Was this good? Seems like there was a lot of hype and then it came out and everyone forgot about it

Was this good? Seems like there was a lot of hype and then it came out and everyone forgot about it.

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Too complicated, but better than Skyrim for sure.

are you migrating from the PTSD thread? there was some enderal postin there

I actually didn't finish it but I had a great time of what I played. Exploring was comfy

Because when they released it it very clearly wasn't finished and had no content outside of the main quest and like two cool sidequests.

I just remembered it existed because of that thread yeah.

It has its moments. Overall, not great, but better than Skyrim.

its like if you wanted to play gothic, but wanted gothic to play like skyrim for some reason.

gothic doesn't have

>actual graphix

it has the best story in a video game

in my opinion

VIGILANT was miles ahead and it was made by one guy

Finished it two days ago and can't stop thinking about it. Easily top 10 best games I ever played. DLC soon, I hope. Most likely will donate to the team, they deserve it much more than shitty AAA-projects.

fuck off back to your containment general, shitter


It's no Amalur

Wtf are you babbling about nigger?

It was ok
Exploration was fine, world had lots of well designed places, but there are too little side quests. Side quests are almost only located in 1st village and main city, even thougn there are more settlements (but not enough of them, also there should be more non-hostile npcs)
Main story had issues where shit was obvious to the player, yet characters were not getting it. Entire ending could easly be avoided

Friendly reminder that there are no bad or good actions/endings - there are choices and concequences.

don't you have better things to do, Rhode Island?

The free dlc will add more quests (including ones about veiled woman, tulpaman, and certain character's death investigation), plus a new secret ending. And two big questlines for guilds.

wait, they're still adding shit to it?

>free DLC

there's paid DLC for a Skyrim mod? (creation club can suck a dick)

>Side quests are almost only located in 1st village and main city, even thougn there are more settlements (but not enough of them, also there should be more non-hostile npcs)

This. It seems like a dead world with onlz Ark and other village. Everywhere else you went were just destroyed ruins monster infested mines and fields, abandoned ships on shores etc...

It seemed like everywhere you go smething fucking tragic happened and nobody either cleaned up the mess to at least loot nor did anybody work on mine pits you cleared from monsters, like wtf do they get their ores from?

And only mine working in Deep Valley was just bandit infested shithole while being there for just that painting sidequest shit.

>Main story had issues where shit was obvious to the player, yet characters were not getting it. Entire ending could easly be avoided
I don't know if I was stupid or something but i had a bliss of ignorance untill the ending. Maybe because I have not played nehrim before so i did not know how persistent they are on their cycles shit. Though I must admit it's unique, different from other fantasies.

And now that I think of it Nehrim had 3 mayor cities and dozen of smaller ones. Why did they not populate Enderal like they did Nehrim is beyond me.

>character's death investigation

So with expansion they will try to fix the plot hole? Would that not completly change the ending?

To late it was a year ago I played this and finished it, it's story based and since i know the story I can't force myself on another Skyrim gameplay experiance I have had enough of that.

Nah, just to clarify it's as free as the main mod/game.

broke for me. got to the part where you sit down in the camp, yet my character wouldn't actually sit on the stump and nothing would progress/happen

I think that's why they're adding a new ending.

I think it's amazing and much better than Skyrim. It's one of the best mods I've ever played for anything.

I liked it so much I did a playthrough when the English translated version came out, and I'm currently in the middle of a second playthrough.

Why would you do it now and not wait for the expansion?

So what is the truth behind the butcher of ark?

I didn't realise it was getting an expansion.

Also, Enderal took like what, 5 years to come out? The expansion is probably a year or two away, that's enough time to let pass for another playthrough.

>new class

seems nice, you make good vidya (and mods) krauts. I hope they're working in their own paid project next in UE4 or some shit.


They're saying it'll come out in 2017 and they recently reported everything goes according to plan.

its a slightly better skyrim, so its still garbage

While we are on the topic of fanmade Gothic like games, there is new simular expansion for Gothic 2 being made by Polish bros.


But seriously why is it that eastern europeans and krauts make best RPGs?

Well fugg.

It's supposedly coming out this year and they still don't have a release date though?

It'll come out when it's finished, they said.

Apart from some flaws already pointed out, most of the main NPCs were annoying.
Ask them for their name and they spill out their whole life story, religious beliefs and political views. That's what the devs think a deep and mature RPG is.

As opposed of the normal, shallow Skyrim NPCs dialogue?

they dont
Piranhabytes havent made a good game since Risen 1 and just reskin the same garbage that nobody likes

Something being bad and another thing being terrible doesn't make the bad thing not bad. Just because you manage to jump over a bar so low its actually just on the ground doesn't mean shit.

>But seriously why is it that eastern europeans and krauts make best RPGs?
Because they value and understand how even the smallest details make significant difference to the whole picture. No idea about the Germans, though. Risen 1 was their last good cRPG; everything further down the road was mediocre if not bad at best.

No, as opposed to good dialogue by interesting NPCs like in the Gothic or Witcher series.

Its absolutely better than Skyrim, I'm a fan of their work and I've also played Nehrim. I remember perfectly when this came out no one on Sup Forums wanted to talk about it. And it got shit for some reason, like people who actually like playing skyrim were shit talking it.

