Pardon me most aesthetic aliens coming through


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fuck 343 designs

i'm still upset I couldn't play as elites in later games

Too many faggots complained about everything elite related because not muh master chief/spartans

I love them.

Elites are the perfect mix of human characteristics and alien bullshit. They're perfect

I think this was Reach. Isn't that still Bungie?

Yeah, fp is a brainlet.

Where are the Sangheili women?

>oogabooga where ayyylien women at?

>meet sentient alien bipedals
>know deep down that humans and the aliens are gonna fug

We're all sick.

Sangheili are reptillians, it's not as thought their women would have huge tits as they're not mammals, and we don't even know if there's sexual dimorphism in the race.


>spread that cloaca you split lip whore

Fuck off thicc fag

someone post sangheili women NOW


sangheili men are so hot

*sexually appealing

They are slimmer than the males, I want to put my penis in one and make her pregnant

did absolute justice to the Halo 2 cutscenes, too bad MCC was utter third-world garbage

What do you think his penis looks like?

It's long, bumpy, and purple.

I'm noticing lately that a lot of faggots keep posting the worst Halo games in the series, ODST and Reach.


t. 343i lead dev

>armor skins are entire separate models to the original armor

I like to think it's a scaley grey human looking dick like in all the SFM

No they didn't. The camera angles are wrong far too often, sound effects are wrong, (Arbiter makes generic Elite grunting noises that aren't even his voice, Mercy hitting his chair with his fist is too heavy for how small and frail he is) so many god damn lighting effects that weren't in the original scenes and everything is over detailed. They should have just remade the original cutscenes using in game assets.

>purple dino jizz

>Imagine a number of times the Art Director of a videogame looms over the shoulder of one of the character designers in the middle of a drawing, leans in close, and whispers in his ear, "Now draw the cock, balls, and the asshole".
>Imagine being the character designer.
>WTF would you do?
>I'd probably suck him off.

>using in-game assets
holy shit you're something special

I would still bang.

We must go where no human has ever gone before.

Why can't you eurofags post Halo 1, 2, or 3? All three games had a better campaign and multiplayer than those piece of shits I even enjoyed Halo 4 and 5's campaigns more than theirs, also Halo 5 multiplayer shits on Reach. You faggots keep shilling ODST and Reach like that's going to change anyone opinions of them. They were shitty testing beds for Bungie sorry excuse of a new IP Destiny, I rather consider them non-canon.

What's the problem with that? The game looks just fine and the cutscenes would have been exactly the same as the originals except with the new graphics, what's the issue here?


Yep, it's European hours alright.

>I even enjoyed Halo 4 and 5's campaigns

I actually prefer it that way

>not white washing the refugee aliens to think Earth culture is best culture

>An actual prequel

Ok it's time you go to bed. Also, ODST had best music and atmosphere tied with 1.

Halo 4's campaign was decent, Halo 5 level design was fun. ODST and Reach were shit.

>implying a pajeet could make a cutscene with in-game assets
the entire collection was run through outsourcing you dip


Halo Reach Elites and their armor design were the definitions of perfect, and I mean perfect. Amazing representations of impressive, and agile alien warriors.

Then 343 fucking ruined everything by ruining the armor and character designs. and then they turned the Elites into slow moving, clunky unaesthetic faggots.

user want milkies. You owe me from the deal

When you shit on the canon of Halo 1-3 then yeah it's non-canon.
>muh music
>muh atmosphere
The same fucking excuse you fags always make for that piece of shit.

I refuse this

holy shit you do have brain damage

Well then they should have put effort into the fucking game, but this is 343 and Microsoft so that was never an option.

The armor was cool, but I hate what they did to their faces, it made them look less intelligent.


>not white washing the refugee aliens to think Earth culture is best culture
That's pretty much already happening given that all the damn elites moving to Earth


books are never canon, I bet you were in tears for months when the SWEU was 'retconned'. cry harder, bitch boy.

The books are canon though.

Do you? You keep shilling the same fucking bait every day. Here we have three of the best Halo games Halo 1, 2, and 3 yet you fags keep shilling the worst games in the series. I'm starting to think you're the same Sony nigger that keeps making those stupid Destiny 2 threads.

If you're talking about their single shade, dark eyes, it's explained that the Elites on Reach used smart contact lens like devices. This gave them their distinctive, inky eye color. I personally thought it made them look even sleeker.

Don't worry, Legends visuals are non-canon. Females look almost exactly like males, except a bit smaller in most cases.

