What do you want to see from the next LoZ game?
What do you want to see from the next LoZ game?
Zelda as a companion
Not that tumblr-tier art, that's for sure.
Series is dead. Nintentoddlers killed it.
Good gameplay.
a female link
An actual Zelda game. Breath of the Wild just has a link character model in a open world.
An actual return to roots Zelda game, not whatever BotW was.
LoZ MMORPG on Switch. Co-op story mode, etc..
lmao you wish sonybro
>Breath of the Wild just has a link character model in a open world.
So it's more like an actual Zelda game than any other 3D Zelda.
I really don't know. BotW was so perfect I don't have any ideas. I don't wanna fight Ganon next time though.
>aaron thought Nintendo stole his ideas
Never fails to make me laugh
Botw but with large dungeons
Dungeons would be a nice addition.
More than 4 enemies.
A final boss.
BotW but every dungeon has an unique look and feel with enemies inside, also more types of enemies with some of theme only appering in some biomes giving it more variety.
I wouldn't mind another BotW style sandbox again, they did a pretty damn good job.
What I want from a game like that, though, is MUSIC. The whole "beauty of nature" thing was a nice thought, but I want some majestic over-world themes and foreboding dungeons. And that's the other thing I really want: Dungeons.
The beasts were neat , but they had no real individual flavor, and while there was a shitload of Shrines, they were really only bite-sized morsels of dungeon crawling/puzzle solving adventure.
I know BotW has its whole "Do it in any order" gimmick, but I don't even really need or want there to be the same kind of dungeon progression that OoT had. I just want the different dungeons to be longer, and have more defined atmosphere and music, with memorable bosses at the end. I honestly don't think I'm asking for too much here, since even at its lowest Zelda always delivered interesting dungeons (Cistern in SS was god-tier dungeon and boss design with an amazing theme)
I play everything mate. I am what they call a video gamer, where you don't quibble over bullshit like console wars.
But it's pretty fucking clear after BOTW that Zelda is dead, because the fanbase is a bunch of screaming autists who don't know what they want.
Dream game?
I want to play as Ganon as he enters the dungeons and fucks up the boss/guardian and converts them to his side, while storming over hyrule. Make him a true warlock and give him melee / magic / transformation abilities as well.
I believe that's what we are going to get in the next Loz. It is my honest belief that the only reason the dungeons all have the same look and are so short with the bosses all basically looking the same + the shrines all having the same look are because of time constraints. The game was already delayed as fuck becasue they spent so much time building the engine and overworld and the dungeons really feel like a sort of "last minute" addition.
Bonus points if the game depicts Ganon as trying to save Hyrule from the corrupt Goddess's (and by extension, Zelda), and trying to help save Link from being roped into the "Destiny" that the Goddess's keep trying to force on him with the Triforce stuff.
>Zelda is dead because I think the fanbase is autistic
>But it's pretty fucking clear after BOTW that Zelda is dead, because the fanbase is a bunch of screaming autists who don't know what they want.
BotW reached a lot of people who otherwise would never play Zelda. It's expanded the fanbase drastically. The original fanbase has generally liked Zelda for the overworld, plot, and dungeons, which is why MM and SS saw pretty poor sales while TP and the handheld games have generally done pretty well.
Of course, a bigger fanbase means more opinions and different target audiences even within the same base - which means Nintendo either needs to divide their effort and make different games for the different audiences even within the same series, or they just try to appeal to the lowest common denominator by making the game extremely mainstream - it just so happens that appealing to the lowest common denominator is usually more profitable.
This would actually be pretty interesting. What would his weapons and abilities be?
>But it's pretty fucking clear after BOTW that Zelda is dead
Bullshit. It sold well, and will continue to sell well via brand name alone. Although, it helps that the game was actually good, so who cares what the purists are gonna say? Some classic zelda fans cried when OoT came out, but it survived that, and it will easily survive this.
If it had more dungeons it would figuratively be Zelda 1 3D.
What a loathsome human being. Art should be done for the sake of enrichment, whether for yourself or others, not for money. No wonder everything this nu-male draws feels like the exact same character dressed in different costumes, he's clearly trying to appeal to a "market" he's deluded himself into thinking actually exists.
Who the fuck cares about fanbase geeez
>Art should be done for the sake of enrichment, whether for yourself or others, not for money
i agree, it's like these people don't know you can get food and living spaces for free! artists are so jewish sometimes
a pc port
Artists have to eat too. While the dumbass in question is being an idiot, nobody should give away their skills for free when someone else will grab it and profit.
This argument remains retarded. Some of us have actual jobs and still find time to do our art. If it's really so taxing and a chore to use your free time (and you have a lot, don't kid yourself) to work on your art, then maybe you don't actually like creating art after all. If it's good enough then you will live off it. If it's not then what? You give up because it's not profitable? This is why it's important to love the process of creating art, not what you think it can earn you.
