Did they ruin it?
The Surface of SR388
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It's alright, the original version and the one in AM2R sound better though.
Sounds too noisy most of the time
>ruin it
There is not a single thing in this game that can be ruined by this remake, stop.
The remake could be bad?
The remake could be worse?
Not a chance.
Metroid 2 is a horrible mess. I get the criticism, I don't like Other M and Castlevania MoF too, but there is no chance this could be worse than a 0/10 videogame.
For sure, I was talking about the actual new song. How it sounds compared to other Metroid music
AM2R's sounds way better, christ what is this amateur noise garbage?
It's alright I guess but I'm not really digging it compared to the original.
It has the same atmospheric thing that Metroid soundtrack has.
If the whole OST follow this, it will be a little too much "techno" but feels like Metroid, yeah.
You didn't liked?
>pick the original music
>play the exact same notes
I mean, it's a remake for a reason. Money can buy new arrangements, that's good.
not him but I honestly think everything that isn't the lead synth is A OK
It's okay, the introduction sounds great but jesus what have they done to the main theme
It sounds like they just used the original song and added a choir. Like Metroid 2 and Prime had a bastard child.
It's still better than AM2R.
>It's still better than AM2R.
I have deposited 10 nintendo sheckles into your nintendo account, keep up the great work goyim.
10...oh wait, nothing was deposited into your account, because it is a free game, you are picking fights because a free videogame!
I will pirate this one, though.
Can you tell me where my account is and how I can access my money?
Piracy = theft = lost sale.
How many millions of lost sales will Samus Return suffer from?
What if I never got the intention to buy?
That sale was already lost.
How would this work?
>funky techno
Jesus fucking Christ
Can you just imagine what Super Metroid would be like with this?
Think about that for a second
This show lack porn.
Means it's stolen.
For reference here's the original if your pea sized brain can't process that it also wasn't Super Metroid.
I really like it.
Not even memeing the version in AM2R sucks. It isn't supposed to be some slow atmospheric theme.
I really hope these games bomb, humanity was so close to finally getting rid of this cancer that is Samus and then Nintendo bent the knee like faggots.
Came here to post this.
Sounds good. It has its metroid style
Metroid and Metroid 2 had plenty of more bombastic, energetic tracks. Fuck off.
Now see this, THIS FUCKING SHIT RIGHT HERE, this is what I'm talking about.
It's upbeat, it's got personality, it's got style, it's got rhythm, it's got character.
And this was on the the Game Boy. The fucking
What more proof do you need that there is nobody, literally nobody left at Nintendo with any artistic talent whatsoever?
Nintendo games never stopped having fantastic music.
>What more proof do you need that there is nobody, literally nobody left at Nintendo with any artistic talent whatsoever?
You haven't shown anything to prove that. The 3D World, BotW, Splatoon, and MK8 soundtracks prove you wrong, though.
Original version >>>>> SR version > AM2R version
Cave ambience remixes when?
Wow, what a compelling argument, sure showed me. See. Plus Tropical Freeze, an FE game, any Kirby game, ARMS, etc.
Metroid 2 is a great and straight forward game. I don't know how anybody could call it a mess.
Pretty much on the same level of Metroid II. Both better than AM2R's crap one
For starters, it doesn't have a map or track the Metroids.
The game has different sections, you find all the Metroids and the lava gets lower, it literally doesn't need a map.
RoS's areas are small and distinct enough that you don't really need a map.
Unlike the copypasta hell that was Metroid 1.
the Metroid fanbase got so used to bitching and moaning that they can't stop anymore
Its mainly Kraid's Lair that drags the first game down, its got a completely useless area and the extremely annoying disappearing block climbing as the only way out.
lol @ all the SR shills shitting on AM2R
You faggots really want this to be another TORtanic don't you.
>tfw have never actually found fake Kraid.
so that's where the fucker is
It's not the fanbase, it's just v shitting on everything they see
I like it. Dual mix when?
Ow my ears.
>tfw this is still somehow better, despite it making my ears bleed
I was liking it until 0:34. What a horrible synth they chose.
But FE soundtracks are completely forgettable.
FE tends to have good but generic music for most tracks, with a handful of godlike tracks in between. Even in Aeakening and Fates, tracks like Road Taken and Expedition are really lovely. And pretty much 100% of Gaiden/Echoes music is amazing.
As for ARMS, the credits theme is 11/10, and Helix/DNA Man's stage theme is fantastic, among others.
Sounds fucking great.
God damn it I'm so excited for this game.
Sorry mate, but the only FE song I found at all interesting there was Expedition. Heritors of Arcadia's vocals are awful by the way.
