Deconfirmed for dbfz

>deconfirmed for dbfz

>kienzan can overpower shin kikoho
>krillin lost before tien

>no shitting on tryhards online with krillin solar flare spam like in budokai/tenkaichi


Tien was my favorite character in the original Dragonball

Feels Bad Man

>spam anything
Youre the cunts that ruin any couch vs


*Characters listed from their initial appearance, of course including later stuff.
*This only takes into account moveset quantity(including transformations and potential support stuff), not moveset uniqueness.
*Moveset source must be manga for DB/DBZ(primarily) and anime for OVA/Specials/Filler/Movies/GT/Super. Games are complementary only.
*Being able to fly(in some way) and fire ki blasts(this doesn't mean having a dedicated ki button) is a requirement until a character that doesn't have either or both gets in.
*Yeah, lots of Super characters have potential, but they must first show more moves.

-Kid Goku(flight with Nimbus)
-Roshi(flight with Gamera)
-King Piccolo
-Base Goku

-Kid Gohan
-Base Vegeta
-Imperfect Cell
-Future Gohan
-Majin Vegeta
-Super Buu
-Ultimate Gohan
-Kid Buu

TV Specials/OVAs:

Anime Filler:

-Lord Slug
-Meta Cooler

-Kid Goku (GT)
-Baby Vegeta
-SS4 Goku
-Super 17
-Nuova Shenron
-Omega Shenron

-Merged Zamasu

Goddamn I hate Plague
>that's how bad it is
Tien is not a main character. Tien is a side character. Him not attacking for 60 episodes is not weird. It's normal.

I wouldn't say it's particularly a bad list, but I'm really getting tired of seeing it in almost every DBFZ thread

>meanwhile Roshi, Krillin, and even fucking 17 get Toriyama handjobs.

Is it asking too much just to see Tien do some cool shit for at least 1 episode?

Tien is such a nothing character
shoulda been killed off

>implying death has any meaning in Dragon Ball

>mfw people still expect something other than the adventures of Goku and Vegeta out of Dragon ball.

Even that is saying much because Vegeta exists solely to let Goku look good.

>Japan doesn't like Tien

*No-one* ever liked Tien, Plague is just realizing he's the only faggot who does, its hilarious!

FUCK you.

What in the FUCK did they do to Oolong?

Does Uub count as a human?

That's what the last episode was :^)

Tien got one of the more badass moments in the series when he held back cell with the tribeam.

Now hes even less than nothing

it has become pasta

Same here. Truly a waste of great design.


Using multiform and still managed to gey hit and lose after barely being able to tie up the team lost with the guy who he fought with?

Tien sure is cool.

We'll be playing Yamcha/Tien/Krillin teams yet, if not in the core roster then in DLCs.
Team Earth strong!

No fuck YOU leather man.

Krillin stopped training for fucking years and was competing with SSG Goku in a KHH wave while Tien got his shit slapped by Gohan mid combo. Don't give me that MC bullshit.

He doesn't have to fight every episode but he needs to his "moment" like everyone else.

Plague is incorrect about two things: Yamcha not really wanting to train seriously (until the Cell saga at least) and Yamcha actively sleeping around. Thanks to Toriyama, he's afraid of women again, to the point where he got fired from his job at a host club because he couldn't get over his fear. So don't use Yamcha as an example for "wasted power so who cares" in that regard. Use Yajirobe instead.

Fuck off, Yamcha needs two handjobs, maybe even one that ends with a quick blowup Lilu style. Even his episode in Super had him getting shat on by the second half, and it ended in his death pose (though he lived through). I can't make a single event that has gone great for without it backfiring for Yamcha ever since Dragon Ball, and even then that's rare.

Piccolo stole his stoic personality right from under him. If anything, Tien should have been the sarcastic, dry witted yet serious guy.

Despite all this Plague still thinks Super is good.

According to him, the only reason people dislike Super is because of "muh power-levels don't make sense".

Look at positives - at least he isn't Yamcha.


>tfw Dragon Ball was the only part of DB I had watched until 2008
>Tien, Yamcha and Launch were my favourite characters

>>krillin lost before tien
But won against more opponents.
Tien has a tie with 1.


He had an assist kill, though.

Fuck new animation looks shit. I wonder if good hand drawn non computerized animation will ever make a comeback

Then it's obviously Uub

>new Dragon Ball is shit
I think everyone already knows that

Capitalism says no, digital animation is cheaper and more efficient money-wise.


The future arc was the closest thing to adventure with goku and vegeta. I would love it if part of their training was to fly around the galaxy and gather the super dragonballs.


feels bad man

The issue isn't even that Digital Animation is cheaper and more efficient.

Look at Yamato 2199 which used Digital Animation or Made in Abyss. It's not the animation style, it's the people who cut corners because they're soulless studios like Toei

I don't need to watch a 20+ minute video to know Super is shit.

