I dunno why, but I've had this really strong urge recently to shred some fucking Nazis

>I dunno why, but I've had this really strong urge recently to shred some fucking Nazis
>Crowd goes into an uproar of cheers, hooping and hollering louder than at anything else they've heard

Other urls found in this thread:


Well yeah, Nazis are pieces of shit.

>Still thinking Nazi's are cool

I thought summer was over

that word is so overused by now its starting to get irritating wow you're so cool for hating nazis gotta get some sick gamer cred for that


Like animals.

*vroom vroom*
heh..... nothing personnel commie.....

>those styling ass outfits
>that discipline
>conquering most of europe
>bein mad enough to invade russia in winter
>implying they were not cool
Say what you want about the ideology, but they definitely were cool

>invade russia in winter

they were cold user. russia in the winter is fucking cold. and its always winter there. Hitler was a dumb ass for invading anything when his country needed food and supplies to rebuild after they lost WW1,
hitler was dumb. cared more about himself then his own people.

Notice this guys weak chin - he can only do things like that in video games because he's such a fucking loser

Just thinking about the Hitler coaster of loop de loop doom death really fucking makes me want to punch a Nazi.

What? no one else?

Isn't it about time your slashed your wrists?

Good thing we beat them all in ww2.

How to spot a nazi:
>1. They have a strangely pro free-speech view, to the point where they even think you should be able to shout fire in a crowded theater, or use hate speech. May describe themselves as a "free speech absolutist"
>2. Uses the term "regressive/regressive left" or "leftist" or "SJW", "rabid feminist", etc, or any combination of these
>3. Talks about how great "western civilization" or "european culture" is (dog whistle for white people)
>4. Strongly anti-immigration, describe people of difference races as "illegal aliens" or "illegal immigrants" to otherize them, pro-Trump, pro-Trump wall (despite the fact that everyone knows it will not be built), anti-DACA, etc
>4. They vehemently claim they aren't a nazi, despite the fact that they seemingly are by the other points (they doth protest too much)
>5. Make threads like OP related

>death to all Nazis
>call anyone who disagrees with liberals Nazis

Really made me think.
The Overton window has already shifted, these morons are going to get fucked up even harder in 2020.

>Muslim blows himself up killing tens of people
>ISIS takes responsibility
>muslim slashes people with an axe
>ISIS takes responsilibilty
>muslim plows into people with a truck
>ISIS takes responsibility

>some right wing larper runs into a crowd
>"45% of the country are NAZIS"
>"all white people did this!"
>"all republicans did this!"
>"all free speech activitists are nazis"
>"bash the fash!"
>"nazis are everywhere!"
>"antifa want to beat people, they are heros"
>"confederate statues caused this!"


Holy shit, how do people believe this obvious garbage. When the fuck was a fucking rollercoaster ever EVER discovered??

Do we just listen to what a Jew says?

this narrative is super dead, media is already burying antifa clowns

Japan knows what's up.

If most of the holocaust deniers are Nazis trying to deflect, surely by warrant of being a Nazi they would have wanted the holocaust to have taken place anyway? Surely it would be more in keeping with the ideology to claim the holocaust did happen?

When will the west make good games instead of political propaganda?

>there are some false accounts of the holocaust, therefore nobody died and hitler is jesus hiel 1488 we must preserve the future of white children
>vlad the impaler wasn't actually a vampire as some claimed therefore he was a good guy

Never question the narrative.

Yep. Only a couple of pensioners left.

Depends. If Trump isn't impeached and gets a second term, in about 4 years.

If he is impeached or doesn't get a second term, never.

>no ben on podcast this week
>rorie is
You know things are bad when Rorie is better than Ben

Every time I see a libtard on twitter talk about "PUNCH/KILL/BASH A NAZI" I just reply to them with "agreed, those antifa violent proto-fascists needs to be stopped" and link to a news article condeming them.
Really riles them up.

Mods please

Weak bait.

Isn't giantbomb close to going bankrupt?

Looks like satire to me.

>applied to position

>got an email to setup phone appointment

wish me luck lads

Guess I'm a nazi.

Did you make this video?

I imaging the point is more in line of the 'he did nothing wrong' kinda way of thinking.
You try to excuse an obvious murderer as just a misunderstood little boy that really just wanted to kinda peacefully separate the races ("I hate no one, but I love my own" blah blah)
If you can establish the worst of the worst as not thaaat bad, then you're on easy street when someone tries to shut you're argument down by calling you a nazi - which by the way >is< a cowardly tactic, honestly.
You need to truly take these... well, nazis seriously and discuss these issues with the same respect you lend your grandma.
Otherwise we're just two groups of idiots shouting from opposite sides of a closed fence.

>all those shoes

Do shoes really not stay on feet that well? Mine are always fine.

Good luck user.
2 hours ago, I blazed through a microbiology oral exam. Feels super good man.

Nazism is retarded because the holocaust never happened.
Checkmate athiests

shit bro good shit

if i get on cam should i drop hints that im a fucking Sup Forumsirgin?

or keep that shit on the downlow and hide my power level?

He literally meant Nazis you fucking idiot, not this invention of Sup Forums's where they think everyone is out to get them.

Good luck user.
We know you won't get the job, the first few interviews you always fuck up, but good luck anyhow

Who else hate whitey but adamantly refuses to not live in white countries?

Japan fears losing low-ranking jobs to foreign immigrants because it'll displace a chunk of their society. They function very well without it.

>implying i dont know how to interview

im older than ben lol

A job interview? Definitely pretend to be a normal person if you're serious.