>The Legend of Zelda: The Passing of Link
>Link is dead and with it the triforce
>You play as Zelda, who takes the master sword and goes on a quest to collect magic whateverthefuck to bring Link back to life
>Primitive steampunk technology
>This changes up the Zelda storyline, and both pleases tumblrs wanting to play as Zelda and subtly enrages them by making their quest all about getting help from a man
Just my thoughts.
You're right, I don't understand art because I don't do art for art. Feel free to not pay for my art because it's not worth it anyway, as it's not like I could create anything good. I don't understand art, after all.
>fan artists makes claims that companies steal fan art
>doesn't want to/can't give examples of where this had happened to give his claim any kind of legitimacy or credibility
>doesn't realize that by the letter of the law, fan art is illegal under copyright law and companies don't owe artists anything if the artists decides to draw fan art on their own volition because it's not their property to begin with
I want a climactic battle with Ganondorf like in WW and TP.
>Feel free to not pay for my art because it's not worth it anyway, as it's not like I could create anything good.
That's probably correct.
why are these cunts so insistent that the females in games are unattractive?
pic related is offensive
Glad we could reach an agreement. I hope you keep this in mind from now on and realize that there's no reason to complain because you don't want their "art" to begin with.
Mei isn't unattractive.
Unless you're some queer that doesn't like a thicker woman.
Wait, what the fuck is he implying they stole even? I have seen his crappy fanfic, i don't recall R63 Link with crossbows. Even then he never actually made R63 Link nor owns the concept
How long are puzzlefags going to be butthurt that even Aonuma has abandoned them?
>you shouldn't expect compensation from your effort and talent that designs things for companies use to increase sales
>you should just do it for free and enjoy it
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>Primitive steampunk technology
This. I actually thought the trains and stuff in ST were pretty fun, but IIRC beyond that it was still a pretty generic fantasy setting. I think it would be pretty cool to see a Zelda game go further into an Industrial Age fantasy setting. It would not only be relatively fresh for the series, but it would create a good setting for designing wacky inventions, like a Just Cause style hookshot or something. Plus a slightly darker Burton-esque tone could be pretty cool for exploring dungeons and sewers.
I just hope they do something different to BotW, mainly. I liked it a lot, but it did what it was supposed to and I hope it doesn't become the new format. Or if they do want to continue with the open air style, at least bring back larger dungeons and some degree of item/ability progression.
Well I would start him off with a cheap guandao/glaive (that spear thing the Gerudo (desert people use)). Then gain the other tribe weapons, scimitar, twin short scimitar and bow and arrow. Side quest for that heavy sword that only a male Gerudo is said to weld.
His main focus would quickly go to magic as his power there is near limitless as he grows. Basic spell set with a few specials, don't want game mechanics to get too complex. Mage staff and other enhancers, huge jump after Triforce of power.
Under some hard conditions he could unlock his monster transformation, but I would make it expensive as it not called a final form for nothing.
The real question is who he would be.
The cursed form of a demons revenge or just some orphan desert boy. Also I want him to be understandable, but not fully sympathetic as he needs to stay a villain. As I am sick of villain turn heroes.
How's the first batch of BotW DLC
I really liked the concept they had for Sci Fi Zelda
>should be way more casual (such that it cannot be argued because it has too high of a metacritic score, and game journos HATE challenging games)
>have a disgusting framerate
>have not enough content to justify wanting to explore, with none of it being required to beat Ganon
>bosses that are repetitive and easy to take down, including the final boss and his multiple forms, especially the last one which should just be glorified quicktime events
>a trivial weapon system weapon where the game always gives you weapons, so at no point are you up against a wall and forced to "make due with what you have". the game should just throw a bunch of weapons your way anyway
>death with no impact, should not actually penalize you for doing bad, so you can just slam your head against a wall until it breaks
>more vomit-inducing sex fanservice meant to appeal to virgins
>more SJW pandering with the cinematic cutscenes
>the return of cross dressing degeneracy (and it doesn't matter what context its in. whether it be supporting cross dressing and thus tumblr pandering, or it's making a joke out of it and thus Sup Forums pandering. either one is fine
>Loads of DLC which costs way too much for content should've been in the game, for free, from the start
>absolutely terrible hard mode that's not even that challenging. should basically be the same thing with some changed health numbers
>no likable characters. I want the characters to act so retarded that I want to kill them, including Zelda, Link and every NPC race
Oh wait, that's not what I want for the next Zelda. It's what BotW gave me.
Zelda as the MC, god dammit
Now for a little something to fuck with Tumblr tards: a bit of an RPG mechanic
> Zelda starts off weak because well, she's a princess not a sword master
> At first she's only capable of doing a really basic attack, pretty much nothing more than simple swings
> throughout the game she picks up new moves
> by the end of the game she's gone from being an inexperienced princess to a deadly whirlwind of destruction
Tumblr ignores how fucking badass she becomes in the endgame and instead bitch about how sexist it is that she's weak in the beginning. The rest of the world laughs at them
How come she's a deadly whirlwind of destruction when she's literally a girl and thus physically inferior to a fully trained man no matter how hard she tries?
I'm just going to assume that you're a feminist frequency subscriber.