>Robes give armour rating
Best feature of the mod.

Is Nehrim worth playing? I've head there are several more games in the same universe too, what about them?

Nehrim is totally worth playing if you can get over the Oblivion graphics.

The only other game in that modding universe is Arktwend, Morrowind Mod. Haven't played. Might be shit as it's their first mod.

Yeah, I played oblivion two times so no problem with that. To be honest, I think a lot of enderal locations seem to be deeply inspired by oblivion lands, all this vibrant green-red palette and such. Thanks for the reply, I'll check it then.

this forest really gave me a nice nostalgic oblivion feel

This is gonna be so fun.

Favourite part of the map?

Goldenforst has beautiful autunum forest palete.

Though Sun coast is most memorable.

But that looks like straight outta the forest behind Khorinis

There's an expansion being made for it so I'm holding off until it's complete.

>let's take Elder Scrolls, and make it even more generic
>also overkill dialogue

Gameplay improvements just couldn't make me ignore this.

>world of islands

I wish they would fix that, then again I wish I could get a release of this for SSE, and I wish that SureAI would make their next game with OpenMW, and charge for it.

>making all this shit for free

honestly I wouldn't be mad if they had licenced the engine from Bethesda and charged for Enderal

I'd rather them work with OpenMW to put more eyes and more hands into the engine itself. Bethesda wouldn't licence Creation to another studio, they would come up with some bullshit deal that ends in them acquiring that studio and it's IPs, also SureAI aren't really worth anything so Beth wouldn't even consider such things.

>those poses
What did they mean by this?

I really don't get this. The whole cycle meme has been done to death by plenty of other games. Usually you get the opportunity to resolve everything rather than being stuck in it tho.

a crappy "open world" game consisting of corridors and small open areas. People saying it's better than skyrim are just proof how pleb this board is.

>Gameplay improvements just couldn't make me ignore this.
they were none.


tho if Molag Bal was dead all along who was phone?

It's not like being better than Skyrim is a crazy endeavor in the first place.

oh shut up pleb. skyrim is still one of the best open world rpgs even with all it's shortcomings. See, this is why I hate Enderal, it's main marketing strategy and appeal is saying how skyrim is shit, meanwhile, all the actual decent things in it are directly taken from skyrim. It boasts that it has a good story, while as you can see, nobody in this thread even praises or remembers what the story was about.

t. Todd

>skyrim is still one of the best open world rpgs even with all it's shortcomings
Not sure if you're being ironic right now. Skyrim is a pathetic rendition of an open world game let alone an RPG. Even Oblivion with all its cut and paste dungeons did it better, because at least it had interesting quests and one of the best ES expansions (shivering isles) to make up for it. And when it comes to genuinely good open world games we always have the Gothics 1 and 2, but even 3 exceeds Skyrim by a mile here.

See, this is why I hate people who started posting here after 2011. They're too fucking young to remember anything before Skyrim.

gothic 1 isn't better than skyrim you douche, and 3 while being a huge world has a very simplistic and down right broken gameplay mechanics. Still, you fanboy ass, I didn't praise skyrim as a perfect game, I just said it's still one of the best.

And yet again, the main subject of a enderal thread, is discussing is skyrim good or bad. I think that just shows how actually little conversation potential and actual quality enderal really has.

So fuck off pleb, hope you get your expectations and standards lowered by the time elex comes out, you brainless moron.

The real question is if Nehrim is still worth playing in 2017

>3 while being a huge world has a very simplistic and down right broken gameplay mechanics

Because Skyrim's gameplay mechanics are state of the art in complexity and depth.

> I didn't praise skyrim as a perfect game, I just said it's still one of the best.

No one implied that you /did/ say it was perfect. You said it's one of the best, and you're wrong.

>autistic screeching

It's hilarious to shitpost and then use your own shitposting as proof of something's quality. That's just pure fucking insanity.

>ecause Skyrim's gameplay mechanics are state of the art in complexity and depth.
at the very least is fucntional, unlike most of piranha bytes games
No one implied that you /did/ say it was perfect. You said it's one of the best, and you're wrong.
No I'm not, I just proved you wrong you laughable pleb.

>at the very least is fucntional

Barely, user. Barely functional. Those parts which do work well are so simplistic that you may as well be playing an action game.

Gothic 3, for all its many, many flaws has gameplay that at least enhances the story it tells, that immerses the player. Literally the only fighting style in Skyrim with enough depth to be interesting is archery. That's it. Magic is shit, melee and block are shit. The game is likewise plagued with a hilariously small selection of weapons, armor and spells. All melee weapons play almost exactly the same way, all that changes is how much you button mash. Spells are all just slight upgrades on themselves with AoE versions you'll never use because you slaughter your own companions and summons.

It's a shitshow, user. A shitshow. It is in no way 'the best'. The fact that what does exist usually works correctly doesn't change the fact that it just isn't fun to play without extensive modding.

Gothic 1, 2 and 3 can be exceptionally frustrating, but are at least fun and varied.

I think Oblivion is still playable, at least with mods, so yes. Nehrim greatly improved the gameplay and has a very interesting land to explore compared to Oblivion's big flat green plane, so the only thing that is off putting is the graphics and performance

Those graphics aren't off-putting dude, they're gorgeous