Not a single review on the front page is positive, yet it remains mostly positive in the overall reviews

Not a single review on the front page is positive, yet it remains mostly positive in the overall reviews.

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Yeah F13 is like that.

Don't know shit about the game myself, but I only read Steam reviews for entertainment and negative reviews are always funnier.

Why the fuck does DRM matter if you buy the game?

it shouldn't be always online.

but people are blowing it out of proportion.
PC fats not even once.

I bought Sonic Mania on PS4, Switch and PC. I already beat my PC version with no problems. This is one of those poor fag third world tier garbage human problems.

It doesn't... However in the case of sonic, you need to be online in order to play it.

Why the fuck not? It's 2017.


I'm out of the loop. What happened with SEGA now?

>I bought Sonic Mania on PS4, Switch and PC.
This is advanced autism.

Didn't you already get fired from Microsoft for this argument? Wasn't that enough?

Uh dude... DRM literally only matters if you buy the game. People who pirate it don't have the DRM.



DRM like Denuvo treats your paying customers like thieves, while pirates aren't hindered in any way. It took 8 days to crack Sonic Mania.

I never understood this shit, you buy the game, you start it, shit runs. What the fuck is the problem?

Well for example games run slower with DRM discovered when pirates learned Syberia III ran faster without denuvo.

I don't usually approve of piracy, but I can't say I don't emphasize with folks over Mania. Sega pulled some shady shit, and a lot of folks couldn't get refunds or had to jump through hoops to get refunds because of it. Even if it was completely unintentional on Sega's part, it's neglectful idiocy in the best case scenario, with the worst case being they actually planned it all along.

Also, the thing with DRM is that the company that uses it is essentially treating its customers like criminals. "You're going to steal it, so we're going to force this on you to stop you from stealing it." So I can understand if folks who are being treated like pirates and criminals want to get the positive benefits (free pirated copy) if they are going to be treated like criminals and get all the negatives forced on them no matter what they do.

Don't play shit games, it's that simple.

>start game
>hard drive gets damaged from denuvo constantly encrypting and decrypting the exe
>start game in a storm
>game does not start because no internet
>start game in 10 years
>game does not start because denuvo servers have shut down

>>start game in 10 years
>>game does not start because denuvo servers have shut down
Console gamers aren't used to dealing with this because they just don't play old games until Sony sells them again for new hardware

It slows performance, it eats up an SSD's limited rewrite numbers insanely fast, it prevents you from playing online and it will make the game impossible to run if you try to play it years from now when Denuvo inevitable is dead.

So all games with drm are shit games? If you say so.

Imagine you are in a shithole area not quite in the path of incoming Hurricane Irma in the U.S. You decide that since the Internet's gone to fuck in your area, you're gonna sit down and play a single-player game. You try to load it up and it says you must be connected to the internet to play. Would you be:
A. Mildly annoyed
B. Quite mad
C. Completely happy that you can't play what you want to play

>complaining about DRM on steam

DRM more often than not fucks over the people who actually buy games more than those who pirate them.


>slows performance
By how much?

>eats up an SSD's limited rewrite numbers insanely fast
Literally a fucking meme, kill yourself.


I don't live in a third world country like the US.

Yeah but how? You lose 10 fps in a shitty game like sonic?

Steam is a distribution platform, not explicitly DRM. It's the developers who have a say on whether or not you need to have Steam logged in to play the game.

Imagine if, every time you wanted to play New Videogame X, Gabe Newell sent someone to your house to kick you in the dick. He then leaves some sale coupons and turns on your social features.
Now imagine if Denuvo sends a representative to punch you in the head as well, only this guy doesn't contribute anything of value to your game. I think it's fair to be mad.

they changed it so you can play it offline
with that issue solved thoroughly and completely, let's repeat the original question
>Why the fuck does DRM matter if you buy the game?

You still can't modify Denuvo games.
I was unaware the patched the offline thing. Nice.

don't use steam in the first place if you don't like DRM

Steam is more than DRM. Denuvo isn't.

>write a "thank you for drm" positive review
>enjoy the downvotes and shitstorm

I'm laffin.

>WAAAAAAAAAH I bought the game and can play just fine but I'm going to bitch about shit that will literally never affect me

you can do same here for easy (You)s


is this the daily /thievesgeneral/ ?

If you have hurricane Irma coming your way, video games should be the least of your concerns, you fucking autist.

What do you think you're supposed to do when your house is destroyed and every store is destroyed and every building is destroyed and everything around you is a wreck?

Don't know about that, but someone should come to your house and kick you in the nuts every time you come up with stupid analogies like this one.

You're kidding, right? There's no way someone could be that much of a sperg.

denuvo rep pls go

>putting DENUVO on your game
That's like anti-marketing at this points.You don't get good guy points and your game is cracked anyways.

I almost forgot,you also have to pay for DENUVO.

I'd rather put my game on GOG and get those good guy points sales, than hope for pirates to buy my game because of DENUVO.

dont live in a shitty area then?

Not an argument.

not an argument is not an argument shitter

Reread the question.
>not quite in the path
>Shitty weather kills Internet
You aren't in any danger of destruction. You're just bored cause no Internet.

Didn't seem like you were after an argument given that you didn't provide one yourself

I want Steam to filter reviews that have the words DRM or Denuvo in it and stop their scores from effecting the overall scores.