Fucking nips.
But then again, japs view non-japs as alien as they come, which is why all "aliens" in their shitty movies and mangos are just differently colored humans.

They deserve a third one

Absolute GOAT
Halo Legends aren't canon, just like that Batman anime that tries to tie in the Dark Knight trilogy.

if a game 'retcons' a book, it's not canon. just like if a movie retcons 30 years worth of books, not one of them is canon.

I never said anything about the books, I specifically said Halo 1-3, did I not?

This was confirmed as non-canon on the release day of Halo Legends.


It was implied that the Elites in Halo 1 also had contact lenses, as their eyes were the same color as their armor. I just don't like how black and empty they look.

ok, so what about 1-3 did reach not work with? the opening cutscene of 1? the terminals in the various games?


>mfw fighting elite stealth honor guards on legendary

Looking at these really makes me wish somebody had actually put real effort into making a good Halo anime, instead of just shitting this crap out.

They've got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.

Most of them are actual refugees that want to escape from the politcal climate of their home world. A few of them are crazy fuck that tries to do things like set off a nuke in a town.

I give it at least one generation for it to turn around.

>yfw LASO

The only way the jap would ever think of sucking an alien if they look "human" enough. Of course, the west aren't immune to this, either.

>vidmaster flashbacks intensify

What's weird for 343 to talk about that happening, Warfleet just revealed the Covenant has colonies around thousands of star systems, with even backwater dumps like Hesduros having 2 billions residents. So it doesn't really make sense to evacuate to Earth when there are many other worlds that have more similar cultures to choose from.

They had awful hitboxes, you have to shoot ABOVE an elite's head for a headshot.

>that one fag that choked on the jump at the end

they had the same hitboxes as spartans

stop being a shitter


Elite and Brute designs
Jackals wielding shields in left hand
Banshee designs
Phantoms on Reach
Brutes and Drones on Reach
UNSC technology at points in time look too primitive or too advance
Covenant technology looks more advanced than the ones from Halo 1-3
Grunts going suicidal when Arbiter said it was because of their fear of the Brutes in Halo 3
Scorpion model
Different Warthog variants
Halo 3 era Scarabs
Brute Chieftans having Energy shields
Spartan Laser being in the game
Master Chief and other Spartan IIs not even being mentioned
Marines design on the POA level
Assualt Rifle design

Are they still following the law where they can't use Covenant tech because of some religion shit because it seem that without that, they're hit back to the stone age.

Assuming you mean Forerunner tech, nah, they said fuck that and have been going hog-wild with developing shit. Though even with that doctrine, they still made great innovations. Sangheili even developed slipspace travel way back before the Covenant when it was heresy to even think about using Forerunner tech, let alone reverse engineer it.

Yeah, I really love lizard girls and all, but I hate the princess' look and her personality so much that I went full skeleton, not knowing that skeleton princess is a true waifu material.

Personally, I hated how feminine even the skeleton princess looked.


>tfw the only person in existence that thought reach was a good game
except for armor lock

Well I guess those colonies still has a tie with the political atmosphere. I just think they had them go to Earth because A: there no Sangheili politic to deal with and B: trying to add some ties with the humans just to remind us about the treaty.

Either way, I would give it a generation before you got some lucky fuck fucking with those alien girls.

Nah I like it.

Art direction, story, set pieces, skybox's, characters, music, forge, and custom games were all great. I just didn't like the gameplay too much.

>Either way, I would give it a generation before you got some lucky fuck fucking with those alien girls.
Gross. Alien guys are where it's at.

No one likes your shitty redesigns, 343.

>Implying Sangheili women don't already fantasize about being fucked by Spartans

I'm pretty sure he out of your league. You could try that fuckboy that is part of those "human sympathizer" group.

Those are the only design that 343 made that were good, the only actual flaw are the lack of toes.

Are you referring to the designs in that pictures, or the Elites in Halo 4 and 5?

But aren't new Spartans just greenhorns in armor these day?

Hey, now! N'tho is a gem. For all of Hunters in the Dark's many flaws, N'tho's characterization was not one of them.

Spartan 4s are normal adult marines and ODSTs that got turned into Spartans after the war. Gameplay wise, they're identical to 343's Spartan 2s, but canon wise, they're mass produced garbage.

Yeah, figure as much.

>you will NEVER EVER get to play a Halo game where you play exclusively as an Elite

my biggest problem with blur's cutscenes is how rushed and unnatural the dialogue is

who would you fight?