Hopes? Expectations? Lobbies?
Hopes? Expectations? Lobbies?
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Less expensive DLC. Not likely, though
Cooldowns or skill trees
I hope the difficulties will be more sensible. Just making common rats do fourth of your health with a single hit is stupid. And friendly fire making most of the Bright Wizard staves absolutely useless.
i hope for More nonhuman vermin such as greenskins,lizardmen,beastmen and elves
More heroes to play as. My friends and I tended to just rush to pick the Dwarf, then everyone who lost had to pick the humies.
And a more interesting and overarching story would be nice. A lot of the game felt disconnected, which was intentional so you could do whatever whenever, but it didn't keep us motivated to play the whole game beyond just the excuse of maps
hope is the first step on the road towards disappointment
it will be shit just like every Warhammer video game before it
>Play as Orcs where its an never ending stream of Rats until all 4 of you guys die
>Play as Lizard man in defending your shrine
git gud. Seriously. Or alternatively play Nightmare which is a bloody walk in a park and you get pretty much the same loot as on Cata.
Cata is not even that difficult once you understand dodgedancing.
>t. played a fair bit of true solo Cata
I expect another shallow fatshark game with repetitive gameplay and absolutely no lasting appeal and dead servers after a month.
Skill trees, more mechanical customization in general
More gameplay modes
Character armor and equipment becoming more in depth
More vanity options
A completely new cast of characters. No returning characters. New unique mechanics and weapons to play with.
Hopefully not a fucking lobby that requires a loading screen and walking around a fucking room. Sure it has a charm, but when you load into a map, disconnect, then have to load back to an inn, it takes far too long.
Yeah, nah. I mean it might look like it from an outside perspective, or if you only played a couple of hours on normal, but the game has a humongous skill ceiling and a ton of mechanics to master. Sadly they only come to play if you gimp yourself by playing with less than 4 players on Cata.
The only thing I want is that they dont go the way of Overkill with Payday 2 and introduce two dozen worthless characters with basically no voiceacting. Fuck that shit. Keep the cast to a maximum of 6 who constantly banter like they do in the first game.
>Sadly they only come to play if you gimp yourself by playing with less than 4 players on Cata.
Or one of the modded difficulties like Deathwish.
>asking that from GW of all companies
I bet it's going to come with half of the areas from the first Vermintide and half the playable characters because FUCK YOU
And an "improved" OWfied gameplay because thats what happens when any GW vidya gets a sequel and theres a new hot meme at the time
Does anyone on Sup Forums even play this game anymore? Back in release there were constant threads and lobbies going on.
There's been a bit of a resurgence because of the humble bundle sale. I can usually get a team of four once I'm like halfway through a mission anyway.
Last stand is a gamble though.
I bought it for a few friends so we could all play together.
I'd buy the fuck out of it if there was a Lizardman campaign
Hellpit Abomination boss. That is all.
Imagine if they pull a L4D2 and let you play all the old maps from the original on top of the new maps
What if...
Versus mode.
Weapon stats actually mattering.
Weapon perks not being a mix of shitty random stuff.
Playable characters are five orks who don't take kindly to Skavenfags taking their shiny, useless rocks.
Probably just new maps and characters while keeping basically everything else the same and charging $60.
Day one buy if they even add an orc freebooter or skink hero
I think most special rats might be a little too immobile for that, and player-controlled stormvermin would be insane.
I dunno, considering rats don't get stat bonuses or traits or anything either it might be really hard to balance.
Assumably, it'd be like in L4D2 where you respawn an unlimited number of times as the Skaven, so all that really matters is ensuring damage numbers are in-line.
I hope they never fix the buggy ragdolls
No hopes or expectations whatsoever, thanks to the first one.
I enjoyed the beta for the first game, but when I bought it with some friends, we got stuck on this one mission. We'd get on the boat at the end, but it wouldn't complete the level. We tried it with a different person hosting each time. We tried it with 1 person left alive, we tried it with all 4 left alive. We tried it 5 patches later, even after they said they fixed that specific bug. We ended up never playing the game again.
>All Warhammer games must be made by GW
What the fuck is this retardation
Launch was notoriously buggy yeah. All the bad shit is pretty much fixed now though and it's a ton of fun. There's a map or two in the DLC where you might get stuck in a wall, but it's hard to do without explicitly trying.
