This gets announced

>This gets announced
>Absolutely nobody talks about it
Why? We've been waiting for Operation Genesis 2 for almost 15 (FIFTEEN) years

Other urls found in this thread:

You missed all the threads the day of/after the trailer.
There's no gameplay yet so nothing really to talk about

Yeah I missed them, I was with a friend when the trailer came out, I'm just surprised nobody seems to even be hyped about it.

I hate the edgyness and bluefiltered discoloration of the ''World''-IP and how it makes everything look boring and gay. Compare that to JP1-3 which just nailed the lush techno-jungle vibe.

If the devs are a tiny bit smart they allow players to customize the look and feel of the park, ditch the bluefilter and release that with a next trailer.

Thankfully they said that the game will feature the 4 movies.

JW is too edgy, futuristic and has a shit palette. It was doomed to fail since the beggining.

yeah OP geez we had like a billion threads

does anyone have a link of the original I could dl? never played it

>feature the 4 movies
Don't you mean 5 since the next one was supposed to come out next year?

Also what do they mean by that? Like include all the dinos that appeared in each film?

they were there, and they were great but there just isnt a lot to talk about at the moment

Because Jurassic World was unmitigated garbage and anything sharing its name it tained.

>console RTS

This will go well.

It's not an RTS

>Be hyped for something
>Sup Forums instantly kills the mood
Why did I think this would go well

>it's a game about laying down business strategies in real time

No you're clearly right.

I feel you. Why i am even stay here? oh, right, every other place is way worse

I just want a new park builder game. GBA game was a real fucking blast.

I just want a good dinosaur game.

>Dino Crisis

I did the first 2, but heard the 3rd one was beyond terrible.


Why is the last good Jurassic Park game is "The lost world" for PS1?

If you want a real challenge try Jurassic Park NES. Will fucking drive you insane but I still enjoyed it.

>Don't you mean 5
No. 3 sucked.

Extremely cautiously optimistic,
Not hyped, will not preorder.

But I have a little hope, lets see what happens.

>AlanRaptorfags will not acknowledge 3 as a movie
>3rd best dino in the series is from 3
Feel sorry for you

>will not preorder
Do people really preorder games? I never preorder even if it's a game I want. The possibilities they actually run out of stock on release are minimal and if I arrive early in the morning at the store they will give me preorder bonuses anyway.

Well at least this applies to games that don't have night sales.

>Do people really preorder games?
I'm just preempting retarded shills, I got burned once, bad, not ever gonna happen again, don't worry.

I will never not be mad

I didn't know Ocean made 2 similar JP games. I played the SNES one when I was a young lad and remember hating it and getting lost all the time.

Top tier music though

Totally agree, they shouldn't stray from the JP1 colour pallette, it's iconic and the best. Will still buy the game though cause I'm a pathetic fanboy who has waited too long between JP games

>tfw bought standard version of Battlefront 2015 at release for $70
>DLC was $60 did not buy it
>4 whole maps of fucking garbage
Will never trust EA again

NES Triceratops Stampede was arguably better

>Will never trust EA again
>Because of Battlefront 2015

It's not the disappointment, it's the disappointment combined with the fact that I paid extra for living in the third world.
And also that two months later the game was at 75% off.

>two months later the game was at 75% off
A:CM was 3.99 3 months after release.

I will kill Randy if I ever find him.

I will kill him for my 40 dollars.

My last pre-order was Far Cry 2 because it came with an army canteen and messenger bag. I don't regret it 2bh

This place was hyped about it, but... you weren't there

I picked it up for $5 and finished it in about 2 days and have never touched it again. It was worth it for $5 but yeah I would be butt-ranched if I paid $40

>Trailer releases two weeks ago
>Yeah we're done with it, too bad you weren't there
We are still having about 10 Persona 5 threads every day and that game came out in April, JW Evolution should get at least a little more hype here.

If you want to get hopelessly hyped over some AAA title why don't you just go to Reddit or Facebook?

I listed it in my top 5 looking forward to. Not too much to talk about yet though.

I regard Jurassic Park as one of the best NES games, personally.

>why don't you just go to Reddit
Because I don't like that place and their rules are beyond retarded. Last time I had an account like four or five years ago I remember I got it suspended for like 8 months just because I told someone to "choke on a million big fat black cocks like the blatant faggot they are" and I didn't notice that user was a mod, apparently that comment wasn't welcomed in a post about Mario Sunshine.
Still ain't mad, I'm glad I didn't stay there.
Because I have no friends there, if I log in after my period of two years of absence I can assure you my friends list will be less than 10.

