "Free" for 24 hours
>45,000 players peak
Should games be free to play with micro payments, especially multiplayer games? Is playing for Multiplayer games, as we've seen with Lawbreakers and Titanfall 2, dead? Its hard to say because stuff like CS:GO and PUBG has a price tag yet is still insanely popular, as well as Destiny and COD.

Never underestimate the power of free shit.

What do yoy expect? This is pc gaming, dead games.

tfw micro transactions and random boxes are going to be in every game including single player games that are free to play soon you will never earn another set of armor you will be forced to buy a random box for a chance to get it

It helps actually being good.
It flew under everyone's radar though. Also doesn't have much content but what it does it does it really well.

>It was priced for $30.
>Goes up for free for one day
>card farmers and people who can barely speak english spam free game all over youtube
>this doesn't stop the game is actually terrible
>it's $10 after today
I'll say it's a good way to blow up your numbers to unrealistic sales figures to justify your shitty game.

titanfall 2 is and alive and well and has never been dead.

lawbreakers is just an anomaly that wasnt marketed well enough and doesnt stand out

most of the best selling paid games are multiplayer. overwatch, battlegrounds, counter strike go etc

>>this doesn't stop the game is actually terrible
But it's really fun
Not talking about the same game are we

>But it's really fun

Sure if you like messy party shit like Deadliest Warrior.

I don't think it's an anomaly, the market is just over saturated with games just like it and the whole "fuckin badass" vibe it's trying to emit doesn't appeal to anyone

>45000 players when it goes free
All brazil I assume

>can't sell game
>7 people playing it most likely the developer begged them to
>I know give game away for free
>but only for one day then drop the price by nearly 70%
>game still never sells after this, because they just gave it away to anyone remotely interested that was spammed by people with a less then an elementary grasp of the English language on youtube to fire up those card farmers.

>people with a less then an elementary grasp of the English language
>a less then

It's gonna drop to a few hundred in couple of days/weeks, just like Evolve Stage 2.

I loved Chivalry when it was a mod, I played the shit out of it when it was a full game, and ninji in Deadliest Warrior is some of the most fun I had in multiplayer video games.

That said, before today I LITERALLY had no idea this existed, nor did any of the people I played Chivalry with. We probably would have bought it if we knew about it.

>titanfall 2 has never been dead.
Try joining a game mode other than Attrition

You're not gonna like Mirage unless you're a low rank shitter on Chiv.

It's because there's an over saturation of video game, and people's time is VERY limited. Look at my fucking backlog. There's too many good games and not enough time. The days of buying one $80 and playing it for 5 months cause you had nothing else is over. It's all about pleasing every niche, sub category and flavor.

Even gays and trannies get their own games now.

people should stop flooding the market with their shit games

43k people idling it for cards atm, game will be back to 30 players by tomorrow night.

im NEET and I literally don't have time to keep up with every game, the market needs to slow the fuck down

get it free today, will never actually play it tho


wtf is my thumbnail that image?

You and this guy posted at the same time, your thumbnail was replaced with his.

you havent played tf2 in a while

you can queue for all modes at once

with pubg, we're paying for the servers. i can't imagine the monthly server bill for this game. running a realtime large FPS environment has been a dream since the mid 90s, and it took this long to execute

for almost everything else, jesus fuck, just make it free. how did they think this game was going to sell for money? how did cliffyb think lawbreakers was going to sell for money? that model is just over, you cant compete against free shit, people will just ignore your game. even fucking BRINK has players being free. If they added a cash shop, they would be making money off of fucking brink 7 years later!!

My TF2 mixtape has attrition, bounty hunt, pvp and ffa and only about 25% of my games are attrition. Not to mention whatever the current featured mode is is always ez to find games.

I do admit sometimes I try to just go for pvp to practice with some weapon and I have to wait a while, but I don't think pvp is very popular anyway.

What a frustrating and unenjoyable game. Who thought it would be a good idea to make even the fastest attacks feel like you're dragging your weapon through molasses? Wanting a slow and methodical game is fine, but that's not the way to go about it.

>Game emphasizes group fighting over solo engagements
>Your only means of blocking without an ability doesn't work against multiple people at all because it goes on a cooldown even if you land it
>Most characters only have the basic block
>You can't disengage regularly because everybody has some sort of gap closer
>Only way not to get immediately fucked is to either hope you're on one of the two maps with abusable terrain, or have an escape ability and it not be on cooldown (and only one without a startup, or you'll be hit out of it)
Only way to win against multiple people is hope they're stupid enough to not attack you all at once. Yes you have teammates, but good fucking luck relying on them for anything.

you rely on the opponent teammates to friendly-fire eachother

Game is horrible and ppayerbasr is full of assholes like all f2p. It is a shifty chivalry. Everyone just plays the class with a two handed sword.

So hope the enemy is dumb enough not to use literally any other attack than the horizontal swipe when fighting with an ally.

