I never wanted to be a person who watches children's cartoons, but I'm enjoying Sonic Boom a lot

I never wanted to be a person who watches children's cartoons, but I'm enjoying Sonic Boom a lot

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>I never wanted to be a person who watches children's cartoons

Come back when you're older, kid.

Enjoy what you enjoy and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. That is truly being grown up, user.

Someone post the Chris-chan character from Sonic Boom

>That is truly being grown up, user.
Bing! Bing! Wahoo!

", he said, on an anonymous forum about video games and tranny porn.



>it's later proven in the episode Sonic was exiled that his middle name is in fact legally The.
Knux isn't dumb.



This is actual feminism though. Tumblrinas would be triggered by this.

is this real


they did, badly.

It sure is

It was meant for us



Sticks needs to be in the main games

He's unironically right.
Too bad most "feminists" instead keep proving the opposite.

Actually this
I thought nothing of her when I first saw her but she ended up being pretty funny when she actually gets any screentime

Why is Eggman swole now?

why the fuck isn't there a proper upload of this episode yet

Seeing as how they somehow convinced Sega to make a Boom fucking Vector (that doesn't even have the dumbass sports tape shitt), that could actually happen.

so is boom good as a show rather than the game?




based sticks

The show is comedy gold.

Idk, to me it seems like Knuckles was putting a Feminist in check and getting her off her high horse. I hate SJW cancer, but I think in this context Knuckles is actually shitting on SJW Feminist logic.

very much so
the boom game was just a shitty tie in to the actually good show. Sonic being traditionally a video game franchise, a lot of people saw the shitty game first and disregarded the show because of it when it should have been the other way around

Yes, it is a shit game, but a great show.

He's an upside down egg


SJWs arent feminists.

what's the problem? When I was growing up my dad would watch cartoons with me and my siblings all the time. He loved shit like Dexter's Lab, Spongebob, Jackie Chan Adventures, Gargoyles, Rocko's Modern Life, etc. The only people who judge others for this shit are teenagers trying to seem more mature or adult. A real adult does whatever the fuck they want. I'm 30 and I still play Pokemon. Does that bother you?


>not liking cartoons
Cartoons used to be enjoyed by everyone. Sure there's shit ones but it's never been a child only form of entertainment.


Feminists and SJWs are pretty much the exact same thing in today's age, there isn't really a discernible difference.

Sticks is a fun character. Tails is pretty damn adorable too. I hardly even dipped my foot into Sonic fandom but am liking the show a lot


That's pretty much the opposite of feminism.

Feminism is wanting to be showered with praise for doing the same shit men do every day, while having a vagina.

Cubot is always based as fuck.
His voice just makes everything he says better.

That's because Knuckles isn't advocating feminism there, he's advocating egalitarianism instead which means treating all people as equals and not putting either gender ahead of the other.

The guy was more or less saying what you did. I believe he called the user a kid for not enjoying something due to his or others perception of cartoons.



Not a surprise. You know the dude who made those images is a beta antisocial would-be school shooter, right?

yeah I fucked up. Meant to reply to OP

Alpha knuckles vs virgin sonic

Yeah, I honestly liked what Knuckles said there, was pretty based. That seems like the type of thing Knuckles would actually say, cutting through all bullshit and getting straight to the point. I don't know if he'd vote for Trump, but he damn sure would't have been for Hillary.



Feminists are just a subset of SJWs. It's the whole "intersectionality" thing that causes their hilarious oppression Olympics.

Why do characters in Boom seem to chill out with Eggman and his bots a lot?

>the idiot comic relief things climate change isn't real
really makes you think

Haha, oh wow

>attacking his character
He might be an autist but so are man children who play their handhelds in public


because it's a good comedy dynamic

Because Boom Eggman is mostly just that prick that ruins your deck with his golfcart.

So you're taking the ramblings of a social pariah seriously about being social? Sounds like a good plan to me.

fucking hell Sup Forums i've had it.
you win i'll watch the show after my language paper is finished dammit

Eggman is mostly there to be a neusance and general "LOOK AT ME IM COOLER THAN YOU" character, but when he actually gets down to any other characters level, hes a pretty well liked character. He's like Ice King in AT.

Good example is in the puppy board game episode, where Amy and Eggman have "puppy board game dates" behind their teams' back, and have to cover it up using bad excuses, and eventually Eggman goes evil because he cant get the super rare puppy figure. It honestly a good dynamic to have him be more than a generic bad guy.


Okay, this one is going over my head.

lel, fucking knuckles

put-eight-o' clock

Potato clock sounds like eight O clock.
I've been in a thread where this took hundreds of replies, please understand it.

"a potato clock"
"up at eight o'clock"


say up at 8 o'clock out loud fast.



Anyone have a screencap of "oh no eggman is pretending to be sonic again"

u pat8-0 clock
a potato clock


The french must have been fucked over hard by this gag.


Is it because Honda Civics are ugly?

Fuck, can't believe this actually got me.

If you actually are then go in knwing that the 1st season starts off generic and average with a few great episodes here and there, if you make it pass that enjoy the fuck out of the higher quality 2nd season.

i was waiting for someone to post something like this





In one episode he hooks Tails up with a girl because the Bro code has precedence over the supervillian code.

Boom Amy is more attractive than I like to admit but that doesn't stop me fapping

I like how the doll looks like that ice cream pic


How do girls even get off like this?

Duty sounds exactly like "dooty", which means poop.

Sup Forums

you are literally watching a SONIC show


what's next? underatle show?

did you decya this much

Isn't Tails only 9 years old?

oh shit it does.
with teh green gumball eyes

Aw shit it does, might be intentional since the writers have been doing similar shit all season

im not even that guy but if youre actually suggesting that its socially acceptable for tubby creepy 30 year olds to be playing nintendo handhelds in public you probably have autism. my girlfriend plays her switch in public, but its okay because shes normal and not a gross pig

Fucking hell user, do you not know what a clit is and how it relates to orgasms?

did you have a stroke while typing this or something

That's actually pretty amusing. So it's mostly slice of life or other major threats besides Eggman? Nintendo should do that more with Bowser. I mean in the actual games. He's more enjoyable when he's helping out or doing his own things that don't involve being a dick.