You and your friends should try it again user, it's so fun.
>TFW only liked to play as the fire chick
I dunno why. I just enjoyed her mechanically.
Don't care I'm going to pirate it just like the first game, play it in coop with a friend and drop it after we pass the game once
I don't mind the Inn hub, but there's really no incentive to keep playing with the same group so people usually leave after completing a mission wrecking the group in the process.
5 Player Mulitplayer as an option would be nice.
I think they'll definitely have a proper co-op campaign this time around. I mean sure, there was story in the game but it was for sure in the background. At the end of the day you just kill a Grey Seer to thwart the invasion. Fat Shark has definitely gotten better at actual boss fights and interesting mechanics with DLC maps, though.
GW takes their cut which naturally means devs up the prices to compensate for it.
More mayflies.
More lumberfats
A playable mayfly class who dies in one hit
A class with wooden feet who can be heard by rats from really far away
Character predictions
Black Orc
Skeleton Warrior
Temple Guard
High Elf Archer
>Realistic Tier
Bretonnian Squire
Sartosa Pirate with monkey sidekick
Warrior Priest
High Elf of some kind
Dark Elf of some kind
>pls no tier
the same characters as the first game
As long as i get to kill in the name of the empire i will be happy
I really like this.
I got Vermintide from the Humble Bundle. Played a bit.
I hope they completely overhaul the whole looting system. Make it so the rewards for completing missions aren't so meager and severely reduce the grind for weapons. Of course the longevity of the current game is directly tied to this drawn out looting system, but I just hate it when they design it like this.
Also I hope they actually reward exploration over simply completing the mission. Games like these lose their charm so fast because it just becomes a race to the end of the mission.
Make it so you get rewarded for failing the mission too. And exploring shit actually has some use.
>Dark Elf of some kind
New loot systemIt will be loot crates
It's the End Times. The Elven race finally united under the true king.
What the fucks a warpstone
And why do rats love it
Also I think they are gonna be in the next warhammer RTS
>What the fucks a warpstone
Chaos energy that solidified once entering the Mortal Realm.
>And why do rats love it
Their society runs on it.
More fucking loot and a better chance to get them
Vermintide is honestly a good game, but everything about the mission, keys, loot and "crafting" feels like a pain in the ass.
In my completely subjective opinion - scrap all that, and give us just more weapons to chose from, with perhaps some legendary once ypu can only find inside the mission (and last only for that mission).
Introduce character skills and skill trees. As for farming - just the cosmetic items, along with deeper costumization instead of just hats (it's WH ffs).
Instead of the difficulty being dead by one or two hits from one rat, make it 30x the amount of rats.
Because you know, rats are many.
>Bretonnian Paladin
>Warrior Priest
>Tilean of some sort, could insert a daring swashbuckler character here
>Dwarf Engineer
>non-fire school imperial wizard, or a high elf, or a second dwarf character
Those are my ideas.
Is it gonna be another bulletspongefest?
Elf bants
Tons of new weapons and stat system, and tertiary stat like run speed, fire rate, etc without equiping trinkets
This has been on my wishlist for 2 years yet i've never got around to buying it - I'm guessing it's probably better to just wait for the sequel now?
Jewed out as fuck, noplayers
Jewed out as fuck, noplayers, other publishers notice this and jew a little less.
You can usually get a reliable nightmare map, but trying to pug cata was suffering
> mfw I had to do The White Rat with bots to get the achievement
I felt like the absolute fucking man after that
>most ranged weapons one shot normal rats up to cata
>rifle/longbow weapons one shot specials and Stormvermin up to cata
>rat ogre goes down like a bitch with any rapid fire weapon
>bullet sponge
What did he mean by this?
interesting characters ?
not just skavens ?
better combats ?
more weapons ?
He meant that he didn't play the first game.
>Play as Orcs
si senor
I hope they make it a bit less derivative instead of 'Left 4 Rats'
>Get all the achievements solo
>gold last stand
>cata shit
>They add a bunch that basically require you to play with retards
Kill me.
Both of these would please me greatly.
I regret buying the first one on console, probably won't buy this one.
But they already do that? Cataclysm has significantly more rats on screen than something like Hard. Especially with Stormvermin
Hopes and dreams
More hero's, hopefully like 6 or 7 total to pick from.
