What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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The game had an interesting premise until it turned out to be a survival game
Why does everything have to be a survival game? It could have been an awesome linear and well thought out narative single player campaign.
>doubled the content
>what the fuck why do I have to pay for the additional content reeee
why do people do this. Just don't buy it nigga like close your eyes.
This early access bullshit needs to stop. This is getting ridiculous. Who in their right mind would pay full price for an alpha of a game?
>What went wrong?
their desperation
ever since battleborne flopped they're trying to stay alive with really shitty pricing, first bulletstorm remaster for 50$+denuvo then this
idk what they're doing, it's not a competitive price at all, especially for games like those
they have to pull another colonial marines to pay for borderlands 3
That's a really badass comment, Randy.
>for a game that can be completed in 5 minutes
I'm surprised gearbox still have money to invest after blunderborn
probably the same idiots who bought early access dlc for ARK.
Stop saying alpha you retard.
We have to make back the losses on Blunderborn somehow! Tough Luck Haha!
how the fuck are gearbox still in business I'll never understand
Gearbox has tons of money from all the shilling Sup Forums did for Memelands
Wow that's absolutely fuckign nuts
You mean tons of money from ripping off Sega.
It could have been an interesting story driven horror game.
Instead, it's a dumb craft & survive game. Why, god, why.
Reminder Valve is going to overhaul the review system yet again to work around dev fuck ups
>Indie game goes mainstream
>Magically gains all the cancer inherent with a AAA release.
Sucking the soul out of games is down to a science already, just like the abomination Shadow of War has been morphed into.
the game is still in alpha and u can't deny it
I thought that $29.99 is too much for that crap. It has all red flags in tags that I could think of.
>huh a bioshock like game
>probably infiltration and stuff
>nice premise, I always likes brave new world
>maybe building some kind of general awakening to-
>early access, open world, crafting, proceduraly generated, first person survival
fuck you
Because they are a developer, not a publisher.
Publishers lose money if a game flops, not a developer. Developers are paid by a publisher to make a game, they are paid before it launches.
>3 Characters were added to your Battleborn account
This. My Huxley fantasy is ruined
Randy really is quite the magician. First he made all those funds from Sega disappear, and then he took Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition and transformed it into something completely terrible.
Nothing because the devs added a way to get around all the crafting mechanics. WHF is still a an above average, if imperfect, game.
inb4 cuck shill go pirate it if you think it's not worth $60. It'll probably run better too.
Hi! I'm Jory Caron; and this is: Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?!
Today, we're going to microwave OP's stupid fucking post! Will it microwave? Let's find out!
Here at Jory Caron Enterprises, safety is our #1 concern. That's why we have this aluminium shield on our door, to protect our nuts.
Because NOBODY likes roasted nuts.
I'm going to go ahead and pop this in the microwave for about 2 minutes, because that's how long OP's status took me to realise how much of a fucking autist he is.
(Microwaves OP's opinion)
WOAH! Just as I thought! OP's opinion burns amazingly!
I guess it's true what they say about shit; it really DOES light on fire!
I'm Jory Caron, and this has been: Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?!
What the fuck is Randy doing? How much more badass will the game be now?
That's not how it should work. Having hordes of people review the game badly because they did X thing recently but before they did the game was rated higher, is weird.
>to work around dev fuck ups
What doesn that mean?
Shouldn't games get bad reviews when devs fuck up?
survival, crafting, open world are all "genres" that basically make me automatically ignore the game now.
It was a survival game from the very get go, people just nevertheless heard about the original kickstarter and assumed the super misleading e3 trailer was it's first reveal
that's retarded. the reviews are there to sway potential buyers of the game AT THAT MOMENT.
Let's just ban user reviews altogether. Only Gaming Journalists should be allowed to review games.
>Because they are a developer, not a publisher
they're both now gearboxpublishing.com
and it really depends on what kind of deal you have with the publisher, sometimes it may just be limited to distribution, gearbox made losses on blunderborne, not just 2k
>Subnautica, the only tolerable game in the genre is 20 bucks
>thinking this shit will sell for thrice that
Strap yourselves in fuckbois. Its food analogy time.
>You visit my restaurant two or three times a week and get the same meal. The Happy Few special.
>You enjoy it a bit, its fairly priced for what it is, and the content is fine.
>You rate my business on Yahoo or whatever 5 stars and say you enjoy the Happy Few special
Time skip
>You visit my restaurant again
>The Happy Few is now double the price, and I've added the ingredient of my own shit on top of it
>You are not allowed to update your review to reflect that I now serve overpriced shit
u fukin wot
Christ Randy just makes bad decisions one after the other.
Surely this can't go on for much longer? Gearbox has squandered what goodwill they had and wasted tons of money on blunderborne, dick kick'em etc
why not also let people leave reviews or general impressions for devs themselves?
