Night of Azure 2 only sold 18k in Nipland.
How do we save Gust (again), Sup Forums?
Night of Azure 2 only sold 18k in Nipland.
How do we save Gust (again), Sup Forums?
no more yuri
They better shill hard for the Switch with exclusive content BS or it's over
It's too late. The game only sold 4k for the Switch.
>[NSW] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 4,463 (New)
Have them make actually decent games. Note, this does not exclude yuri in the games, just that they can't use it as a mask for shit gameplay.
Put the new Atelier on a Direct and it'll sell.
They've always made decent games.
It's a shame that the game seems shit. The girls I've seen in the trailers really gets my dick going
From what I've read people who played it are saying it's much better than the original.
>The girls I've seen in the trailers really gets my dick going
I've heard its the opposite.
They don't need saving.
Shit studio, shit games only popular with fags who like them simply for anime girls uguu
Get them away from KT.
How so?
You're confusing Gust with Compile Heart.
Who's going to fund them then?
Make more Mana Khemia/Ar Tonelico
Tbh the only Gust games I've played is Mana khemia 1 & 2 cause lots of user recommended and I enjoyed. So all I want is Mana Khemia 3. Those new atelier games and this don't look like something I will enjoy.
user, Nu-Gust has been CH tier since Sophie in terms of quality. The only reason they're not as popular with ironic weebs is because none of their games have ebin memes
Fuck. I'm still tempted to buy this game just to fap to them. Yeah I know not a great reason to spend money but this single game has so many top tier designs it's really tempting.
yuri is trash
Just pirate it. Don't buy with your dick.
Does anyone else love it when Yuri games fail? Shit needs to die.
Random publishers, just like before. Being under KT has resulted in a pretty clear decline in quality for Gust.
The difference is that Gust used to make good games. Compile Heart has never made a good game.
i think gust knows what they are getting themselves into.
im sure even with low sales, they are able to break even because their games are low budget.
How about actually making good games, I don't think they've tried that
Actual yuri.
I dont think there has ever been a yuri (bait or otherwise) that has actually been a commercial success. Even Neptunia has been flopping with every iteration.
Nevermind that almost all of them have vita tier quality thats not appropriate for a full console title.
The key word being "used to".
A majority of Japanese devs are well beyond their glory days these days and there's probably no saving them as the core Japanese market only wants to play FGO.
I guess. It's true that they've been declining in sales quite a bit compared to their older releases. Japan just tired of gust games now?
How was the first game? I liked the early videos of it I saw, and I really liked Ar Nosurge.
But I kinda lost interest when I found out it was all yuri.
Does it run moderately well on a Vita, or should I get it on PC?
The first game is the very example of whenever someones says a JRPG is full of bland anime tropes. It's not particularly bad, but just very very mediocre that it probably wont be worth your money.
>Does it run moderately well on a Vita
It's shit. I dunno if they ever patched it or anything but it was a trash port as far as I recall.
PC isn't much better.
Japan is shorter than nipland retard
The thing is though that Gust's core staff hasn't changed any since original Rorona; every Atelier game released since has most of the same people in key positions, with only a few changes each game. There's clearly something going on with their KT partnership because nothing else explains their total reduction in quality since the acquisition.
It ran so horribly on Vita that they didn't even localize it. I didn't have problems with the PC version but I heard it was missing a lot of options.
This. I'm sick and tired of the teasing.
Well they were bought out for a reason so clearly things werent still going well even before the KT buy off.
Gust is really one of the many devs that have been completely fucked over by the move to HD.
Well that's a shame. After Ar Nosurge I was really exited for what else they came out with that wasn't Atelier.
But the Arland games were great, and they were in the middle of making Ayesha when the acquisition happened, which was also great, and the games were also selling well. Gust were basically at the peak of their career when KT moved in on them.
>T-They should port to the Switch!
>It'll s-sell a lot of units!!
It was a stupid decision for them to do so then. KT has a horrible reputation for making really niche games that dont sell and have shoddy quality. They really werent thinking ahead on what they've gotten themselves.