I didn't like Helix's theme either; it feels like it's building up to something and then it just stops and loops before it gets there. And what the fuck is that record scratch-like voice over the credits theme? It turns a fairly bland piece into downright obnoxious.
Sounds amazing
jesus that's awful. I have a feeling AM2R is going to have ruined this game for me.
I like it. In fact the only thing that sounds off is the melody of the original theme which was never great.
The am2r version is horrible it sounds like some70s dude weed lmao remix it has 0 energy
Ah, bait and shitposting, my mistake. Carry on.
But the AM2R version is worse in every regard.
That's not a very nice response, user. I was being genuine.
>what the fuck is that record scratch-like voice over the credits theme?
You literally listened to less than 20 seconds of each song, you mouthbreathing shitposting fuck.
Sounds great to me
AM2Rs version was too subdued
It continues on for at least a minute, though. And I'm not sure how that makes the question any less valid.
No you weren't. You literally complained about looping in a track while praising a short loop in Metroid 2. You cried about an ingame voice chirp for 10 seconds in a 4 minute track because that is all you listened to. You outright claimed 3 of the most well known themes in a series older than you are were "forgettable". You are just baiting because you desperately want to hild on to the lie that Nintendo music was only good back in your day.
>I'm just going to pretend that this nobody Metroid fan with zero musical experience is better than the professionally done composition by an artist who has been writing music for the franchise for decades
Wew lad.
>You literally complained about looping in a track while praising a short loop in Metroid 2.
I never praised any loop in Metroid 2. What on Earth are you talking about?
>You cried about an ingame voice chirp for 10 seconds in a 4 minute track because that is all you listened to.
That voice in question continues popping up until 45 seconds in, so I'm not sure why you're lying about that. And again, I don't see how that makes the question any less valid.
>You outright claimed 3 of the most well known themes in a series older than you are were "forgettable".
Well that just speaks poorly of the themes in question, doesn't it? Fire Emblem has much more memorable themes than the ones you chose to post, though I don't think much of them either.
Not him, just listened to it myself.
1. You are full of shit, the song is great. The way it amps up to the end, the smooth vibes. Too good.
2. That is clearly an ingame ending scene as you can hear another character as well.
3. It ends by the 40 second mark. So no, it doesn't fo on for over a minute.
Where's fake kraid? I didn't know of such a thing
Again, how does it ending a ways into the song make the question invalid? It's obnoxious and it detracts from the song in question. As for the song's climax, sorry, but I don't find a black woman's overblown WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAOOOOAAAAAAAs to be particularly engaging.
>never praised a loop on Metroid 2 If this isn't (You) then you are just doubly shitposting.
>Well that just speaks poorly of the themes in question, doesn't it?
Just of your bait-tier tastes, mate.
Hello? Where's fake kraid?
That's not me, user. I'm sorry for the confusion, but I expected you would be able to tell between such vastly different writing styles. Can you respond genuinely now?
>baitman outshimself as just a generic racist
I love how bad metroid threads have gotten. You get to find little nuggets of awful like this that just get funnier and more pathetic the more you push them.
Now that's an amazing fallacy right there. Instead of addressing what I said, you claim I'm a racist. You'd fit right in on tumblr, mate.
I did. I listed great music, you claimed it was bad for some (You)s because you couldn't hold a real human conversation if you tried.
>fallacy fallacy
The game looks pretty good. Would've preferred pure 2D, but that doesn't matter that much.
Don't know how I feel about the parry mechanic, seems like you will have to parry every single enemy since they all lunge at you.
Regarding the song, it sounds good and great in some places but the main part is too messy.
It was bad, though. Here, have an actually good FE track to make up for your hurt feelings.
Conquest is worse than every song I posted AND every song in Echoes. Are you joking again? What happened to those genuine responses you were talking about?
Same. I even pre-ordered the game, something I haven't done in years. I can't wait for next Friday.
Better than the AM2R version
Jesus that version was bad
>The only FE song I found at all interesting
Come on now, I know you're baiting but christ.
Ok user, I think I've figured out the problem here. You just have bad taste.
Next you'll tell me this is bad too, even though it could be straight out of Muramasa.
>Super Smash Bros. Wii U
But I was obviously talking about of the ones he linked there.
Sounds a million times better than the generic fruity loops shit that was in AM2R.
God forbid I have a preferred version of it.
Nah, your taste is abysmal. I never said Conquest was bad, I said it was worse than what I posted, because it is. As is that song and most of Muramasa's rather generic OST. They are great and all, but not nearly the caliber of Gaiden's OST. Hell, Muramasa's a bit weak compared to any other Vanillaware game.