My fuckin nigga. Everybody hates JP NES but it was actually the first game I ever played I think. If it had saves or level access codes people wouldn't disregard it as much.

no in-game footage = no hype!

Any expectations for this game?
>First person free roam as a visitor

i didn't even see the trailer and i have no doubt the LEGO game will be better

>Lego game
But that came out in 2015


well if we're going down that route, he only means 1 and a half

I retract nothing from my previous statement

What happened to dinosaur games?

Same reason there are very little threads about age of empires announcements

dinosaurs stopped being popular

Ark wants to have a discussion with you

well that's going to be tough because I don't speak to bad games

Cause we know about the game, like everyone tella you, we exhausted every possible subject to discuss in the time you weren't here. Just wait for more gameplay reveals and we will have threads.

did you see the 2013 re release of the Jurassic Park Blu-ray? No grain and everythings been shifted to match the World color palette


In that case it's a RTBS not an RTS

>they changed Goldblum's hair

also the new palette is fucking gross

what the fuck

Why mess with perfection?

>shifted to match the World color palette
but World came out in 2015 and was more bluish

>People still hate JP3.

Honestly, when will this meme die? Are people still that butthurt over the Spino beating the T-Rex?

No, people are mad about the Raptor saying "Alan" in Grant's dream.

I man come on it's one silly scene out of a movie with lots of fucking action thanks to the Spino. I will never understand Sup Forums.

never, it was all fucking Spino and Raptors, with 5 minutes of pteranodons, and they were all being assholes all the time. There were no dino wonder moments.

Grant's dream sequence really wasn't that bad imo. Also, seeing the movie as a kid in theaters it actually kinda spooked me since I wasn't expecting any raptors up to that point. In the end, It still pails in comparison to all the cringy shit in JW.

I don't see the problem with focusing on other dinos, we already had 2 T-Rex movies. What's so bad about giving the Spino the spotlight?

I'd be annoyed if it was all T-Rex too. There was no moment of HOT DAMN DINOS ARE ALIVE AND THEY'RE FUCKING RADICAL, it was all "oh god I hope we don't die"

It is a modern building game. It will have either micro transactions or ten billion splinter dlcs.

I wouldn't be surprised if the base game has only compso and gallimimus and either T-rex or Triceratops depending on whether you preorder from Gamestop or Amazon.

I think JP3 works better if you look at it as a horror movie with dinosaurs rather than than the popcorn movie the first 2 (and World) were trying to be.

then it's a shitty horror movie because you start running into the stealth T-Rex problem from the first movie, only instead of the very end it's the entire movie

I don't think you should look at JP2 at all.

or World

or 3

let's just look at the first one

So after all this time, how in the FUCK do you get the big entrance in the first game? It was in the trailers, it was in the game manual, but I could never find it in game.

I'm not saying the movie doesn't have major flaws but it accomplished what it set out to do. The dinosaurs actually felt threatening much more so than in JW.


>a movie was better than Jurassic World
I am shocked. Shocked!

I bought a 4 movie blu ray pack when Jurassic World came out in like December 2015 and all the movies are grainy as shit but have the original colors. Was I lucky?


I heard that the edits done to the 2013 version was for the 3D re-release, so maybe only the 3D bluray set has the 2013 master.

Git gud

Fuck off asshole

People dont give a fuck about the Dinosaurs in Ark though, they just want another rust autism game.

I'm also quite hyped but until there's gameplay I'm going to try and keep my excitement under control

I'd pay for that. Survive the park you built. Only you know the secret exits and ammo stashes.

Show them that you're excited so they don't fuck it up

Please ;-;

Should I get this on my bloodborne machine or my mid tier PC?

PS4, everybody knows none of the cool kids play on PC.
Seriously stop playing on PC.

Config.ini detail level 2

Yeah but what if I'm not a PCfat and played it on PS2 like any other normal person did?

Then you're fucked
PS2 version also only let you have 3 dig sites iirc

The studio probably had plans since 2010 to reboot JP, and by 2013, they probably would've got the core aspects behind what the film would look like down on paper.

Yeah that was retarded

Yeah where the fuck was it


Download this

Go to config.ini and set screen width to proper 16:9 or whatever your screen size is

There, all the remaster you need until this comes out

>It's only for PC
>all the remaster you need until this comes out
>tfw just installed a Windows Vista virtual machine
I would have to pirate s-should I?

did you buy a copy when it originally came out? if so that's ok

Yeah for PS2 lel
Fuck it I'm doing it, is TPB up?

yeah the 392mb file

Until it's released get the Jurassic World Expansion Pack a stand alone mod for Operation Genesis
it doesn't require the original game
download in description



>Can you look after this while I get a soda?