Are MMO's fun when people socialize in game?
Are MMO's fun when people socialize in game?
If you don't like socializing with people in person what makes you think you'd enjoy it online? People are still annoying.
Does anyone want to "socialize" with me?
If you don't socialize in MMOs, you shouldn't be allowed to play MMOs. No literally, if you've gone months or even weeks without talking to anyone about anything in an MMO you should be banned from playing it.
Good luck clearing raids without the quiet gregors.
MMOs were originally about dungeon crawling with friends and strangers, or interacting in a world where you can affect the enviroment.
Very few MMOs have either features of a good sandbox or themepark MMO anymore, because the core aspects of MMOs, massively multiplayer driven gameplay was pushed aside to instead obtain as many cucklords as possible to sub/buy microtransaction shit.
What really fucking sucks is there is no good fantasy MMO on the market right now, just WOW and its clones.
Technically you're still being social with them, they have to get invited somehow.
Queue based MMOs aren't real MMOs mind you
Nobody socializes in MMOs anymore. You just click that LFR button and faceroll the keyboard till you get loot.
Runescape 3 is pretty gud
I agree. People shit on RuneScape a lot but the way quests are done is probably the best out of every single MMO.
MMOs are only fun when people socialize
It's why MMOs are shit these days
>Very few MMOs have either features of a good sandbox
The only MMO that lets you affect the world in any substantial way is EVE
the rest are all sandboxes.
>because the core aspects of MMOs, massively multiplayer driven gameplay was pushed aside to instead obtain as many cucklords as possible to sub/buy microtransaction shit.
WoW is basically a single player game with some queued multiplayer content and minigame crap attached to it.
>enter dungeon with randomly assigned gang
>say "Hi."
>15 minutes later we're done
>try to say "Bye," but everybody already left
Sure is fun making new friends.
They used to be. That time is over. Now we are in the dark times.
They still are social experiences in sandbox MMOs.
Does WOW look like this now? Can they actually do fingernails and shit?
I got the MMO itch.
Is ESO good and alive?
I wish man, I want to be a slutty human bitch so bad but i dunno with the models how they are.
>play an mmo
>doesn't want interaction
It's like masturbating with your own hand but you paid for the license for masturbation and the tax for touching your penis with your hand.
How much content is there in RS if you're just a free player?
>started playing Elder Scrolls Online recently
>its alright, pretty standard fair, feels more like a singleplayer game than an MMO if anything
>find and entrance to some cave
>turns out its a dungeon and I leave
>stand out the front for a bit
>someone else runs up and stand there too
>someone else comes up
>invite them too
>we stand there for a few minutes dancing and fucking around
>someone else comes up and they are invited
>we all play instruments and dance around for a bit while deciding which tier of dungeon to enter
>we enter
>have fun
>everyone is popping emotes and talking throughout the run
>its over
>wave goodbye
>continue on with the game
>discover there is a group finder for dungeons
>use it
>teleport to dungeon
>its over quick
>not a single bit of interaction between the players
The problem with MMOs now is that they are so streamlined that you can make an algorithm that can play the game for you and it wont run into any real troubles. Remember in WoW when you had to gather at the those stones outside of dungeons, sometimes you even had to -god forbid- walk to the dungeon entrance and communicate with people to make a party? MMOs NEED players to communicate and problem solve among themselves, not have features which surmount the need for communication.
>enter a game room
>throw out a symbol chat "Hi!" or something to that effect
>everyone in the room does the same
>"red pipe is good"
>hop into the red teleport gate
>dropped into the Forest with the other players
>BS with them while slaying Boomas and Hildebears
>play with them for an hour or so
>have a genuinely good time
>not even thinking about leveling or grinding, just enjoying chilling with others
Can't say I've had such a positive experience with other MMOs but PSO did it so well. I think the secret is not being "massive." This is truly a game meant to be played WITH others.
I meet someone every time I visit Echo Islands in vanilla. Legion went 1-110 with 0 interaction
Earlier MMOs, like UO, allowed you to build in the world, or play as bandits and shit, or learn trade skills, that affected the game's economics, which did allow you to change the world, similar to EVE.
EVE is just the only MMO sandbox left these days.
Like I said, Microtransaction shit, or appeasing to a mass market when MMOs are a very niche market (WOW being the outlier)
MMOs are fun when people ERP.
Its not just queues that ruin it, its the fact they give you too many direct goals and there is always only one way to finish said goals, and by doing that you're incentivized not to explore and have fun, but you're incentivized to get it done with asap so you can move onto the next thing.
Because of this core game design, any multiplayer focused content must be queue based, otherwise players hit a brick wall and will flat out quit.
Vanilla WOW for all its flaws, at least got the formula right, soloing should be annoying and slow, but doable, but grouping should be easy and fun, but then they fucked it up for everyone by focusing entirely on the end game and becoming the 'big dog' of mmos, thus everyone followed suit with all the terrible desicions blizzard has added over the years, which ironically lost them millions upon millions of subs, and people wonder why their WOW clone MMOs fail.
