This is on sale on Stream right now

this is on sale on Stream right now
is the game worth it? how cuhrazy can the gameplay get?

>how cuhrazy can the gameplay get?
As crazy as any other game by Platinum Games.

The gameplay is extremely solid, but it is an RPG and the story and side quests are where the real worth is.

Not curahzy at all, it's an action RPG. Your equipped chips are more important than skill.

The "Endings" are more like chapters. The story goes on upon reaching Ending E, you get to replay levels as a new character to reach Ending D then you get a choice between endings C and B and Ending A is an extended cutscene that deletes your file.

Nier Automata has Denuvo

So no it's not worth it.

I know this sounds stupid, but you may want to start the game on normal difficulty then switch to Hard mode once the prologue tutorial is over and you're allowed to save. Normal mode is too easy and Hard feels just right EXCEPT for the Tutorial which is unironically the hardest part of the game for fucked up reasons.

There's minimal crazy but the game does everything possible to discourage it in normal gameplay. My GOTY though despite that annoyance. Don't play on Hard it sucks.

It still hasn't been patched on PC. Even the fullscreen resolution bug which probably takes like 5 minutes to fix. The game itself is good though

It's an ARPG, don't buy this game if you expect Bayonetta or DMC.

it's not by platinum games though

It's a joint Squeenix-Platinum project directed by the dude who made Nier.

Don't buy this if you're a dumb secondary faggot who wants to buy it cause it's a platinum game.

>Don't buy this if you're a dumb secondary faggot
You mean, secondary as in people who did not play the original Nier and Drakengard?

I take it from your reaction that there are other games to play first?

Look at 9S, A2, and 2B combo videos on youtube. It doesn't have a style meter to keep the ADHD in check so nobody even tries to do anything creative with the combat.

yeah so i'd say that plaitnum just let them use their engine and helped em with cash and people while yoko was really the maker of it

It's fine if you haven't played Drakengard, but at least play Nier first since Automata has multiple references/callbacks you won't understand or be able to appreciate otherwise.
Plus you won't be able to go back and play Nier after Automata since it pretty much spoilers its major plot points.

fair enough


as crazy as you allow it to be, babies play with slow mo and auto heal

chads play with taunts and counters

That's the thing, he's so obviously designed to AVOID combat and use hacking instead.

pretty crazy, but it takes a bit to get there since not all combat ability chips are available right off the bat, and you have to hunt down the alternative pod types and pod programs
just don't do what casuals do and use the sword+longsword combo the whole game. that gets super boring fast

Pirate it, don't give the square enix jews money
But its a pretty good game

Don't speak again until you have explored the possibilities foolish ningen.

>Pirate it, don't give the square enix jews money
>not giving Yoko Taro money

Also have fun getting ending E.

"Cuhrazy" is the most overrated shit.

If you're in it for the sexy robot maid booty you'll be disappointed. Spoiler: you'll be playing as the guy 70% of the time.

if i give them money, will they use it to make an actual good new game

But sword long sword is fun :(

>still 40$
get the fuck out of here. It's 15$ game at best.

If you're in for the "cuhrayzee" the you'll be severely dissapointed.
Doesn't matter because the game is disappointing either way.


No, they'll spend it developing more butt simulators

It's Devil May Cry for weeb waifufags with no taste.

you mean ending A, and yeah it's impossible without an internet connection

but it's fun and the word itself works to describe the kind of gameplay you're looking for


It's actually not any of those things and that's why it sucks. Waifushit DMC would be great.

>He doesn't know how to use 9S's heavy attacks!
9S is unironically the strongest character in the entire game.

I do know about it, you pace a combo pausedly like in bayonetta. I'm talking about the gold tanks in the desert that dish out a load of exp and while technically possible to defeat without hacking is strongly unadvisable to do.

Wow there's a few enemies that make up like 1% of the game that are shit to defeat without hacking. Nice argument.
What about the 99% you can one shot with spear throws?

That's Mitsurugi Kamui.

It's great. Don't play it for the cuhrazy though, it's an rpg first and foremost.

it doesn't matter how crazy it can get since they'll jump out of your strings anyway

the only fun part of the combat is crowd controlling but that only happens like five times

I can fund that with a clean conscience.

same could be said about calling it a platinum game when it's clearly not

Gold robots melt against his bracer charge attack spam, especially with a taunt.

The gameplay was done entirely by Platinum. Yoko Taro was the director, and he couldn't stop singing their praises regarding how great it was working with them.

the gameplay is really mediocre.
it's got absolutely nothing on Bayonetta, DMC or even Metal Gear Rising. It's really, really, really not even close to any of them.
Everything else is just alright. The music is alright, the story is pretty good, but it really isn't as incredible as people say it is. Like seriously, it's not even as good as the original. It plays better than the original, but it at the same time is just as repetitive.

It's also still kinda buggy and hasn't been patched since launch.

i imagine it's nice having a bigger budget and polished gameplay, i'm glad he liked it.

Wow, lance/heave sword looks fun