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Still the best Total War game.




The phalanxes were so good in this game, why'd they have to ruin them in the newer ones?


>Every battle is sending my blob into theirs until they route
>campaign isn't historically accurate

was I meme'd on?

Just a reminder

Because they were broken. Nothing like holding a city with three militia phalanx against full stacks.

Attila and Shogun 2/FOTS are slightly better. As are some M2 mods.

Unfortunate fact of the series, something always trumps all else to the exclusion of all other strategy. Shogun had katana cav and matchlocks, Rome 2 had heavy sword infantry, and Attila had heavy cavalry. No idea what was king in Warhammer though.

Nostalgia goggles
Attila is objectively better
Rome 1 is still great though


I agree on Attila. Took everything that worked in Rome 2 and unfucked most the things it did wrong. Though they gutted faction diversity and balance. Also fuck them for not having an option for a Roman minor faction.

Are you referring to goddamn nomads?

Warhammer still going man. I wonder how game 2 will shake things up.

The two most obnoxious bits of balance is that anti-large cavalry is always better than anti-infantry cavalry.

And the most prevelent bit of unbalance in general has been healing magic deathstars. And flying lord/hero assassin squads. Though they're manageable now.

Honestly Warhammer MP is in a decent state. There just needs to be a better system in place, blind draft is a necessity.
I'm really looking forward to the return of FFA battles in warhammer 2 though.

Attila is the most accurate at least, heavy cav was a king of battlefield until the end of middle ages

Not really.
Heavy cav is the most overrated, because all lords used them as they bodyguards.
Now imagine if you are a scribe in feudal lands, and write poem about how awesome peasants with spears were in a battle instead of your lord favourite unit.


>Though they gutted faction diversity and balance

DESU I was just happy they finally made a playable Sub-Saharan African faction. Made things interesting

You can go back and deduce how effective cavalry were in certain time periods based on just how long they continued to see military application. Not just because they were romanticized.

something about the way that guy yelled out shit like TRIARII!! was so awesome, for some reason it just doesnt seem to be present in the other total war games

the closest thing to it is dwarves in TW:W but it just doesnt sound quite as awesome as in rome 1

Really? there wasnt a single country that used heavy cav as they main forces
>inb4 hussars
in reality they were light cav, the winged version was memed much later

>Shogun 2
I will always and forever hate the Formations in Shogun 2.
I like most of the other stuff, but those god damn formations piss me off.

Archers are surprisingly bullshit in Warhammer.

they dont even come close to the potential of fully upgraded rank 6 monk archers from shogun 2

no shields = arrows fucking rape everything

And remember this above all: our Roman gods are watching! Make sure they are not ashamed!

Wasn't France for the most part of its history a cavalry focused country?

Fair enough, but even low-tier archers pump out a shit-ton of hurt in Warhammer if you aren't stupid with them.

Yeah, factions were definitely a sore spot for Attila but it's to be expected from a more focused game. Not to mention that until Warhammer Romes had the most varied unit rosters.

What is your favorite ancient roman ninja clan?

you can make pretty insane wood elf archer based armies, they absolutely melt things like cav with no shields and other archer units in seconds with a fully levelled up lord and with the elite archer units

Obviously nobody used the most expensive and single-application tool as their primary unit.
Yes, hussars were successful, I'm saying that due to the success of hussars and cuirassiers and the like, you can think back to the middle ages and before, identify the killing tools people had, compare them to the tools of protection people had and deduce that heavy cav would have a pretty good time.

Like the group formations? They were obnoxious for taking up screen space but it was not as though you would ever use them for them to be important.
Unit balance in Warhammer is weird. Low mass units tanking for high mass units kinda ruins the point of maneuvering shit at all and it's generally annoying. Archers exist to fuck up said high mass units. Archers get fucked by fliers instead of the other way around.
It all goes together alright, but I think a few tweaks would polish Warhammer to be the best game in the series. Or at least get closer to Attila and S2/FOTS

Historically they were rich and the definitive feudal nation. Which meant knights out the ass.
They also had very respectable cuirassiers.
Napoopan turned them towards artillery though.

Light cav and heavy infantry mostly.
The closest would be 1st reich, but they used infantry as their main force too

You know playing Shogun 2 I realized something. There is a point where Accuracy gets diminishing returns, because multiple guys focus on the same targets.

I only learned this in a Oda game where I built up a town that pumped out Matchlock Ashigaru at some 105 Accuracy. It was still hilarious to watch them fire.

europe is mostly copy/paste smelly german barbarians but its entirely realistic with the time period and all

but between all the attila dlcs and charlemagne, theres plenty enough diversity to be had

shame the game runs like fucking ASS even on my new i5 + 1070 pc, what i wouldnt give for a patch that makes atilla 64 bit and less of a cpu raping piece of shit

Total War games are made for radeon cards.

>Like the group formations
Yes. Shit like "Dragon formation" or "Tiger formation" that tells me precisely FUCK ALL about what the formation actually does, without needing to look it the fuck up.

I'm a simple man. I want a basic god damn Line Formation, that I can then mess with on my own to get it perfect.


did I spell that right?


total war games might have the awful amd logo movie playing at the start but amd cards are fucking dogshit and have been dogshit since maxwell, nvidia destroys them in tw games



>using generated formations

for what purpose you lazy nigger, literally 15-20 seconds MAX to setup your own, much more efficient formations for your strategy

they're not, rome 2 and attila simply ran poorly compared to warhammer. then again they also don't have exorbitant loading times AND you can make attila perform better by running it through rome 2 executable because reasons.

>dat feel when we'll never again get another expansion like Kingdoms

Worth it for the Crusades campaign alone.

>Not playing the Teutonic Campaign and just marching over everyone with with Heavy Infantry.

I need M2 to be remastered after playing the more modern Total War games, they can make some really impressive looking models.

>Playing a faction that got shafted by polish peasants armed with pitchforks and rocks

You know modern CA would just sell you individual campaigns separately. In fact, that's exactly what they've been doing for Rome 2 and Attila with so called campaign packs like Caesar in Gaul, etc.

Like I said, I use the Line-Formation as a basis and do the rest myself. It's simple, and allows me to quickly modify the formation on the fly if need be before the actual fighting starts. It's simple ease of use.

*blocks your path*

Pretty sure that Crusader would try and kill all the others for being Heathens/Heretics. Try being the main word.

>Warhammer still going man. I wonder how game 2 will shake things up.

I am shocked they still haven't released a mini-campaign about Sigmar uniting the human tribes originally and founding the Empire. I guess they're saving that for all that should be added is already in.

i like warhammer's over the top armour design but i really want another historical title

Do modern Total War games still have general speech?


No. Warhammer only has speeches for Quest-Battles, which there are like 3-per legendary character.
It has no speeches otherwise.

Shogun 2 had them, but they were in Nipponese.

Pretty sure you've got a very weird and misleading picture of how the world worked back then.


Nah, I was trying, and failing, to be funny.

>Shogun 2 had them, but they were in Nipponese.

Shogun 2 is fun in a way. People accuse all of the people who love it for being weebs.
However, ever since I got into learning about Japan and their history, the game has very much tanked in appeal for me dramatically.

In the end, the game is great because it's less ashamed of being a game, the foreign setting simply sells people on the gamey tactics and stuff because they lack the slightest idea about how the Japanese Civil War looked like. And yes, that goes for both of the featured ones.

Rome 2 had them as well, unsure about Attila.