I dont get how you can use Jory Caron as a persona on the web. Everybody know that the star of the show is his collegue.
No. Reviews should be about the game, not about "I HATE GEARBOX!!!". Reviews are not a punishing tool but an information tool. Before Gearbox was announced as a publisher, the game was well liked, and now, the game is somehow worst because Gearbox is on a lead position? No.
Reviews should review the game and the Price to Quality Ratio, not "It's from a dev that recently said "I dont like puppies!!!" Boycott them!!!"
Thanks, I only understand food analogies.
I like how they didn't give a shit about this until people started doing it to DOTA 2.
>reddit spacing
Randy has nothing to do with our partnership with Gearbox I swear!
T. We Happy Few Devs
That's not what happened though.
>Visit a restaurant that had good reviews
>Food taste good, I like my experience
>I come back next week
>Food is more expensive because they got bought by a new management company
>Food still taste the same.
Reviews should say "The game is not worth the price increase", not "I HATE GEARBOX!!!"
Right, it tastes the same and is now overpriced as a result.
You stupid cunt.
Jesus, you're right.
>How to kill your game:
>Early acces
>Openworld, crafting, survival genre
Bonus points:
>Get gearbox involved
What do you think the "do not reccomend" button is?
>price goes up for arbitrary reason while STILL in early access
>somehow not related to gearbox
>check reviews
>food is good, waiter called me fat
Oh well, if the food is good that's what matters.
>food is terrible, waiter call me fat
Not worth my time then.
Or are you too stupid to read and just need an arbitrary number?
Not exactly. Just because it was cheaper, does not mean it's not worth the money now with the increase.
Depend on how much Quantity/Price Ratio you had before versus now.
You people suck at food analogies.
See what happens when you bet on DUKE
you fucking LOSE LMAO!!!
>Sup Forums reaction image
Are you being a dense cunt on purpose?
The point is, that reviews overall scores should not be affected by passing controversies. If you have 2 days where there is 200 bad reviews when you used to get 10 a day, then it probably mean that the devs did something a part of the population didnt like. If the trend after that of Good vs Bad reviews keep going, then you erase the Outliars.
There is a reason why Metacritic User scores are useless. It's a bunch of 10 and 0.
Except that Steam has a Binary system. Recommended or Not Recommended. The amount of Good vs Bad decided the overall rating. That's why Steam has a "Recent" vs "Overall" rating and not just an Overall or a Recent.
>The point is, that reviews overall scores should not be affected by passing controversies.
Yes they should, you dense cunt.
Man, reading your post is like going to a restaurant and the waitress gives you the wrong food.
But PUBG is selling tens of millions!
Whether it's worth the increase or not is not the issue, it's up to personal tastes if the game contents is worth your money, what is questionable is just to pick it up and arbitrarily make it more expensive and add literally nothing to it.
If you used to have a Huge burgers with fries and a Milkshake for 6$, and that the new company now charge 12$ for it, the meal is still a good value and still worth the 12 $.
If you boost the price of a Big Mac by double, then it's not worth it.
Quality/Price Ratio.
>Except that Steam has a Binary system.
So you read what the person writing the review said and skip over the angry fanboy responses you daft cunt.
From what I have seen, Gearbox seem to want it to become a complete Bioshock experience. They want to turn it from the survival game it was into a long campaign with an ending and everything.
If -- *IF* -- it works, good for them. Maybe I'll buy it when it goes on sale. Otherwise this is an incredibly risky venture and might backfire horribly.
No. Outliars from Social Justice Warriors should not be counted.
That's why they are called Outliars. You do not count Extreme and fringe cases in Statistics for a reason.
No, you dense cunt. It means I'm now being charged double for the exact same product I got previously for no justifiable increase in quality.
You dense cunt.
>Game permanently changes something to make your enjoyment decline to the point you no longer recommend it
Stop being a dense cunt, you cunt.
Good. Because the game was complete shit before. I can only see them improving it.
You seem to be the dense one. Just because something under priced is now priced correctly, does not mean it's not still worth it.
Offer and Demand.
And that's why Steam is implementing a system to sort "Controversies" out of the normal population of reviews.
>passing controversies.
It's still 50 bucks for a game that isn't worth it. People don't recommend it for it's price tag. While some shitbags are riding the trend, it's not like all people not recommending it are just doing it out of spite.
For example; I love Saints Row 2, but if it jumped to 50 bucks, I'd not recommend it either. Not out of hate for Volition, but just because it's not worth 50 anymore.
I fucking hope so.
I don't blame the devs it was entirely the person who owns compulsions games fault. They could have managed distribution themselves plenty of small indie devs have done so by getting themselves ass raped by sony or microsoft for a larger cut but that is leagues better than partnering with *Not Randys Gearbox but he still profits from it* publishing.
There is no way in hell that their PR can fix being shot in the foot and landing on a cock and catching Pozz. They are banking on that console retards will fix everything, they don't understand even those mental invalids browse the internet for game reviews and will see GEAR BOX and instantly ignore the game.
That is different. If the game had an update that now broke several elements of the game, sure.
But if the game stay the same but then they just announce "FUCK CATS!" and now Cat fags come and post a ton of angry reviews about how they love cats and hate the devs, then it's has nothing to do with the game.
I decide what price is worth it, as does every customer. If I consider it now over priced, its over priced.
You dense cunt.
Then mention the price increase, and how you think it's not worth it. Do not do like people do right now and shit on Gearbox and nothing else.
>they just announce "FUCK CATS!"
then catfags can get as annoyed as they like. nobody forced them to announce "fuck cats"
>Then mention the price increase
How about you actually read the reviews in the image you posted. Most of them are just that.
Except that we have something called Foodcost in the food industry. If the amount you charge is lower than the sum of your ingredient, you lose money.
If the amount of things you offer is higher than what your price is, then you are losing money. You might be sad it's higher now, but the MARKET decide what is overpriced or not, not you as an individual without any imagination for insults.
The main reason they most probably went with Gearbox is because every publisher shot them down because the game was incomplete and doomed for failure.
Bobby was right again.
>If the amount you charge is lower than the sum of your ingredient, you lose money.
Then get a new supplier to maintain your current prices. Otherwise you directly pass the decrease in profit to your customers, and we hate that shit and change our reviews to reflect how incompetent you are.
You're arguing a shit point here.
Gearbox is synonymous with garbage.
The only game close to good that they released was Homeworld Remastered, and they even managed to fuck that up.
They do mention the price increase, and they also mention fuck gearbox, because they are responsible for the hike. It's not like tagging that on at the end makes the rest of the review invalid. People were offered the game for half the price before, of course they are going to be reasonably angry.
more likely EA told them to add guns or no deal
>Price of Beef goes up 200%
>Cant boost the price of my beef based items because people will be angry
You are.
What is with Sup Forums and food
We need a food board
>>Cant boost the price of my beef based items because people will be angry
Yeah, they will get angry, and they will alter their review when your McShitter Burger is now overpriced.
Get dunked on.
Did the cost of developers go up 200% in recent years? Did valve increase their cut by 100%?
Grasping at straw here m8
>price of beef goes up
>don't start using crappier cuts to keep costs down
You're a shit businessman.
>from the guys who made contrast
but contrast was a good game
they will go under anyways when no publisher wants to work with them
Except in food, each item needs to be worth more than the initial cost in order to profit. Digital media does not need this. Movies, vidya, and music don't operate this way. You make your the initial cost of your product based purely on number of sales. Selling 5 copies at $60, vs selling 15 copies at $30. It's a marketing and business strategy. Will your game be good and popular enough for masses to spend $60, or do you need a lower price point to entice buyers to pull the trigger?
Having 4 bars that decrease over time and fill 90% of the """gameplay""" is easier than writing an awesome linear and well thought out narrative.
Survival "games" are plate spinners. Theres nothing else to do in them, but they're easy to make.
Not if they scale down to smaller A/AA games which they'll still charge $60 for. Gearbox will probably make a lot of money from this deal, considering that most of WHF's procedural generation system is done, so they only need to pump in assets for the latter two episodes.
What are the chances Compulsion games will post that someone broke into their office and stole all their shit and they forgot to make a backup
>devs ruin the game after release
>instead of letting people know they screwed it up they will now have to guess if the game is any good based on reviews from before they screwed up the game
>Bought ARK right when it went up for early access
>It was a pretty good game for being so early in development, the price was right, and it was getting meaningful updates
>Leave a positive review
>Start playing with /vg/ and have a lot of fun
>Slowly they start to add less meaningful content and put bug fixes/optimization on the backburner on favor of wacky bullshit like Halloween and Thanksgiving events
>Updates start to become less frequent and less stable
>Instead of the meta getting more fun, it starts to get worse
>Fun things start to get nerfed into the ground
>By now I've pretty much stopped playing
>Expansion pack gets announced before the game is even out (although to be fair, I do think it was a quality expansion, even if I oppose early access DLC on principle)
>Flying mounts get nerfed
>Oxygen gets nerfed
>Combat and shooting still feels as shitty as it did years ago
>The game obviously is only going downhill
>Change my review accordingly
that only works the first few times, gearbox isnt ea, the fact that they are stepping as low as to try to make money by buying an old indy game and making more marketing for it shows they are all out of options