What I really want to see is the Early Access survival game crap to die away, because many of those games got the core of what makes an MMO fun right, they just put it in a cancerous shell of game design while also limiting themselves with dedicated servers.
Haha LOL :-)
>Is ESO good
I wasn't joking
Do a lot of people ERP in BDO or ESO?
I wouldn't know, sorry, I only play WoW and FFXIV.
>being so fucking stupid you expect to make friends in a dungeon everyone is speedrunning for quest/daily compeltion
Grouping was never easy and fun in vanilla. Chain quest lines required finding people at the same steps. Dungeons required everyone to travel while bitching about it after screaming in general chat for an hour or so to get the group forums. If you lost the tank or healer at any point for any reason you fucked your run beyond redemption. That was not easy or fun.
You are one stupid son of a btich.
Guess I'll have to resub to WoW eventually, actually feel like playing it after so many years.
I really like it, but I've legit NEVER played it before Legion. Still more an FFXIV player though.
Don't you have your weekly LFR to clear?
As far as ESO goes its definitely unique for an MMO because of the levelling
>level doesnt matter, levelling up gives you points to spend on buying new abilities, not just flat stat increases, depending on you skill and effectiveness you can go anywhere and do anything, rather than walking into a high level enemy and it being impossible to defeat because your arent levelled high enough, a difficult enemy is a difficult enemy regardless of your level, levelling up more wont allow you to wipe the floor with the enemy
As I said above, it plays more like a single player game, which is kindof to its detriment actually. All the quests are fleshed out and are lengthy, the world is fucking huge and there are things to bump into everywhere. If you want to explore Tamriel its a great way to do it, since its every region and not just one per game, but if you expect a good game out of an MMO thats like expecting shit to taste like pudding, its a stretch to say any of the ES games are good games for gameplay, but there is definitely an appeal to them still.
Just try not to blur through the quests like in other MMOs where you see someone with a marker over their head and you press on them then just hammer next to get the quest, kill 5 wolves and walk back to them without reading a single thing they say.
Too bad shit like wikis and youtube killed it.
I wish wow characters could actually look like this
I honestly think this game would be massively improved by the visuals. Shit, I would play again if it had proper models and the armours werent just flat textures. It would make seeing the world alot more interesting.
I started playing ESO recently and so far it's way better than FFXIV and WoW. It feels more active since you have to block and dodge attacks plus aim at the enemies rather than just pressing tub and then mashing 1-2-3 forever. Also, and this is a big part for me personally, it has the best UI I have ever seen in an MMO. It super easy to navigate, there's no nonsense cluttering the screen, the chat box disappears, but when it's there it's small and not intrusive, no huge minimap covering an entire corner of your screen while the other corner is covered by a gigantic, unnecessary HP/MP/STA+character portrait. Because I really need to constantly fucking see my character's head in the corner. But yea, it's quite fun. On the other hand, I'm not even level 20 and I've already come across 2 game breaking bugs (not really game breaking, but in order to progress you have to log out and back in again)
>Like particularly fleshed-out and fulfilling socializing
>Others prefer lighter interaction
It's difficult.
>how dare you to play like you want!
>Play mmorpg X
>Play mmorpg Y
>Little to no social interaction. Dungeons are behind simple click>join>teleport into dungeon>finish system
>Gameplay on most mmorpg feels average at best.
And this is the reason only feature i want from my mmorpg games anymore is RP-community and possibilities. Without those, the game genre is dead.
They have 3D armor now and the models look 100times better than before
I miss the social aspect of EQ, people would actually socialise and find shit to do rather than just grind.
*raises paw*
Care to show? Pauldrons and helms arent what I mean, the chest pieces are flat, the legs are flat or are a blob if its a skirt, and the boots are a lump on your feet with a texture. Heres another MMO, notice how the armor isnt a flat skin over the character, it has bumps and rivets, there are pieces that hang from it and move about, it looks like it has layers and isnt a tattoo on the model.
I havent played WoW in years, I could be wrong.
*Stabs you in the gut*
Not that kind of RP community.
>play free trial of wow
>say something to or emote at almost every single person you see in-game
>none of them react at all
what did they mean by this
>Forever Alone
Social people don't play MMOs, idiot.
Anyone want to ERP?
Can someone explain the appeal of MMOs to someone who fucking loves playing a conventional couch co-op or LAN game instead, something that isn't "buy our game plus subscription also the game is serverside" shit.
I have played a few MMOs and dropped each of them because the content and gameplay was so bad it felt like a chore to complete. Is talking to random people the appeal? Is that what I'm missing?
*it was an hologram*
nice try
Community is dead as fuck outside of what you absolutely need other people for like raiding and shit. Try your luck on RP servers.
Looking for ERP in FFXIV. Female characters only, please.
I play on Gilgamesh. Hmu :3
>a good fighter quits while he's ahead
a timesink, game to play with friends, and exploration of a new world.
I've been meaning to get into TESO recently, but I see it's received quite a few paid DLC pieces. Are they required? I don't mean the Morrowind expansion.
