The last game you played is developed by Gearbox

How fucked are you?

I think we all know how fucked it gets

>tfw those annoying unskippable infodump sections are now half an hour's worth of cringe-inducing memes and pop culture references

I mean, the script was already pretty cheesy, but yeesh.

>EDF 4.1
I have no idea how they could fuck up the core gameplay, but they'd find a way. They'd probably make the Wing Diver a tranny and the Fencer a big fit black chick
I wouldn't mind that last one

battle network 1. To answer that question, very.

Gearbox took over We Happy Few.

I dont think it would be possible to fuck up ETS2 like that.

>Devil May Cry 3

>Destiny 2
Eh. Same thing but worse graphics and even more forced diversity.

>*scoff* Teennooooo, those disgusting Grineer DOOFUSES totally absconded with one of your fellow Super Space Ninjaaass. GET HIM BACK! Haha, got a little dark there didn't I. Mother always said to keep the demons buried deep inside, BUT WHEN I GET ANGRY I JUST CAN'T KEEP THEM DOWN! Ah, Tenno I need you to go to Uranus, heh,
>Claptrap: BAZINGA!
>...and retrieve that cryopod our sweet baby brother is taking his nap naps in. OR ELSE! I'M GOING! TO GET AAANGRY! I need a juicebox

Isn't it already like that?

>Demon's Souls

>Boletaria is a cursed land

>Towergirls: Kingdom Conquest

Battleborn ruined the word "badass" for me. Now every time I hear "badass" I imagine a literal bad ass, an ass full of wounds with a crack full of shit and the owner of that ass can't sit because all the wounds.

Yup. Blizzard can't write for shit either.


You be the judge.

Oh boy, I don't even want to think about it.


Opposing Force was alright though guys, so are we talking pre- or post-cancer gearbox?


>the witcher 3
I don't even want to think about it to avoid any possible astral projections of my thoughts onto the universe. We didn't deserve this.

>Dark Cloud 2
they might actually improve the story

>The Sims 4
>Simlish is replaced with Memelands-tier garbage
>and it's always repeated and on loop
Fuck this

at least it isnt Lawbreaker

The "Gearbox" line there is funny though, it's just long-winded. The issue with Borderlands 2's writing wasn't the actual contextual humor, just the endless diatribes and metajokes. They got too full of themselves. BL1 had the same humor and people enjoyed it, BL2 just got too far up into their headspace

doom 4, it would have been dlc filled trash with half the budget used on borderlands 3

>Hobby grade

This fag needs a lobotomy

>Disgaea: Hour of darkness
Oh god, Flonne, gordon, and the prinnies all cranked up to 10? just fucking kill me now

Oh on top of that they'll probably censor alot of the character designs

I'm already having trouble seeing Lotus act like that.

Arma 3 ... I have no clue how gearbox would approach a sandbox military simulator with no story but there isn't a lot of ways you can fuck that up right? Just make it realistic ...

>Hamfisted story slapped on top
>Aliens and shit with basic AI
>Someone constantly yelling about meat bicycles

Oh also, Psychonauts. I shudder to imagine.

>The "Gearbox" line there is funny though

> Botw by gearbox
> All guardians talk like claptrap

Is this also who's writing for rick and morty

I still can't find it funny that the man who unleashed hell on Mars is called Sam Hyde

> can't stop finding it funny

The Long Dark.

I'm not sure I can even comprehend this.

I don't think pic related would change much at all.

>Outlawed by the Spanish crown, dedicat my life to fight for wymen rights and against racism
>Go to new world to embrace native culture
>Realize I'm a backwards neanderthal white man catholic
>Natives are badass
>Go around hunting Conquistadors and racists with proto swastikas with my badass troop of rogue Spaniards mixed with black girls with afros.
>I end my journey among the natives, carefully avoiding the appropriation of their superior culture
>Credits play, its literally Randy Pitchford singing about bigots
>I look at my steam account: Achievement unlocked: You're a badass

>Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice