If you're bad at a game your opinion doesn't matter

>if you're bad at a game your opinion doesn't matter

Why is this the general consensus?

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For the same reason expert drivers test drive new models

becasue if you're bad at a game then of course you're going to think it's shit.

Because being bad at it will lead to being frustrated. I'm fucking awful at call of duty and think it's a shit game because I don't have fun when I play it. I feel that more valid criticism would come from a person who's at least decent at the game in question.

If you're shit at a game, how the Hell can anyone expect you to have a well-rounded opinion? You don't have to be a master, or even particularly skilled, but some basic understanding of how to play the game properly would be really fucking refreshing.

Well this in itself doesn't make sense

Because being bad at something strongly correlates to not understanding something well enough to give an informed opinion about it.

It's not. But when your basis for for opinion on something is fundamentally swayed by your ability or lack thereof to play the game, THEN your opinion doesn't matter.

which is why Dean Takashi has all the rights to call cuphead a very challenging game

Your opinion does matter, if you arent mad that you are bad, and you can give clear reasons why the game was bad(at least from your perspective)
usually when people are bad they just want a excuse as to why it is not their fault.
But I played The Club, and 5 minutes in I knew it was garbage my skill aside.

Obviously being good at a game, or having alot of hours into it makes your opinion more valuable.

>supercar manufacturer
>made a new car, 850hp
>hmm I don't know who to pick, my asthmatic grandma or an ex racecar pilot

Because if you don't pass a minimal threshold of skill you can't accurately judge the game's gameplay.
Would you trust someone with only a 4th grade education to give you recommendations on adult literature?

Because games are essentially puzzles far more than they are tests of skill or reflexes, and if someone cannot solve the puzzle then they do not understand it, and if someone does not understand something then their opinion on it is useless.

Wait what?

>Play [game]
>Post timestamped proof of said game
>Bring up criticism about [game]
>People still think you're shitposting after playing it for a decent amount of time and bringing up flaws the game has

>2400 hours
>Wouldn't recommend

To be fair I did something stupid like that and put 300 hours into smash 4, then ended up hating it entirely.

Sometimes that's because of a recent patch. Some games go through some really terrible iterations later on in their lives. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but it's definitely something that happens.

>This game is pretty fun but it's lacking, I hope they improve it in the future
>Oh they're not improving it
>In fact they're only making it worse
>And now I'm starting to notice all the problems the game has had from the start

Happens often but usually it doesn't take 2000+ hours, more like 100-200.

If I want to know a review of something, I will trust the opinions of an expert more than a common man innit

They're called "expert" for reasons

>game adds microtransactions.

Because it's basic logic. Someone who plays Bayonetta and does nothing but mash X is not going to offer a well-rounded opinion on its combat mechanics.

Literally me and FFXIV

>cant make it past bronze in street fighter
>think you are qualified to talk about the game's mechanics

Someone who is bad at a thing cannot provide any useful information to anyone who is good at it. This is especially true in video games where if you're not good enough to get pay the first few levels, you have no basis for telling me whether the game holds up at the middle and end

Post more Poptepipic


This. Ff11 was the perfect and definitive MMO experience, then when SE were about to release ff14 they tried to get people to switch by increasing the lvl cap and shitting out Abyssea which basically killed the game. I have 17000h in ffxi and hate the pile of crap that retail is now. It's why private servers for MMOs exist in the first place.

Honestly they should just do an everquest and release a legacy server then do an Eve Online and keep developing and marketing it.

>I have 17000h in ffxi
That is quite literally almost two years playing the game continuously without sleep or breaks. user are you healthy?

Being bad doesn't automatically make an opinion worthless. It's just that people with stupid opinions about a game are usually bad at it, having no comprehension of the game mechanics and design decisions. If they did, odds are they'd be less bad.

If you're bad at reading, I'm not gonna trust your opinion on a book,

I loved smash 4 and probably only played 100 hours or so

how do you play a game you hate for 300 hours?!

It's been out for what, 16 years now?

Former EvE player here.

Whenever-the-fuck-I-feel-like-it-reminder: EvE is now pay to win trash and should be avoided.

Last I heard it might dying (and actually dying, not just the "eve is perpetually dying" meme). They haven't released their sub numbers recently like they used to. Good Riddance.

Know somebody who dropped Duck Game at the 832 hours mark.