Why does the soundtrack sound like two men shitting into a microphone?
Why does the soundtrack sound like two men shitting into a microphone?
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Doom's soundtrack was always shit.
It's just staying true to the original.
>tfw the
taking a a shit in the microphone phone taking a shit in the haha what do you men by tha taking a shit in the haha microphone haha phone taking a shit
>lol look mom i'm shitposting on Sup Forums!
How though? Explain how it doesn't sound like flatulence
Wub wubs and metal don't go together
you dont like BRAAAAAAAAAPstep?
theres about only 2 decent songs out of it.
So you don't like it. Big deal dude.
You won't reply to me though.
Disliking D44M's OST is a sign of low test.
>People STILL think that Industrial metal is still dubstep
The only shit ITT is Op's taste.
what you're mistaking for "wubs" is actually just normal synth being used at very quick intervals as a release of "pressure" in particular songs and their structure. the guitar is used equally for this effect and sometimes in tandem, i'll post an example.
Todd Howard saw brutal doom and wanted to add wubwub to that.
Hi Mick
How do you know what two men shitting into a microphone sounds like, OP?
I'd prefer literally any extreme metal style over the djent shit. That guitar tone is so fucking grating after a while.
If listening to BFG Division or Rip & Tear doesn't make you want to immediately fight something, you are a faggot and should probably just start sucking cocks now.
i'll have you know the soundtrack was created by one man shitting into a microphone. he then split his shit into 4 chains. on each chain he ran his shit through like 10 broken shit FXs, then when you layer all that together, you have the biggest stinkiest shit ever to be shat. then he played some guitar.
thats why it sounds like two men.
didn't you have talent shows at school?
>synths are dubstep
Why can't they do metal as ost? This game looks like metal cover art why does it sounds like synth fartfest.