Do not under any circumstances hint that you're from Sup Forums, unless they drop some dog whistles themselves.
Wear your nicest clothes and act as normal as possible

What's the position?




Not much longer till "all whites are nazis" starts becoming a common slogan.

>Too late to explore the world.
>Too early to explore space.
>Just in time for the great race war.


video producer for giantbomb

aka Jason's assistant

or abby but in the west

If you're in an way offended by the idea of killing Nazis then you need to take a good hard look in the mirror.

It's already the case.
I was arguing against some Chinese guy that the CCP is fucking evil (it is, human rights abuses out the ass) and he called me a white supremacist because... I have no idea, I guess because I'm white

Translator's note: Nazi means everyone who didn't vote democrat.

>d-don't make fun of me :(
>just let me be a racist nazi in peace
>y-you're being violent

everyone hates Alex and is never going to be violent towards anyone because he's a suicidal pussy, but this thread is so transparent and obviously started by a pathetic pol tard.

>waah waaah i just want to ethnically clean the world but YOU'RE the violent one

Assuming you mean literal nazis, if you can't outdebate nazis against mass genocide then you deserve to be gassed

How to spot a Nazi:

Jackboots, peaked cap, MP44 or MG42, will shout SCHUTZSTAFFEL when he spots you and MEIN LIEBEN when he dies

Advanced Nazis may wield dangerous weapons like the TIGER TANK or NEBELWERFER

Nazis are led by Mecha Hitler, who has multiple chaingun arms.

Well shit, don't go full autismo or start mentioning memes. Good luck though.

Were games journalists this bad a decade ago?
I distinctly remember them caring more about games back then

Nazis only committed genocide in self defense.

Nice strawman, faggot

Your ignorance of nazi ideology and the intentions behind Hitlers campaign is pitiful but not all that suprising seeing as kikes have sucessfully buried the truth behind Germany's goal during WW2 behind claims of antisemitism if someone so much as questions the current narrative.

They had more ppl watching back then and weren't as desperate to stand out.
Youtube and the ability for anyone to make great informative content on a shoestring budget has really bled these journos dry.

I'm offended by millennials appropriating the sacrifice of the greatest generation.

I've wanted to make this point for a while, nobody on the left is saying that, and it's the same line of thinking as gamergate's "SJWs hate all men regardless of their views" narrative, it's meant to make you feel victimized even if you personally don't agree with white supremacist/MRA/authoritarian/whateverthefuckitis bullshit. This makes you leery around liberals because their strawman looked like you. Actually it's more like their strawman was attacking a smaller strawman that looked like you.


Actual liberals realized drumpf was a stupid meme after about a week, the only people that still say it are these faggots trying to make the other side look silly

Japan is a well known extremely conservative, pretty racist and anti immigration country.
They took 11 immigrants last year.
They fucking hate every other asian nationality and have been treating China and Korea like absolute shit for the past thousand years or more. Mass poisonings, unprovoked war, chemical experiments on innocent citizens, you name it.
For the longest time they believed themselves to be the one country in the world that had the right to invade and overtake the rest of the world.
Like the British empire and the Nazis before (one of the reasons they got along with Germany in the first place). Then that whole bomb thing happened and things suddenly changed for them.

Don't aspire to be Japan in that department, guys.
It's a wonderful country, but seriously... They have a fucked up history that should not inspire you.



Yes, imagine life without kikes and niggers. Those nazis where truly monsters.

People want to be a personality these days, and think their own opinions hold much more weight than the more objective side of things. The problem with that is that it really segments things.

They took far more than 11 immigrants. They took 11 """"""refugees"""""" from Merkel's refugee crisis.

And two of them were arrested for crimes.

How many criminals were they supposed to take?

You have to defend minorities 'cause it's the right thing to do, brother.

Reminder to wash your hands 3 times if you're ever forced to shake hands with a kike.

I think my point was maybe lost on you.

I wasn't defending, nor admiring their history. Just pointing out it would effect their society. Also immigrants =/= refugees, the former are there for learning/work.


I see this a right wing self Felation episode. Enjoy living in fear of the scary sjw you Fucking losers.

Phone poster go home

*blocks your path*

>if you dont like dipshits playing identity politics for self promotion you must be a nazi!!!


Yeah, this little pallet of pictures you put together really tipped the scales for me.
You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to convince me helping people is bad.



this is what weebtards actually believe

Nobody fears SJWs, they are just disgusting insects.

A'ight, I guess I misread your post then.



Why is killing Germans the go to power fantasy for these kinds of people?

question is

who is it that you're calling nazi?

because it's not clear whether you mean actual national socialists or just people who disagree with you

they're dead now

Is there anyone here that actually likes Alex? He has a horrible personality, is controlling, takes things way too seriously when he doesn't need to, etc. If he left Giant Bomb, no one would care and no one would follow him to where ever he went.

I guess I had to come to a video game board to learn that there actually are people that sympathise with the notoriously worst happening in modern history.
Who knew.

>10 years ago nobody would bat an eyelash at a game about killing Nazis because everyone knows Nazis are dickholes
>Now you can mention them without a massive wave of idiots arguing about them

Why does America ruin everything.

Even the MSM is starting to turn on them.

Why is this thread on Sup Forums?
Just take it to Sup Forums.

People love to throw the word "Nazi" around, but what do they even mean now?

damn I hope someone puts a helmet on you whenever you try to think about anything at all

10 years ago nazi meant nazi.
Now nazi means anybody right of Stalin