Anyone still play it? Have the updates been substantial enough to add more activities?
Anyone still play it? Have the updates been substantial enough to add more activities?
Yes, the hardcore autists that have been playing it since day 1, and no, not really.
I cant imagine anyone still playing this. New Leaf has no replay value whatsoever. It's fun for one go around of a year but after that there's no reason to ever pick it up again. There's too much grind to start over.
I like to pop on and walk around sometimes. The new stuff is fun to look at for a while. The new items were really well done imo.
Like others said though, my town is set up how I like it which took ~250 hours so there's no god damn way I would ever start over.
Can't wait to do it again in the next game though.
>There's too much grind to start over.
Maybe for the first week, but after spending enough time catching bugs on the island, you'll have plenty of bells to play the stalk market to fill your wallet on a weekly basis. Although I do agree, there is no replayability, especially with the copy and paste w/ different skins villagers.
it's shit
Yes, but you NEED to specify why!
It's just like, whenever I feel an itch to play the gamecube game again, I can load it up do my jobs skip one day (to get rid of the tutorial dialogue) and I'm right there in the game. In New Leaf you gotta unlock so much shit which is time restricted and grind out so much money. It's too daunting to redo it.
>In New Leaf you gotta unlock so much shit which is time restricted
Fucking this. And some shit can take months to unlock if they're locked behind villager dialogue. Having only 10 villagers and a limited amount of public works projects is fucking retarded.
it's pretty good early game , when you unlock many things the game becomes tedious
I think all the updates did was add amiibo and amiibo card support
there's the campground stuff too
I know people who play daily still. They don't stop.
This is the only answer you need. If checking in for a month to unlock shops didn't sway you, then go ahead.
There's always a /vg/ thread up with people playing this shit.
you sure they're not just jerking it in there?
Half the posts are definitely that, but you do get people talking shit on their animals or just asking others what their dailies are.
can't stop, won't stop!
I will put it down for a few months then pick it up again, pull all my weeds, and play it daily for a little while.
I think it has less to do with the game though and more to do with having OCD. I want to complete the catalog, I can't decide what to do with the last room of my house, and I still haven't unlocked all the public works I want
I still check my village every 3-4 days, I like my villagers thats all.