The first one wasn't that great in the first place so I don't see how they could have made it worse.
How could anyone believe this when we've had the last two gens of Nintendo consoles to teach us that 3rd parties don't sell on the switch, no matter what?
And Sup Forums wonders why a lot of Japanese devs still refuse to jump on the switch.
Look at Fate Extella and Disgaea 5. They all fucking flopped because no nintentard will buy third party games.
Fate and NoA2 did but D5 didn't it actually sold decently.
18k isint bad for a low budget nipshit game
nepVR sold like 15k and thats literally a "remake" of the same game released 2years ago but with a different battle UI and VR mode for one useless thing and VR isint even required in the first place
The sales are just a reflection of their quality.
What about Symphogear? That's not even good, but it's gotten four seasons and a movie.
18k is fucking terrible for any $60 game
It's bad. Super simple and dull gameplay, really bad presentation compared to Gust's other games, and the only hard part of it is figuring out how to clear the arena challenges. It has a connected world design but it's still completely linear because all paths leading elsewhere are blocked off by magic barriers until you've gone where the plot wants you to go first.
In D5's case it was probably because they included the $100+ of DLC this time. And it was also an earlier release.
>low budget niche kusoge
price doesnt mean shit when its not done by AAA companies
In japan D5 bombed very hard. In the west it sold super well.
It'll probably net better sales here than it would in Japan. In NISA's website its already sold more than half of the limited editions of the game already. It'll build up sales overtime especially in the Switch, but don't expect too much considering that Assasin's Creed Origins, Destiny 2, and Super Mario Odyssey are all coming out within that October and there's only so much money most people have to spend. The fact that they are releasing this game on Oct 24 could hurt some of its potential sales but again it'll build up overtime on the Switch since there aren't many games on it, and its also being released on PC so that could help.
What's your beef with yuri, nothing wrong with having a little variety in Sup Forumsidya, especially when its rare.
Don't think they'll have anything exclusive for the Switch version. The preorder DLC is available for both PS4 and Switch versions.
Agreed, the first game in the series was remarkably mediocre, even the fanservice wasn't enough to save it. The so called "yuri" in the game was very mediocre, not sure if it can be called that. Hope this game doesn't repeat the same mistake. Gameplay and characterization should be prioritized above all. If its not fun to play, and see good interactions, there's really not much a point touching it.
That's because the anime industry is more forgiving compared to the vidya industry, and is where yuri is more at home. In video games, there's a lot of do's and dont's or else your shit wont sell, especially since you need to market your shit to a wider demographic.
>and a movie
source on that shit now.
> Hope this game doesn't repeat the same mistake.
Well too bad because this game does a worse job than the first in almost all areas. With the worst being the dull bland combat system that they never bother improving.
Symphogear is actually good though
Extella flopped because the retards thought it would be a great idea to launch it in the same fucking week as Splatoon 2
>promise there will be more yuri than the first one
>somehow there's even less yuri
Yeah you're right, just saw this clip.
The interactions are there but the gameplay is meh. Don't know why companies like Gust strive for mediocracy, they don't have to aim for the massive market, they just need to make one good game.
Any actual good Gust games out there? Willing to try one as long as its decent.
No it isn't. The characters suck, the drama sucks, the plot is retarded, the animation is mediocre, and the whole gimmick is the battle songs but the music sucks dick too. The only good thing about it is Hibiki using gauntlets as her weapon.
Just try the old PS2 games and never bother with the rest. The PS3 area games are nice but I'd call them glorified interactive SoL anime than being actual games.
Beg Banpresto to make Ar Tonelico 4.
And make an Ar Tonelico Trilogy compilation on the Switch, PC and PS4.
And also translate Ciel No Surge, releasing it for the Vita, PC and Switch as a digital download with a limited run collectors edition.
Then make Mana Khemia 3 and bundle the first two games with it.
Fate Extella was poorly timed and already several months old. Disgaea 5 actually sold well in the states but like what for that said reason.
