What do we want to see from settlements in the next Bethesda game?

What do we want to see from settlements in the next Bethesda game?
I feel that the next elder scrolls will be an excellent opportunity for large scale city building and named NPCs to provide radiant quests, instead of having the radiant quests affect the main guilds and factions

Them actually having a role on the world and not just a place to dump shit.
Quests, defenses actually meaning anything
there are probably more that i'm forgetting but this are the more crucial ones.

P R O P E R. S N A P P I N G

You didn't like the 90 degree snapping and lack of matching pieces?

They affected the world plenty, don't you remember the defence quests?

Not gutting locations to turn them into shitty settlements would be a start.

Better defense mechanics. I want my settlements to be invincible to attacks after full upgrade.

and like i said on my second paragraph, those defenses actually mean anything, you can put missile sentries in the entire settlement but if you're not there your settlement is raided, never mind that the moment you fast travel it will be over in a second

I don't want to see them. Stop wasting time on this shit and build some real cities you asswipes.

World where player decisions matters. And not the type of "choose X in dialogue and Y happens" shit. I mean things like killing a village ect with people would cause the place become ruins. Or if player helps village economy it would grow larger, become more lively ect shit.

Fuck the story, who cares since story in bethesda's game is shit anyway. Give us a fucking sandbox rpg we can play, explore and live in.

Pointless and gay mechanic for fags, faggotrons and faggoloids, might as well not exist at all. Those little piss poachers at bethesda should have focused on a brand new engine and actually good gameplay instead of piling shit on a 30 year old game engine and then wondering why their shit sucks like Cody Lane.

Just scrap the idea entirely of settlements entirely.

If not then basically what said.
Putting up walls, turrets, and guard posts didn't do shit against attacks. The walls just meant that the attackers would stand next to the walls and not do anything since they didn't program them to try and find an entrance, or break down the walls.

Less settlements overall, like maybe 5-6 areas, so you don't have places like costal village which are shitholes.

Add more unique npcs or at least give the generic settlers more personality.

Don't use it as an excuse to shit out bullshit dlc that only adds settlement stuff.

Give them a purpose or trash the concept. While fun to play around with, ultimately the only actual reason for me to build is to have somewhere to stash my shit. So premade houses like in tes and fo3/new vegas would be fine with me with some decor customization.

Oh, and add random events to the settlements that can happen when you come back so it feels more alive, like two guys fighting and you have to solve the dispute for example.

If settlement building is in another Bethesda game it'll most likely be in their new space RPG that they're making. I hope the settlements in that game are cool little bases with different functions like mining, production, or trade that we can set up and customize while allocating points how we see fit. Additionally these settlements should give the player distinct advantages in other areas of the game. Like a research facility introducing unique mods for weapons or a trading post that steadily increases good will with NPC run settlements allowing for easier bribe options or more lucrative trade options in the future.

What I want is a settlement system that is both fun to fuck around with while building, but also provides useful bonuses outside of straight money generation or combat prowess. The problem with settlements in Fallout 4 were that they weren't important to the rest of the game and they ended up being turned into vegetable starch/purified water farms. Give us some more micro/macro play with the settlements next time.

I feel like if they do it with TES you could make things a lot simpler with the building items from an aesthetic standpoint to the point where you could limit yourself easily to building pretty substantial wood or stone villages or tent cities and such and it wouldn't be as hard to choose like it is in fallout.

The settlements just need a unique NPC that gives substantial quests and rewards to the people that join your settlements and have the settlements themselves interact with the world a little bit more be it patrols or trader protection or something similar. more variety and more already pre-patterend buildings, make them there own cells if you have to bethesda.

fuck no. settlemants were an excuse to milk money with dlc packs for items that should have already been there from the start and give the devs less time building intresting Towns when the player could do it for them.

its cancer.

Don't want them in there at all. They don't add anything to the game and serve no purpose. Every other Bethesda game managed fine without them, all this does is dumb the games down further to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>build a Town full of turrets and guard posts
>the Town still gets attacked
>if your not in Town, the Défenses will fail and Everything will be broken regardless

awful system. only there to waste your time.

>went autistic on one settlement on fallout4
>made a maze of turrets and funnels etc
>find out you wont get invaded anyway if you're in the green and have enough defense rating total

>be an rpg
>get hand written and designed pre build quest hubs scrapped becouse muh settlements
>get 12 year old dicks hard becouse its a bethesda game despite being ok at best
beth needs to learn a lesson or go bancrupt
pirate theire games if you must play them

Elder scrolls isn't for building like fallout is

Fallout 3 only had one quest per town, it's no different than the 1 quest required to unlock each fallout settlement

>radiant quests
>new vegas had actual quest lines in towns
try again

Why about putting wasted time and resources where they belong, in story and actual gameplay.

Honestly this. A dynamic world that changed based off your actions would give me the big penis

Don't fucking cater to normies

No one who actually cares about video games wants to see another Bethesda game.

You're comparing the commonwealth of Dave quest line with "go here, kill everything, build a radio tower". You're a fucking idiot.

The ability to make them actually look good

I want them to rip off factorio even harder

>elder scrolls 6
>dwemer come back and bring a shitload of engineering with them
>settlement system has been expanded to include besiege like mechanics

I want to see actual, interesting villages and shit to go to that are pre made, and maybe a smattering of settlements, quality over quantity, FO4 had way too fucking many, plus if the next game is ES, wouldn't make sense for there to be a shitload of settlements IMO assuming they put it in.

That said having keeps or something would be neat.