More gear variety
More enemy variety- things like plague monks or similar as stormvermin alternatives, jezzails and other nastier skaven stuff to increase the number of different special skaven.
More campaign / story stuff.
More actual boss fights like krench.
I'm in the exact same boat. Didn't stop me from doing the ones you can do with bots tho
>Hopes? Expectations?
A game that isn't shit LMAO
Fuck the hell yes
>And friendly fire making most of the Bright Wizard staves absolutely useless.
The FF damage is fuck all. It's also better to slightly damage your teammates and to knockdown and burn a massive horde than it is to let your team get hit for more damage by clan rats, specials and/or Stormvermin. Git gud.
While it's certainly annoying if it happens constantly, the only time it's ever significant is with a strength potion, and even then it's only the bombs/shotguns that cause issues.
What are some weapons you want to see?
>halberd, spear, both have more reach than other melee weapons
>sword and buckler (make it different from the shield weapons, have it block attacks while it attacks, until it runs out of stamina and you attack normally, or lets you attack right after a block)
>rapier and dagger
>grenade launcher - minor bombs, mainly for hordes
>quick-step forward for a lunge, back again for a recovery
>shot ammo or ball options for every smoothbore, non rifled gun
>one of those dwarf flamethrowers
>New classes that are actually unique instead of four fucking melee/ranged human hybrids and 1 fun magic character
>Actual fucking race traits
>A completely non RNG item system
>Less bullshit DLC
>Better combat
Whats actually going to happen
>Exact same characters
>Exact same item system
>Even more bullshit DLC
>Same combat
Hope they fix the engine, since the first game runs like fucking ass.
But they fixed it years ago
I was hoping it wouldn't be rats again in the sequel.
I hope they put in some other faction for some of it- some missions against undead could be cool.
The new squad
Black orc
Savage orc
Gobbo boss
Gobbo shaman
Please god give me a High Elf White Lion or Phoenix Guard
A swordmaster of har ganeth executioner would be fine aswell
>Playing as Phoenix Guard
>Not a single spoken line
Steam guns
Playing nightmare 2 lvl 5s join I ask if they have done nightmare before " top kek m8 this game is easy as shit" one runs off and gets hooked the other gets swarmed by a hoard and dies. I just assume they were Sup Forumsfags
Being more abitious than Left4Dead 1 creskin clone.
More weapon types, more enemies, more depth and freedom in weapon enchanting.
Also sneaking mechanics, laying traps and maybe slight elements of tower defece (especially in last stand mode).
Also- game should be set in 40k.
Is that another Europe Immigration Simulator?
Those are getting boring.
Saltzpyre > Bardin > Kruber >>>> Kerillian
Kerillian is the best you fag. Enemies drop before they notice you.
I'm reminded of Kruber cutting in when Saltzpyre is about to explode at her
>Let her be sir, she revels in her mysteries. Perhaps it's to hide a lack of substance
>implying there's anything wrong with the thing thats going to happen
I just want more maps, the gameplay is great.
>banter and personality
Everyone else >>>>>> Gorillian
Elf whore >>>>>>>> everyone else
Why did they have to give her the best weapons?
>fuck over a large portion of your players with a lack of serious updates
>game still has numerous bugs despite how long it's been out
>announce a sequel instead of fixing the first game
Fuck that noise.
blatant cashgrab that was uneccessary and a stab in the back for early supporters who were told there'd be continous content releases for the first game.
Okay, I'll bite
>fuck over a large portion of your players with a lack of serious updates
What was 1.5's full weapon rebalance? What was 1.8 or 1.9 trinket rebalance? Those were exactly for the enthusiast crowd. Also Quests & Contracts, Shrine, using gems in Forge, etc.
>game still has numerous bugs despite how long it's been out
Name a few
>announce a sequel instead of fixing the first game
There's literally nothing to fix and the game is already 2 years old. Making a new game and learning from their mistakes, and adding a proper modding support is exactly what they should do.
>map DLCs every 6 months, alongside several weapon balance patches, performance patches, etc. continuously over two years
The fuck?
What about sets of maps had sets of heroes to go with it?
Empire gets Vermintide 1 gang, Elven/Dwarf regions gets different crew.
Was trying to think but anyone Chaos/Vampire wouldn't go so well against Skaven
>40k will never have a good game
it hurts, emperor. why have you forsaken us?
Maybe one day we'll get something other than SPESS MUHREENS in a shooter