God I remember watching that movie for the first time it was so good

fucking shameful

Jesus, this guys editing is fucking infuriating

no he is a human buu hybrid with the soul of a primeval being

>Meanwhile Krillin is constantly on screen even after losing and managed to take out more people than Tien without self sacrificing


>Comparing a movie to a TV show
You're fucking stupid.

>Goku Black arc wasn't the movie for super

>tons of fuller when they could have gave us more info on the different universes

The goku black arc would have been a good movie too.

it would be funny if people started spamming Sup Forums with it

Yamcha doesn't give a shit about fighting though. He's a womanizing bandit turned rich, super famous pro baseball player.

Tien dedicates his entire life to fighting and getting stronger, and may as well be weaker than Yamcha and IS weaker than Krillin somehow. And Krillin fucked off and stopped training too, while marrying a super hot blonde and having a family with her.

The least they could do is make Tien successful at training others, like how Master Roshi raised people up. I mean he's got a fuckload of techniques and can learn things instantly, but nope.

I don't really care about what parts people like or dislike about Dragon Ball as a series because I don't watch Dragon Ball for rational reasons in the same way someone would like something like moeshit or Naruto.

I think most people are like that with dbz but they're too scared to admit it so they criticize parts they don't like and leave parts they do like untouched.

Regardless, the left still looks like irredeemable dogshit.

it's getting one
>6 feet
> awesome hair
>top 20 most popular character according to polls
>pro athlete
>got over fear of women and gain a chadlike confidence
>still loved by the fanbase despite lacking in fighting and a meme.
>not cucked by Toriyama like Tien who sadly had his purpose in life shit on :(
>Took the virginity and in a relationship with the smartest/richest woman in the world for almost 2 decades.
>Cucked a angry genocidal manlet from a race of savage monkeys with a receding hairline.
>Vegeta got domesticated and gets Yamchads sloppy seconds and Bulma's saggy breast.
>Richest athlete in the world and the second richest z-fighters; Satan doesn't count because his wealth is built on a lie.
> Went from bandit thief to living like Hugh Hefner
>Shapeshifting blue cat best friend who can change into hot girls,even teen bulma.
> Yamcha can still fuck any version of bulma through Puar.
> Vegeta is stuck with spoiled brat Trunks rather than badass Future Trunks meaning he is better off dead.
>Vegeta will always be number 2 while Yamcha can just relax while his best friends can save the world.
>Can fuck any girl in the world and if not then can just get Puar to shape shift.
>Best wingman in Puar and best bro
>Friends love him even though he's sometimes ditzy and fucks up.
>Only died twice which is low for the series.
>He won the Saibaman fight until it caught him off guard. Died like everyone else to Buu.
>A jobber only because plot not skill
> was never a serious fighter anyway just a hobby.
>Funny, charismatic and confident .
> A real chad not some angry manlet
>Didn't cry like a bitch when he got BTFO unlike Vegetard.
Yamchad has the most comfy life.

>And Krillin fucked off and stopped training too, while marrying a super hot blonde and having a family with her.
Krillin trains with 18 every night.

its a tv special, and the rest of its animation wasnt as good as this scene but they made this scene look good because its a powerful moment. the same cant be said about super

But Tien never got cucked by a balding genocidal midget and that already makes him a far more respectable character.

>cucked out of being the best fighter by Goku
>cucked out of his kingdom always a prince never king.
>cucked by height, is a 5 feet manlet
>cucked by hairline, a receding widows peal
>cucked by Yamcha who took his wife's virginity and fucked her many times, still friends.
>cucked by Beerus unlike Goku
>cucked by Bulma's saggy breast
>cucked by Toriyama because his creator hates him
>cucked by Goku because he will never be hsi best friend unlike Krillin.
>Goku is more of a best friend to piccolo,tien and Yamcha than Vegetard is.
>cucked by Villians because he always jobs to them to show how much better Goku is.
>cucked by Toei because he is probably elimated at 3rd in the TOP
>cucked because future trunks aka best trunks only exist because he died. Now stuck with spoiled annoying brat Kid Trunks.
>cucked by Goku and Frieza because he has to work with the guy who killed his race.
>cucked by "pride"because he let Cell transform.
>cucked by Cell because he is the reason he became perfect and kicked his ass.
>cucked by Frieza when he shot that bastard in the heart.
>cucked by Frieza because he let him destroy earth.
>cucked because he dances and sings about Bingo
>cucked because he cant cook unlike Yamcha who is stated to be an excellent cook even better than bulma and chichi by Toriyama.
>cucked by Buu and Babadi
>cucked when Goku kicked his ass
>cucked by Krillin when he couldve killed him until Goku thought Vegetard was still useful like as a punching bag.
>cucked by Yajirobe
>cucked by Dende
>cucked by Piccolo and Tien when they shit on his race's armor.
>cucked by Goku when he outright said he is inferior.
>cucked by Bulma because he has to mooch on her to surivie.
>Cucked by Baby,Cooler,Broly
>cucked by Bra when she called his hair lame.
>cucked by the Ginyu Force,Goku did the heavy lifting.
>cucked by Ribrianne because hes a pussywho cant hit a fatty.
>cucked because he a "prince" of an almost dead race half of which of half breeds.
>cucked by 18

So no one has gotten an email yet?!