I've never really understood this, I've never played an MMO with content good enough to justify playing it, especially with a hefty price tag.
My friend got me to buy FF XIV and ESO and they somehow make FF XIII and Skyrim look like good games by comparison.
Fuck off you degenerate lizard piece of shit. I wish your kind would fuck off to your own servers.
>lizard shitter
>didn't even get a character on Balmung before they locked it down
LMAOing at your life
>The only MMO that lets you affect the world in any substantial way is EVE
True in theory, but your average player can do jack shit in EVE. All the real power is in the hands of the people that run corporations and alliances, and who are effectively movers and shakers in EVE. It's a game that runs on guild drama and most people simply aren't cut out for it.
Well, I honestly wouldn't suggest any modern MMOs nowadays because they are essentially just single player games with occasional parties, which you don't even have to look for anymore. Before all the LFG queue and quest marker nonsense, people actually had to work together to advance in the game. Now it's just mindless multi-singleplayer action for the most part.
Id say the newest sets in wow are like 70% 3D
>I've never really understood this, I've never played an MMO with content good enough to justify playing it, especially with a hefty price tag.
Because that's the point - you have to overlook the subpar gameplay and repetitive nature to get the persistence and players you interact with.
>chestpiece is still fucking texture
R-Rude!! >.
Oh I wanna come!
Potato master race, fuck off faggot.
Fug, I don't give a shit about interacting with players, if I wanted to do that I would meet up with friends for CS 1.6 and Warcraft 3 custom maps.
Ah well, I already paid for ESO and XIV, I'll force myself to finish the campaign at least so my money isn't wasted.
Lodestone? 0w0
My mom likes to play MMOs because she can set a goal and work leisurely to complete it and because of the massive scale and relative ease of most MMOs she can unwind after her day and do this. Usually the goals she sets for herself are things like collecting all the old pets or getting a new crafting skill to max level. I hate the way she plays because I'm a hyper competitive player so when I do get on MMOs once in a blue moon I like to go hard in PvP and top level raiding.
I like that MMOs can accommodate both of our play styles. In fact I'd say the way she plays it is more in line with how it should be played and she doesn't socialize much, if at all. She just plays a relaxing experience in an alternate world where you get to be your own hero in whatever way you want
Chestpiece is just a texture, but thats massively better than what I was expecting. I honestly was tempted to resub just to play dressup but Ive been away too long.
All beast tribes get the bullet, cats and lizards included.
>le no one socializes anymore!
Explain my filled friends list of mythic+ acquaintances and multiple WoW guild Discord servers.
I'll just make an alt your server.
Big problem with modern MMORPGs is that MMO part has lost its appeal. That shit doesn't fascinate people like it used to 10+ years ago mow that practically everything is online and involves some level of persistence.
None of them are your friends, they're just using you for clears. Loser.
Everyone knows that you make friends in the capital cities and in global chat complaining about Trump for the ninth time that day.
Certainly. They can also be fun when people don't socialize in game. It really depends on what your tastes are.
Best done in a guild or the like, though, rather than to randoms in quick-matched daily dungeons or whatever the hell. Most people just want their shit and want out from those.
>trying to find m+ group in finder
>m+0 880+
>m+2 900+
they mostly attract emoticon spammers and reddit users like flies to shit
Guild drama and political power plays are the shit you have to really be into in order to enjoy EVE to it's fullest. There's a lot of people like me that think guild drama is the worst part of MMOs and as such would never find EVE fun. Hell, I like the way ships handle and how you do battle in EVE, but I know I'll never want to deal with some dipshit who is 8 years deep into EVE and is just out to screw everyone else.
Yes. LotRO still has one of the best communities ever, for example.
The point is more to meet strangers
That looks stupid as fuck, why haven't they learned to design a human body yet
Isn't it dead?
I always liked how LOTRO actually didn't go crazy with its designs and largely stayed true to grounded source material. Fantasy games especially tend to go mental with armor designs and you have to go out of your way to find those that don't.
To be fair to Blizzard they've always had these weird exaggerated human forms in Warcraft. Diablo has realistic humans and that's from Blizzard. It's more of a stylistic thing for the series as a whole.
Original Guild Wars disproves OP completely. Further to the point that it's completely self-automated.
Oh it's one of the full servers... wanna just come on mine?
not relaly. it's just a deadly combination of not having wow's numbers and aging population so they're all at end-game. which really means you need to get a guild so you don't solo there or start roleplaying and interact with people.
What about sandbox mmo?
what's your sever?
I socialize with my Free Company (Guild/clan/whatever) and some other groups through linkshells.
Sometimes we meet up in one of our houses before queueing up for a 24 man raid.
It's fun
Fuck that.
The people I enjoy talking to aren't the people I would do dungeons with. And the people I dungeon with aren't the people I want to talk to.
Concentrated Autism only has the power to destroy.
>MMOs are only fun when people socialize
>It's why MMOs are shit these days
Exactly. MMOs only attract robots and spergs, instead of proper humans you can have fun with.