Lol stay poor and gay and retarded mad artcucks. Nothing makes me cum harder than an artist screaming and crying that he deserves money and then he never gets it. That guy who animated that "Spongebob anime intro" got his video REMOVED and stolen by other people, now no one knows he made it and The Fine Bros are making millions of dollars off it LMAO!!!!! A fitting punishment for artcucks. Creative hobbies exist and millions of people make videos, music, games for free online but artcucks throw daily spergouts because they don't have a $300k starting job with their shitty gay shit.
Re-shifted focus back to puzzle dungeons, quasi-open design akin to LttP, no weapon degradation, no item spam, no fucking crafting system, strong melodic music composition instead of ambiance, get rid of the fucking stamina bar and give us worth while magic again. Keep the new focus on physics based puzzle solving but expound on that shit. If you insist we get most of our puzzle solving skills in the first 4 dungeons, make the last 5 use them all in creative ways. Bring back the hook shot in a world designed around fucking climbing and exploring.
>[buying of 50 video games a year intensifies]
Too bad, you're gonna stay cucked for the rest of your life. You're gonna keep getting your tumblr scribbles stolen by Facebook maymay pages and all you can do is cry to forexposure_txt about it. You're gonna keep starving until you get a normal job and make art as a hobby like the rest of us or quit because you never cared to benign with LOL!!!!!!!!
>[buys ten video games on steam sale]
I'm sure most artfags in the vidya art threads could pull off making more than your monthly SSI or unemployment. Now can you please stop shitting up the thread already? I'm getting strong wafts of second hand embarrassment off of your posts.
Linkle protagonist
>u-ur just mad becuz i make $20/mo off commissions of drawing fate grand order steven universe console-tan fire emblem nu-disney pokemon meemees post modern podcast garfield p0rno even though i get credited as "drawfag" on every booru im an ARDIZT FUK U DAD
>somtimes i put the patreon logo on her vagina and i have 8 patrons IM GONNA BE BIG ONE DAY IM GONNA BE DIFFERENT FROM THE 10000000000 OTHER ARTISTS!!!!!!!!!!!
(clear throat)
(stands up)
>(buys new PS4 game)
>The only way Zelda can be a good character is if she's just like Link
Ironic hu
This the best you can come up with, artckold (art + cuckold)? HAhAHAHahhAhAhAhAHAhAHAHhaHAHAHAhAahahahAHHHAaHaHAhaHaHahahahAHAaHahaHaHhahAhahAHAHaHAHAHaHAHhaHaHAH
>(subscribes to MMO)
We haven' t explorend an underground Zelda world.
The sheikah tech in BotW was burried deep underground, so how did it get there? A new game could explain that perfectly.
More zelda screen time.
I'd be down for this art if Ganon didn't look so fucking gay.
>literally I AM MY SCARS
Midna's return
The fuck happened to Aaron Diaz anyway
>godesses are evil
Shut the fuck up, Illidan.
>I have this RADICAL idea of a Zelda game where you play as Zelda!
>Awesome! What's it like?
>Well its like the others but Link wears purple and has boobs lol
>Dude maybe Zelda saves Link this time, cool huh? Oh and maybe it's underground and there's steampunk?
>that time this fag got btfo so hard about his shitty Ashley Burch waifu he threw a passive aggressive hissy fit on tumblr
Shut it worse than Shadman.
I'd rather they make up a new villain whose motivation is a hatred for the goddesses rather than just using Ganon.
I remember this fanart making quite a big fuzz back then lauding it as the coolest thing that could happen to zelda when it says jackshit about how you play the damn game and why is it worth besides muh fanfict tier setting.
This was also back in 2012-13 when steampunk made a little bit of a comeback.
>aspiring battle mage
>discovers that she is in possession of the rare gift of sorcery
So "magic" and "sorcery" must be two different things in this setting.
Type-moon ripoff.
Actually this. I was hyped for years about the possibility of playing as a female version. Especially when Nintendo unveiled Linkle.
Zelda as a villain
Link has to sacrifice parts of his body(hearts) to seal evil away across the land
Somethin like that
Fuck you for that shit pic op
>Link has to sacrifice parts of his body(hearts) to seal evil away across the land
So you'd lose heart containers as the game goes on instead of gaining them?
Would be pretty neat actually, I'd play it.
>enemies you used to be able to handle easily are now dangerous because they can near one-shot you
nah, I'll pass. some conventions are there for a reason
Sorcery is magic except a hundred times more incredible in type-moon.
A breeding minigame
Linkle is pretty much a joke character.
Yeah, and a sea is lake except a hundred times more incredible.
Sorcerer = Someone who got their magical talents through birthright or a pact with a supernatural entity.
Wizard = Someone who got their magical talents through years of rigorous study, training, and mental and physical discipline.
minish cap
Anyone who wants a female Link needs to neck themselves. It'd be shit and you literally, LITERALLY only want it so you can fap to her, when
>Link has tons of trap porn
>Link has tons of R63 porn
Zelda game is the best I can do.
>anyone who literally wants something I literally don't needs to literally, LITERALLY neck themselves, literally