Wake up

>Wake up
>Get text from my dad
>It's a link to an article from my country's version of buzzfeed about how FPS videogames destroy your brain's gray matter

Why are people still obsessed with video games being unhealthy? I thought nobody gave a fuck anymore.

Gotta blame shitty parenting on something, video games are pretty mainstream.

Tell him that study was debunked, because it was. The last Sup Forums thread where it was posted I saw an article blowing it the fuck out. Also, the study said only specific types of games lead to "gray matter decay", anyway.

Also tell him that Elon Musk (an extraordinarily wealthy genius) plays lots of video games, including Team Fortress 2 (he mains Engineer)

>your dad sees something he thinks might be relevant to your health
>lets you know in an attempt to help you
even if he's misguided, he cares about you

>Also tell him that Elon Musk (an extraordinarily wealthy genius) plays lots of video games, including Team Fortress 2 (he mains Engineer)
is this real?

He's a fucking casual piece of shit who knows nothing about video games but retarded normies will probably eat that shit up.

I know he cares, but I'm plenty healthy (train at a boxing gym regularly) he keeps telling me videogames are a waste of time but he doesn't even know I don't play FPS at all. I'm not mad at him, just a bit bothered.

Because FPS games are crap and do rot your brain. *BING BING WAHOO!* will always be healthier than *BANG BANG KILLSTREAK*

Literally everything is a waste of time.

*Even though

Or he could just be looking for a way to blame him instead of his own shitty parenting.

He's right, anything above 60FPS is a meme perpetrated by retards and 30FPS is fine if stable.

of course not, hes busy doing other shit

that's a lot of projecting there

It's true, though.
Western video games rot your brain.
Japanese video games build them.

I mostly play Tekken and AoE these days so I think I'm safe

its pretty low iq to believe in this shit.

Why do so many people say videogames are a waste of time when fucking everyone watches television or otherwise isn't productive 100% of the time?
I remember there was a /fit/ thread like two weeks ago "at what age did you stop playing videogames" where a guy kept saying how videogames are a waste of time and after he dropped them he started more productive hobbies and one of those was knitting, which is also a waste of time.

absolutely fierce projecting


Real men SEW

Reminds me of that "Quest Markers Literally Cause Brain Damage" article from a couple weeks back.

>link him to an article that goes into detail how alcohol destroys brain cells


>reading shitty clickbait articles sent to you by family members

I wish my father would stop sending me business news, how am I suppose to react except "I read it."?

Sign checks and receive them?
Because he's no scientists, he doesn't do any actual work at SpaceX.