Xbros are the last hope for gaming

Xbros are the last hope for gaming


They brought us to the point of near ruin. Everything they touched died or corrupted the rest of the industry.

Xbros can die crying for all I care.

Y'know what user I did have a lot of good times with my 360 but I'm gonna take the bait anyway

FUCK the amount of shitty precidents Micro$oft set for the industry, they're a big reason for the state of gaming today

So the whole thing was already lost two generations ago, huh. That sucks.

If only has games that Sup Forums want

>They brought us to the point of near ruin. Everything they touched died or corrupted the rest of the industry.
>He still believes this nonsense

Yeah, because there's a shitload of better shit to hope about before them.

paid online

Unified online for developers that couldn't afford their own servers

I really want to like xbox bc I hate Sony attitude, but there are zero exclusives that would make me buy it.

>a shit load of games you can download every year
>huge price drops on deals with gold
Somehow this is a bad thing retard's minds.

MS a shit
Windows 10 a shit
BoneX gonna be a shit that will only play minesweeper level games at 4k.. rest will just be 1080p at 30fps.. OR 4k with lowest graphical options. More or less games will look identical to ps4 because of its huge install base. And dont forget.. no games.

And daily reminder:
>343i a shit
>Halo a shit

Xbox is part of the reason why western gaming is in the shit hole it is today. I hope Microsoft continues their shitty decision making into killing the brand entirely while Sony and Nintendo don't even have to lift a finger.


You mean halo-machine?

Good job confirming you're braindamaged.

Stay mad phill-baby.. nobody gonna buy your shit console

Someone needs a lesson. Rapid Packed Math and 8.4TF about to be unlocked. Xfags btfo back to the cuckshed

Oui Oui french baguette trying hard to believe he buyed the best console in the world. You should accept the hard truth dude.
Besides, showing PSVR in your epic montage will only make you even more sad.
Why don't you also put Psnow and PS+ to explain that it's the best console ever ?

>500 dollar console
>content is all money grabs
The literal plague on the industry


>Literally steam
>Except you are paying for the privilege


Why do people even bother putting that much autism work into an image when someone can just watch a side by side and see it's all bullshit?

this is what people don't understand
literally every argument for paid online is demolished by the fact that steam exists

>they can provide better service
i don't remember steam getting fucked by lizard squad AKA the high school tween DDoS club

>Cheaper games
steam generally has way cheaper games than you can find on console

>devs cant get muh game serbers
yes they can, unless youre on a shitty console there are multiple alternatives to dev hosted dedicated servers.

Reddit is that way, faggot.

wrong i can get most ps3 games for about 10-20 when it's not on sale
but you are right xbox is pretty shit playstation is starting to become kinda shit also kinda weird how both sony and nintendo started becoming shit the same gen

I can't believe someone took the time to make this thing that no one is going to look at.

i dont have a tripcode faggot

This makes me despise microsoft so dam much. Holy fuck I am burning with rage right now

What a despiacable thing ms has done to gaming, I cant look at Xbox the same way nomore, glad I sold mine off when I did

which xbox original was ok
xbox 360 not as good but it had some pretty solid games
xbox one is roach shit

>he didn't look at his own image

Its sad, i was bored with Xbox since 2011 and MS doubled down with the same shit minus kinect since 2014

Half assed new IP
Timed Exclusives
Stale "Block buster" franchises
Partnerships that go nowhere
Microtransactions in everything

And now everything is *and PC to boot.

Its pathetic.

so how am i reddit because i posted a picture
and go away newfag nothing wrong about tripcodes