>Everyone just plays the class with a two handed sword.
What were they even thinking with him?
>Give character an xbox huge anime sword that does a gorillion damage
>Most of its attacks are slow, but pretty much every attack in the game is just as slow
>The fucking poke is one of the fastest attacks in the game and still does a gorillion damage
>Amazing gap closer
>Has a massive "Block or die" projectile
>Has a high damage ability that comes out faster than any regular attack

Why do the goat dude and cunt with rapier seem so much better than the other classes?

It depends on the game, the situation on the market and luck.

For example: Minecraft
The game was a carbon coipy of Infiminer. Notch coded this game in the worst language possible and hyped the game up and it struck the nerve of the time.
You now see hundreds of copies of Minecraft but none with the same ammount of playerbase.
Same goes for the Survival game Zombie market that szarted with DayZ.
Than the Dino hype we had for a year.

Now its PuBg:
The game itself isnt revolutionary but its the first big game that was marketed.

they're the strongest melee classes in a game about melee

when it should be about magic

this game is absolute trash, some games die and are forgotten for a reason

>even fucking BRINK has players being free.

Brink is back to being dead. F2P isn't as interesting as "free for a day", or Brink is just terrible like Evolve and can't retain players

>Talking shit about MY evolve
Where are you, I'll stomp your fuckin' ballsack

I played the final beta of mirage, Chivalry is one of my favourite games and I've got probably 300 hours in it but Mirage is really just terrible. Felt like a cynical attempt at copying hero shooters with all of Chivalry's strategy and mindgames ripped out.

also does anyone remember nosgoth? it didn't deserve to die

>persian chivalry except shittier
No thanks, TB went to shit when they released Deadliest Warrior which was a buggy mess and killed C:MW on purpose

Must be your ISP censoring your internet.

I actually liked it - but I'm just being honest. It has some of the WORST designed characters and terrible, cringey feminist dialogue.

Do people still play Chivalry at all?

This game is passable, but it really is just making me miss Chivalry instead.

>the game is actually terrible
I'm enjoying it. Combat is very slow, but acceptable.

>5k people playing, 5k people spending money on micro transactions.

>45k people playing, 5k people spending money on transactions.

One isn't any better than the other.

Then you have pubg which everyone has to pay for and that has more active players than every f2p game on steam.

What about
>10 people playing, nobody spending money on the game because it's a dead multiplayer game
>45k people playing who got it free, free publicity for people to buy it later and dead game is no longer a valid argument.
It's a marketing stunt, this is going to give them guaranteed many more sales than if they just let the game stay in it's old state.

I gonna play it now
it is sort of fun, even if it is graphical clusterfuck

It a more lighthearted, colorful, quirky, and easier to pick up version of Chivalry. I've been playing it for a few hours tonight. Overall its pretty good, though there are some server bugs on their end preventing certain things like EXP from working reliably.

If I had known this game existed I probably would have checked it out upon release, but I literally heard about it here for the first time last night.

last i heard tutorial's dead so a lot of people are coming in blind making the game a total cluster

Mirage is like a dull version of Chivalry but with boring magic. Oooh fireball, heal bubble, fire ball strike, jump into the air and stab the ground missing the enemy 60% of the time...egh.

There was a reason why it had 10 concurrent people playing yesterday. This game made me want to reinstall chivalry again.

trolling usedtacould a art

>This game made me want to reinstall chivalry again.
Too bad they fucked the game up completely with updates.

it lost 16k players in hour

If you played the beta you would know why it didn't sell.

It really didn't. I hope someone makes an emulator one day.

>try to join a server
>do it 2-3 times
>finally gets to a match
>connection lost
>thrown back to the main screen like nothing ever happened
probably will try it again tomorrow, or something

What the fuck did they do now?



Developers need to stop locking shit behind grindwalls in games I pay for especially multiplayer games. Especially if unlockables are randomized in loot chests. For example I hate in BF1 that you have to buy all the variants and then grind to unlock the DLC weapons. Or in BLOPS 3 how you had to buy EVERYTHING

>Developers need to stop locking shit behind grindwalls in games I pay for especially multiplayer games.


I remember when I played games for the sake of playing them and not because I'm unlocking shit that should be there from the get-go.

I wish Guns of Icarus did something like this. That game is fun, but it's completely dead. Then the devs had a bright idea to sell a new DLC that costs more than the game itself, but no one bought it because the game is fucking dead. They should have made the base game free and charged for the DLC.

Second one is obviously much better because it gives players a larger pool of players to play with, though.

Titanfall 2 did everything, right. as far as I'm concerned. Free actual content DLC, microtransactions are only cosmetics and unlocking everything from the get go if you don't want to do progression system BS.

EA didn't bother advertising it and put it out concurrently with an actually big (and properly hyped) release just to fuck with Respawn Entertainment, but Origin is why TF2 is dead on PC.

No one wants to bother with it, and even if TF2 is good, few are going to say it or even a better game is worth installing Origin on their PC.

You retard also forgot it dropped to 10k nearly instantly, you fucking retard.