Is this the best game for the 3DS?
Is this the best game for the 3DS?
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I ended up skipping it because it looked too homogenized and "New Super Mario Bros"-ish compared to the first Luigi's Mansion. Did I make a mistake?
Close but no
I wouldn't say the best, but I fucking loved it.
I'd say you did. About the only negative thing I can say is that there's a mission format instead of just save points in the mansions. Otherwise the gameplay great, with nice improvements over the original.
>grind the game
The atmosphere is nowhere near as good as the first game, but it's still a good game.
>we will never see polterpup again
Life is cruel.
No. But it's a great game, and quite possibly the biggest heart-string tugger.
Dark Moon sold 5 million copies and the development studio responsible for it is still working with Nintendo, think logically.
>Year of Luigi was 4 years ago
I'm impatient, so sue me. I would have hoped he at least gets referenced from that point on considering Luigi adopted the little guy.
I predict the next game Luigi will team up with a few other characters to make a Mystery Inc/Ghostbusters squad and Poulterpup will be one of them.
You missed out on one of the most charming Mario spin offs in years with one of the cutest endings ever.
And holy shit, they actually made King Boo terrifying
>they actually made King Boo terrifying
>that moment near the end when he fucking jumpscares you when Luigi and E. Gadd are looking at a still photo
Dark Moon may not have been as spooky as the first game but it definitely had its moments.
Fucking despised how much of a slog this game was among some other things.
>mission based
>constant interruptions from exploring
>lame filler missions like "doggo took key! Go get it!"
>lame ghost designs compared to 1
>music is unmemorable and sounds like something you'd hear outta Home Alone
No, but it has a great multiplayer mode.
The intro to E-2 was worse IMO
It was great but I want Nintendo to work on the next Luigi's Mansion. The mood and style was just for different for Nintendo.
That part was fucking sick with the 3D on. If Nintendo could make a game with a spooky atmosphere like the original but with Dark Moon's scares, that would be the best.
Favorite mansion?
Mine was definitely Haunted Towers
Secret Mine was cool as shit, but too damn short.
The ending of Dark Moon was really satisfying because of the extent that Mario and Luigi actually spoke, it was just the generic "WAHOO, YEAH." Shit was cute. That's what happens when it's a Mario game not made by Nintendo, they're a little too conservative with that stuff.
Game had a buttload of charm, too. Luigi was super expressive, E. Gadd was a huge asshole, the Toads were kind of cool with how much they adored Luigi. Personally I like the Dark Moon ghosts over the first game's
I love the game, but I spent most of the time wishing it all just flowed together, rather than chopping it up into levels.
It's one of the few 3ds games to actually have good 3d.
>the first trailer is 6 years old
What the fuck there's no way it's been that long already
>30 posts
>No mention of Kid Icarus: Uprising
hey guys
I was dreading fighting him again when I replayed it last October, but it actually went pretty smooth. Now I don't even know why I hated him to begin with.
I do wish it was just one really big mansion again...
Also more unique ghosts instead of the three women and polterpup, I don't remember any others. Just repeat rooms of generic ghosts with different elements.
>2013 was almost 5 years ago
When it stopped being the Year of Luigi.