Kirby thread

Kirby thread.

What ever happened to the Kirby 3DS game that is supposedly coming this holiday? They've been quiet about it ever since it was announced.

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It's coming this holiday.

Where them high quality rips of the 25th anniversary concert


localization delays I bet

I was expecting something to at least be shown of it during August, but Kirby's month came and went with absolute silence regarding the 3DS game.


Why would it be a localization delay? There haven't even been any screenshots or videos revealed as far as I'm aware. I'm beginning to question if the game really exists.



This hurts.

obtuse management decisions

also unlike PR and TD, this was announced at the same time everywhere

New month means new direct right? they literally have to announce it soon, if not its dead in the water and I'm freezing myself until we get Switch news
HAL subtly announced their entry into mobile games, with their earliest release being "this fall", with that the 3DS game you get a full direct like the fire emblem one, s-surely

user, we have zero information besides a loose genre (action fighting)

I distinctly remember both TD and PR being announced at the same time everywhere, at the very least PR, I remember anons watching the jap stream spoil it in the threads, then it coming on the american stream a couple of minutes after

Didn't we just get Robobot last year, as well as some minigames this year?
I thought they were doing that Heart game for the Switch in 2018.

Its in line with their release schedule, if not a bit late. Usually 2 years between games, main line and spin offs every other year, with mini expansions of main line stuff in between as well, obviously with some give or take
>2011 - RtDL (main line), Mass Attack (original spin-off)
>2012 - Dream Collection (challenge stages based on RtDL's)
>2013 - nothing
>2014 - Triple Deluxe (main line), Drum Dash and Fighters Deluxe (based on TD)
>2015 - Rainbow Curse (original spin-off)
>2016 - Planet Robobot (main line)
>2017 - Team Kirby Clash Deluxe/Blowout Blast (based on TD), "Action Fighting game" (original spin-off)
>2018 - Kirby Switch

>the egg dog hatched a plant egg

Best copy ability. You can't refute this.

a valiant effort, but you missed the mark
I'm already expecting it to not be in Switch, but such is life

Wait for the Nintendo direct

I'm just glad Water came back. Poison was pretty good but when I replayed RtDL I had so much fun with Water.

Waddle Doo is the best helper.

>Rainbow Curse (original spin-off)
Sequel to a spinoff

What I meant to say is that it wasn't a small spin-off based on a main title's mini game and its engine
It is without a doubt a sequel and not original in that sense, but there isn't a single reused asset in Rainbow Curse, unless you consider gameplay/mechanics one, and even then a lot was changed

doodled something

>HAL subtly announced their entry into mobile games

Holy shit, when was this?


A couple of weeks ago on twitter and on their website, it may even not be Kirby but its nice to know HAL themselves are handling development, much how IS doing FEH themselves. If anyone will care to make a worthwhile mobile game, its HAL
>We are developing game applications for smartphones, and we are planning to release the first version this autumn. In the smartphone business, we will launch a new brand "HAL Egg" and develop new content with different tastes from the current HAL Laboratory Inc. Also please look forward to the next report!

Hopefully they put out something better than whatever those fuckheads at Nintendo could come up with.

Kirby Gacha, 1% < drop rate, your wallet better be ready if you want to pull Adeleine

I hate gacha mobile games, but I'll probably end up getting this anyways.

If they do have a Kirby Gacha, then my hopes would be pretty high considering how well FE Heroes has turned out.

I got someone else in mind.

Well we are getting a new character game out off Hal egg so we proberbly won't get a Kirby gaacha at least for awhile anyway.

I don't play FE but that game had to have turned out better than what came before it. I still see threads on the front page.

To be honest this is my greatest fear, I'm not into fire emblem but FEH is pretty generous, so despite being hooked and playing religiously I've yet to spend a dime, I might not have even if I was actually into the series
But once Kirby is involved I'm guaranteed to drop some cash, and I know once I do it'll be downhill from there

They could work together to jew the world
I wonder, maybe that's what Magolor's secret plan was all along, TKCD was just a beta, now its time for the real wallet harvest

user, please tell me you only spent money on the SALE gem apples.

Of course, it also helped (or didn't help) that at first the micro transactions refused to work, but I eventually got some apples on sale and spent a week before breaking and hitting the transaction cap on the next sunday
Which reminds me, I should celebrate Magolor day more often, to remind me of my weakness for all things Kirby


Just splash your cash it's fine.

Oh fuck you're here, good
I was gonna ask, would it be okay if I animated pic related? it seemed perfect for an animation
I can't guarantee it'll ever got done, but if I get around to it I'd wanna credit user and link the original for people, unless you'd like an actual credit

>mfw I beat it in less than a week without spending
The missions and medals give you more than enough if you just hold off on buying better gear until you beat a certain spider.

Good man.

Get fucked, Haltmann. You don't even exist anymore.

Keep up the good work I'm loving these.

>Still working hard

I know kirby is a pokemon what are the other 2

You are amazing!

You're amazing. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, especially yourself.

Could you make one about Sailor Dee being completely forgotten because of Bandana Dee?


Lookin' good.

Thank you guys! Just to keep you abreast of what I'm up too, I'm currently working on making the vehicles easy to setup and change the stats of. Trying to make it match the original game as much as I can.

abreast you say.

Very abreast.

Nice. Goodnight and good job, looking forward to it.

sleep tight little borb

Nighty night