Post the best girls in their respective games
Post the best girls in their respective games
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I love Reisen!
Sega tells Obsidian to make AP a ME1-style skill-based shooter, which results in the gameplay being shit. Obsidian complies. Sega tells Obsidian to make Sis romanceable. Obsidian refuses.
Fuck Obsidian. They deserve their failure.
Fuuka is my number one
But she's a whore.
why has she got dog poo under her ear?
I cannot lie.
Isn't that just a porn movie, though?
Why is she such a slut?
Agreed, Shinji is the best.
Marisa is objectively the best 2hu.
Even Wesker agrees
Leah is best tho
Nope, it's a Steam game as well.
Objectively correct.
Also, has dat red panda ass.
Obisdian despises romance.
They cut Best Girl's romance out of NWN2
Then why is Mask of the Betrayer, their most polished and most well-written game, entirely about a love story?
smells like shit
Not the player's love story. Sure you can get involved in it, but she's kind of shit.
>shit talking Safiya
This is a best girl thread, user.
Pure sex.
She's no Neeshka. Also baldness just turns me off.
Neeshka's personality turns me off and I love redheads.
Plus, there exists a superior redhead tiefling.
she's not even best girl in her own game(s), let alone the whole series
Point of order, playing a game with a simialr character before you play the other game means you have a bias towards the first game.
I never played Planescape Torment until like 4 years ago, long after I played NWN2. I'm biased towards Neeshka, but I like her too.
> OP said game, not series
> user didn't specify which game
> It's a completely subjective opinion
Post yours, or neck yourself in your bedroom in time for your mother to see you hanging from the ceiling, and cry in happiness that she doesn't have to support a pathetic leech anymore.
Sorry, but she is. It doesn't help that I'm a big fan of Kuon's parents too. Yet she also somehow managed to beat everyone out besides based Haku.
you mad, my man?
also, my mum's dead
Fuck off skank.
best girl two games running
Too bad; she died knowing that her son was a failure.
luckily, the dead can't feel the disappointment of picking an inferior waifu
>sexual panting
she's one of the few things burch did right.
How is she that accurate with 400 Anarchy stacks?
> I'm Edgy and I have Crippling Autism: The Post
I agree with him. At least it is the one I want to fuck the most, desu
Safiya was a pretty shit girl. Not only is she bald, she's always acting like she's better and above the other red wizards and she's actually a good person, then brings disaster on Mulsantir and then tries to skedaddle and leave all the villagers to their death. Also her romance turns kinda creepy once you realize her attraction to you is being pushed subconsciously by an old woman that has been living in the basement for centuries.