>post an image
>others recommend you games based on it

Other urls found in this thread:



Breath of the Wild

Armoured core

some mario creepypasta romhack



>image implies that BOTW is the only game on the Switch and that Sony is a powerful god-like entity

what did he mean by this



Russian roulette

Age of Empires 2




Super Mario 64

Max Payne 3







>post image of characters from video game
>recommed games based on it XDD

Why Nintendo fanboys are so dumb?

what is that? looks like a generic anime game #9001 from google imgaes




Go Home
Life is Problematic
Depression Text Adv

It's Shopkeeper The Videogame



Happy merchant simurator





Style Savvy Trendsetters



jesus fucking christ
when will people learn that it's better to be a repulsive guy than a repulsive "male-to-female" trans"
when's the fucking meteor that lets us start over fresh

Persona 3

There's no need for a meteor, just a good old fashioned holocaust.

It's not Chris's fault. He is severely mentally deficient, and the only person who wasn't an enabler died a few years back


>Rio-chan's pantsu...

dude that's CWC. he's waaaaay far gone, a major outlier in any community. he cannot be used as a sample for trans people, he's hardly a person at all



Resident Evil 5


i know all about cwc, it's just especially disappointing seeing that peach-waifu china-touching fuck go this far.
did he say why he did this to himself? hopefully he didn't think it's easier being a girl. so many fucking m-to-f trannies think this way, AND BOY ARE THEY IN FOR A FUCKING SURPRISE—especially when you're ugly as fuck

He's specifically doing the tranny shtick because trolls got in his ear and managed to convince him that it's easier to chase skirts if you're already a woman.

>chase skirts
Didn't he cut off his dick tho? I'm not really that up to date on my chris lore

he did it because he thought he could get closer to the ladies that way
the first thing he did after becoming a "girl" was go online and asking girls to rub their clits together
he reffered to his penis as a baboon clit or something

i wonder what Sup Forums's going to do when he inevitably kills himself. hopefully a sticky at the very least.

Russian roulette with full chamber

that's even more horrific than i imagined.

He had that abscess """""vagina""""" from listening to YouTube hypnosis vids, right? I'm surprised he's not dead tbhfam

Sonic and knuckles

chris is too delusional to ever kill himself
the infected gaping wound on his taint which he only washed with cum didn't kill him either

I don't think he'll be gone any time soon

Nah, turns out that it wasn't actually a result of his piercing getting infected like everyone initially thought.

He got drunk one night and took a steak knife to his groin in an attempt to "free" the vagina he felt was growing inside him.



>He got drunk one night and took a steak knife to his groin in an attempt to "free" the vagina he felt was growing inside him.

Metal gear solid 3

Interesting choise. I thought someone would say stalker

oh, that's a relief...

R6 Siege


Here, feel better.


5 nights at freddies

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Evangelion vidya

a genocide caused by humans is just going to make people more liberal

why is he making soup of that cat?

Sonic Mania





Yes, that's the bong spelling of armoured. Weird isn't it?
Bionicle heroes

fallout new vegas





nigga dude :D

why is the horse dude's wife accompanying Goofey on the ride?


gone home


Radar Mission


degenerate whore obviously


>thread is filled with shitposting and bait images instead of pictures that could actually make for interesting recommendations
Why shit up your own thread, OP?

Ace Combat Zero