I guess its time to call to quits


>wanting what makes Dragonball trash to infect super when Z was free from that virus


>tv special
A Japanese TV special. So movie quality.

Piccolo lost three arms to indirect fire from the sniper. How am I expected to believe those 1/4 power Tien clones all survived taking direct hits?

Yamcha never got over his fear of women aside from becoming more accustomed to Bulma and maybe Chichi. It's obvious that Bulma's claim that he cheated was her own misconception, since Yamcha always had girls chasing after him

So we'll compare the upcoming DBS tv special to the DBZ movies then

Why is this Plague( or Plaque as I like to call him) under the impression that people ever liked Tien?

He's a left over shit ass character from the prequel.

what do you mean after the time skip in dragon ball he could talk to girls without turning into mush

isn't that just a 3 episode special we need to compare the goku black movie not a 3 part episode

I think he's upset because nobody cared about most of the characters who got bullshit power ups off screen in Super either, but Tien was specifically excluded.

>goku black movie
thats not being made?

People like Android 17 and Master Roshi thou-

>bullshit powerups

Yeah, why wouldn't the android built to beat Goku based on projections of power that has infinite statimina be able to take on SSJB Goku?

Why wouldn't master roshi be able to keep up, even though its a common trope of the martial arts master holding back.


people were talking about on Sup Forums saying black is a Z movie character

Nobody has cared about 17 since Cell absorbed him

Everyone got a moment in the spotlight, and showed why they should be a member of Team U7, except Tien. Just compare him to Krillen, who is also made fun of all the time.
Krillen beat Gohan, and gave Goku a run for his money, while also defeating multiple opponents, one with his wife and one by himself, before the sucker punch.
Tien gets his ass kicked by Roshi, gets his stomach popped by Gohan, and than loses in one of the shittest self-sacrifice scene's you can imagine.

In the video Plague talks a lot about "contempt for the character coming off the pages" and that fits Yamcha more than anyone else. While Tien gets cold indifference Yamcha getting bullied and belittled is a well established tradition by this point.

>Roshi got an entire episode to himself to show that "he's still got it"
>Tien had to tie against some mook who was barely capable without some fatass reflecting his shots like a disco ball.
I'm not expecting him to beat the big bad, but the last time Tien had an awesome moment was when he stalled Imperfect Cell, which btw was over 25 years ago.




He has no character, no interesting abilities, did nothing cool ever. Even yamcha and that fat guy who cut off vegetas tail still did better.

bait yamcha did do more than tien and is better but that fat samurai ronin fuck is just plain bad

Well, each of those guys brought something different to the table. Roshi is old but experienced fighter, Krillin is the relatively weak but crafty fighter, 17 is a bishounen. Tien has to compete with Piccolo and Vegeta for the composed and/or serious fighter. He brings little to the table.

>they bring 17 back but not cell
>they won't at least acknowledge GT even though it had great character design

Because they forced him to join the team for no reason, so now we all have to recognize that he exists for most of the duration of the saga. There was really no one at all, in the entirety of their Universe, to fill that empty slot but him? Hell, they could have brought in fucking Uub.

if your gonna use my pasta atleast post the pics i also need to make some corrections

Popular or not, they should have tried to get people excited to see him.
Why waste a few episodes focusing on him, when they don't care?
They really should have just picked up Yamcha and taken him along for the ride. He would have been played up as a joke, but he would as least have been more entertaining.

Its called zoning bro. git gud

>they scrapped Buu for Freeza when they could have just scrapped Tien for Freeza, and Buu could have done useful things for the tournament.
I just don't understand Toei's thought process.


why didnt they bring yamchad

Roshi retired after Tien beat him, Krillin has given up martial arts twice now, and 17 doesn't bring anything different to the table from 18 other than infuriation.

Krillin is so awesome he fucked a robot till she was pregnant.

Is there a correlation of people getting VIP codes? Is it random? I heard the main people that got em was subscribers to PS+ for a long time.

What is really funny, is that Yamcha would have been capable of taking out quite a few fighters in this tournament.
The other universes are so inferior, some of their fighters would have gotten their asses kicked by the literal butt monkey of U7.

>Why wouldn't master roshi be able to keep up, even though its a common trope of the martial arts master holding back.

Because pic related

>Hell, they could have brought in fucking Uub.
I think Dende said earlier in this arc that Uub had either just been born or was still an infant

he could have used the multiform more than once. he may have made more than four copies.

>show doesn't get better, but visually worse somehow, 23 years later
YOU'RE fucking stupid

What happened with Lunch anyway? At least they could've given her to Yamcha after the great cuckening.

Toriyama forgot about her. In-universe she becomes an alcoholic for some reason, and later a truck driver.
Pretty sure that girl who snuck into Tien's dojo is going to replace her as Tien's woman.

>TFW they didn't use the ova version because it would have juxtapose how horrible the rest of the show looked