Anybody here play Miscreated? All of my friends are too busy playing that shitty PUBG game that they don't play this anymore.

They recently wiped all servers so I lost 3 servers worth of bases and loot. Anybody wanna group up in a NA server (doesn't matter to me which one) in about an hour?

If you're new I can show you around, help you get a base started, or we can loot and hunt motherfuckers, whatever, I just miss playing this excellent game!

If you're down, name a server and a place to meet in approx. 60-75 mins. Also, leave your in game name. I'll be DING KONG.


MFW fucking PUBG is ruining everything forever.

I hadn't been playing in many weeks because I was always thinking that in the back of my mind I'd lose any decent progress I've made. Seems to have been warranted

sorry op

shit this actually looks pretty good, will try after it releases

>On its third year of early access

i regret spending money on this garbage, looks like it's never gonna improve

Worrying about PROGRESS during an alpha period is redundant.

I don't regret losing bases that I've sometimes spent 6 hours straight grinding, because it was a new creative outlet for me.

I did build one base that was a huge maze with 40 different areas that could have contained my inventory crate. Nobody ever found it, but i'd sometimes find a good 15-20 walls missing.

There's still a fuckload of tension, paranoia and excitement ready to be had in the game. Server limit is 50 now. Firefights are plentiful.

There have been 52 updates man. Average once every 3 weeks. Pretty fair for a team of about 12 part time people.

Floating bases are the biggest problem, sure. They've said that by the end of the year or Q1 next year, it'll be ready for beta, and the floating bases should be fixed.

Come at me fuckers I will defend this beautiful game!

>early access survival garbage complaining about an early access game

There is a fuckload of game for the price, man. Even in it's current state with flaws, it's easily worth the price.

bought this because my friend wanted me to play with him and regretted it almost instantly. the epitome of early access survival, you do the same shit over and over and it's so boring and base building requires extreme levels of autism to make anything decent. I wish I could get my money back. I like my friend but he has some shit taste in games sometimes.

>Another early access zombie survival crafting sim

I just want to know which one is THE game so I don't end up spending over a hundred dollars on imitators. I do want to play a game like this but most of them seem garbage.

Huh wow I actually have this game, haven't played it in months though. Tonnes of creeping around avoiding greifers. Barely saw a monster

I played today for the first time in about a month, and the first town I went to, I couldn't get into one house. I had up to five standard zombies and a brute chasing me.

You can get into servers with no Kill on Sight. Some have optional role playing, some mandatory.

Here's my case for Miscreated.
(all other replies so far have been from me so I'm not going to repeat myself)

The map is 8x8km, with rumours of islands coming way down the road as possible DLC.

Servers are either 36 or 50 players right now. It might be increased in the future.

The draw distance is impressive, it's a pretty nice looking game.

is there first person servers? i hate autistic third person peeking

Fuck, i meant to type more but I paused to find a good pic to ad, then hastily completed the post.

You can see other players from a ridiculously far distance. If you have a slight height advantage, you can hunt guys very carefully and methodically.

The towns all kinda vary in size which is good variety. The city can be a nerve wracking war zone if a dozen or more people are present, which is frequent because the 3 story police station armoury always has a few guns with ammo. Lots of rooftops to snipe from, even a sewer system now, which is fucking intense to go through alone.

The developers want to include a proper Battle Royale mode when the main game is complete.

pic related - look how fucking close this tornado got to my boat. Tornados and rainstorms are fucking majestic in this game. It oozes with tension and atmosphere.

Finally, even if the worse case scenario happens, and the game never fully releases. In it's current state it is worth the $20. I have friends who have over 1500 hours in this game.

I am rooting for the developers in a way I've never bothered to defend before.


This base took about 3 hours to build, in 3 spurts. I only basebuild in this game when I have a podcast I want to listen to. An hour at a time is about the most I can handle at once.

My record, during one very weed powered evening, I spent five straight hours on a base. Never again.