Disgaea was never popular in Japan in the first place but obviously every sale is important. Wish NISA was more ambitious with their Disgaea games.
>Any actual good Gust games out there? Willing to try one as long as its decent.
Their older games all range from decent to great. For Atelier you can't go wrong with Rorona Plus as a starting point for the franchise, but they're all good outside of everything Escha & Logy and after. Though Annie, the DS spinoff, isn't very good. Ar tonelico 1 and 2 are both good, but Qoga is awful.
>the music sucks dick too
I could accept your opinion on other things but you are objectively wrong here
>Ever going back to AT
You're a dumbass. The gameplay in Arland and Dusk is far more complex and involving than any of their PS2 entries. You should try actually playing them instead of dismissing them for not being bland save the world stories like Iris.
>Even Neptunia has been flopping with every iteration.
Wasn't that Cyberdimension title the best first week in history for CH? How can they be flopping in every iteration if their most sucessful release was barely even 6 months ago.
It's incredibly bland, I don't know how anyone could seriously like it. But then Ar tonelico was my first introduction to song magic as a concept, so clearly it was all disappointment from there.
Compared to Mana Khemia, no it isn't. It's boring shit.
The combat music isnt as great either.
Because Sup Forums seems to think Nepshit has the same budget as AAA games so when they see the sales numbers they assume it's a flop.
He's just an idiot that thinks if you're not selling Call of Duty numbers it means it's a flop
>How do we save Gust (again)
Get away from yuri. Go hetero. Hire some decent writers.
They can't because it's a licensing clusterfuck, and Banpresto is cockblocking it. Hence the begging.
I will never understand MKfags, those are the most boring of all the localised games. Is it just that you don't care about the alchemy and want to ignore it as much as possible for the combat system which Dusk took and improved on?
>The combat music isnt as great either.
But Mana Khemia has the least interesting soundtrack of any Atelier game.
You act like the game sold well on the ps4 as well but both sold like total shit.
How can you say that when Nerfertiti exists? It's the best shit they ever put out,.
Are you seriously trying to say shit like this bland? I can understand different tastes but bland is not how I would describe Symphogear music.
It only sold 42k.
IIRC, Fairy Fencer Dark Advent sold as high as high 80k.That's just mediocre. It's only considered a "success" because the previous game, MegaNep V2 sold 24k by comparison.
they dont deserve to be saved
fuck off.
This alone is more hype as fuck than any of the gay Atelier combat music. It really gets the blood pumping
it actually sold 30 000 when you take all platforms into account, but it's still a terrible result as the first one did 80 000 in the first week.
I guess some japs finally realised that huge anime boobs can't disguise a shit game. Took them long enough.
Because Nefertiti is an incredibly boring cock rock song that doesn't even begin to compare to songs like Terminus, Flying Clouds Drifting Haze, or Flash Frost. Not even to mention all the Ar tonelico music that blows it away.
>More generic cock rock
Nigger please, get some taste.
B-but /vee/ said that boobs are the only important thing about gaymes!
No, you idiot, those are considered successes because they're incredibly low budget games. Not every developer is part of the AAA universe where you have to spend 20 million on marketing alone.
>techno wubwub trash
Go be a fucking nigger somewhere else. Guilty Gear tier buttrock is the only way to go.
>And also translate Ciel No Surge
It's a very very slow visual novel that you have to unlock with it's weird scan gimmick and massive time gating. It would be a massive waste of money to translate it at this point.
AT4 and MK3 I agree with.
>Yesterday's Opponents Are Today's Ingredients, or any of the songs I listed
I don't think you know what that genre is.
Nier Automata sold 400k, and was made on literal peanuts that the fucking game looked like a PS3 game.
What's your fucking point?
You're right, that's not bland. That's just bad.
>Thinking Nier Automata had a budget comparable to a Neptunia game
Nier had advertisement.
Ciel noSurge Offline removed all that.
Extella had literally just come out a while back and Extella Switch had no new content besides an outfit. Extella isn't even good enough to buy twice.
FFFADF sold 14k lol. What are you talking about.