Not an argument.

>tfw nobody replies to you since they know that you are 100% correct

>Not an argument.
Not an argument.

If you're close enough for your internet to go out, you're close enough for destruction.

t.DENUVO employee

>>hard drive gets damaged from denuvo constantly encrypting and decrypting the exe
Was literally fake news. There was no proof and separate tests found nothing was damaged.

Not an argument.

No it's just so fucking annoying to see people whining about this. Fuck everyone of them. It doesn't effect them.

I would just like to point out that in order to post a review on STEAM you have to own the game.
This means that you have paying customers shitting on DENUVO.

Did i get your neurons firing up or what?

Not an argument.

>It doesn't effect them.
It obviously does or they wouldn't bother to make it the basis of their reviews.Are you retarded?

>Hello, this is my first year on the internet: the post

Fuck off faggot. I remember TAGES BSOD'ing my computer. I remember some other shitty DRM not working at all because it didn't know what UAC was. I remember the Sim City meme game just stopping mid game because their always online servers are overloaded. I remember a bunch of random games not even starting for the first days because server overload.

Use your peanut brain before defending DRM.

Steam OFFERS a DRM called Steamworks, Steam itself is not DRM

No it doesn't, and that's not why they bitch about it. You should know that, literally no one who bitches about Denuvo has been effected by it.

Yes, and this is a clear example of that, which is why everybody is complaining about the DRM existing at all and almost nobody is reporting issues of not being able to play or anything.

Why did you reply to my post?Did you even read my post?

>install separate client
>register your game key to one account
>online registration

Dumb Valve drone.

"Separate" tests all "performed" by Denuvo themselves.
>There's literally nothing wrong with our DRM you goys!

I have never in my life had problems with DRM because I don't play shit games. Maybe you should all just fucking kill yourselves for being so fucking retarded.
I wonder how mouthbreathers like you even continue to exist, does your mom come into your room every once in a while to remind you not to forget to breathe?

So you ARE retarded.

>there are people so pathetic they would buy a game to leave a negative review and refund afterwards just because the devs won't let them steal their work in peace

>go to your game folder
>copy everything into a usb and carry it over to another pc without steam
>still works

Explain how it has effected them. If your answer is "always online", they removed that.

Great idea.I will start doing that to all DENUVO titles.FUCK DRM!!!YOLO!!!


>they removed that
Where is your proof?They moved the timer to one week but there is still an online check up.Stop spewing lies.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, friend.

How the fuck does that affect your braindead ass? Explain to me how always online is a problem unless you are a stupid fucking nigger in etiopia stealing cable from the local drug lord occasionally.

Great comeback.

The steam forum where the developers posted that you can play offline now. If you're referring to the screenshot that's been going around, you'll notice it's the PS4 version that's doing checks.

can't play the game when denuvo servers shut down (and they will)

not an argument

Ah, the good old "steam servers will shut down and you will never get to play vidya EVER" argument. How is that holding up for you?

How is wanting to play offline an argument?

>no need for online checks
>game suddenly start getting cracked all the time
So why is denuvo still a thing?

There's an initial, not constant, check. Which if you're not online to start the game, how did you download it.

Denuvo is still a thing because pc piracy is still ridiculous.
>Those who have purchased it prior to the page's removal still have the game and could play it until the servers were shut down permanently on March 1, 2016. The game is currently unplayable due to its DRM scheme requiring a connection.
not even 10 years and it's already starting. denuvo iwll shut down and be forgotten as fast as you forgot about securom

I buy my games on GOG.Only retards shop on STEAM and pay for DENUVO.
>inb4 i don't pay for denuvo
Yes you are paying for DENUVO since it is included in the games prise.

DENUVO cucks on suicide watch.

>pc piracy is still ridiculous
>all those games on GOG
>DRM free
If Piracy was so bad why is GOG still a thing?Get your facts right.

>force you to be online all the time
>be still online 24/7

Wow dude, a game I've never even heard about. Good find, refer to my previous posts of shit games with retarded devs/publishers not worth playing.
Good games will be around forever.

It's still a market. And don't act like there isn't any kind of anti-piracy is GOG games. Anything with an online mode is gonna have some sort of anti-piracy.

>EA literally chose to kill the title
It's not that hard to grasp.

why should a publisher decide whether or not you're allowed to play a singleplayer game you bought? are you justifying the DRM's existence while also saying it doesn't exist and there is no problem?

I'm not even mad about them adding DRM to make pirates butthurt. I am simply very mad at the delay and the fact they didn't use the delay to fix bugs.

It's a shitty fucking choice but you can't blame the DRM for it. It was literally EA being a piece of fucking shit, just like always.

Gabe is watching you. Read refund policy carefully.

GOG refund policy is worse, than Steam. I already have more than 200 games on Steam, don't want to run two clients to have updates.

>It's [current year]
Every time.

Adult behavior:
>wait for game to release
>see that it has DRM you don't like
>don't buy the game

Manchild aka "gamer" behavior:
>pre order game
>see DRM at release
>don't refund because you HAVE to play the game
>shitpost endlessly about the DRM

More like
>pre order game
>DRM hidden at release
>can't refund because free gift
>shitpost endlessly about the DRM

Ah, that takes me back.