>"DOMINATED! You fat-yo-ass fatheaded fatman!"
>"Good lord! You fight like a woman!"
Would any game be able to get away with this in the current year?
>"DOMINATED! You fat-yo-ass fatheaded fatman!"
>"Good lord! You fight like a woman!"
Would any game be able to get away with this in the current year?
TF2 is only funny to little kids
>You better head back to the cotton fields, boy.
How did they get away with this?
Did he say that to demo?
Pardon? I'm 24, holding down a job, and I find it funny
>I'm gonna beat you like a rented nigger, boy.
Jesus Christ, how did valve get away with this?
Its fatuous, retard
>The whites are quicker than the blacks!
Fuck, I know demo an makes fun of himself for being black, but that's pushing it
doesn't count
not an argument fuck off
>Dominated, you French faggot!
Man, Valve would be crucified nowadays for this
Stop overblowing Like the SJW bitching matter...he only reason they get so strong is because betas like you keep giving then power.
Don't give them ideas, they will stealth patch these lines out.
Its going to be funny when this moral panic subsides in a couple years and tf2 will be still there with their good lines and ironocally ahead of the curve
People might rediscover it
Who am I kidding the game is abandoned
And why doesnt count?
>Dominated, you one eyed nigger!
wtf Valve!??
>Dominated! You were easier target than a passed out abbo!
How did Valve get away with this?
>tfw that shitty rami meme has leaked onto Sup Forums
Great. More try hard unfunny content.
Cry some more
Those are actual lines
"fat-yo-ass" is actually "fatuous", but they're both actual lines in the game
>play demoman on ctf
>get the intel
>stealing is what I naturally do!
Holy shit, how did they get away?
I'm the god of adults and I find it funny.
I was thinking last night about how Portal 2 probably couldn't get away with all the fat and brain damage jokes.
There was already controversy over the lines about adoption
>If zapping queers is sure to result in heterosexuality, then you must zap!
>Mike Pence said that! And I'd say he knows a little more about zapping homos than YOU do, pal, because he invented it!
>And then he perfected it so that no living faggot might fuck him in the ass!
>And then he used his grant money to buy two of every homo on Earth!
>And then he herded them into a camp and ELECTROCUTED THE GAY OUT OF EVERY SINGLE ONE!
>And from that day forward any time a bunch of faggots are together in one place it's called a Pence!
yes, it would
you're talking about a game where canonically the top dogs are women anyway
>the administrator is playing them all like a damn fiddle
yeah and they're all dumb as bricks
It was a different time
all fucking retards
>beef mcpunch and two dead imbeciles
>top dogs
>two dead imbeciles
make it three
>shitty rami meme
um............ how did they get away with this????
I'll never stop playing it.
>What's your name kid?
>The Human Holocaust
>The Human Holocaust? That's it? That's the best you got?
>Atleast name yourself after something that really happened
>Oi you disgusting fucking NIGGER! Go back to your fucking cotton field you NIGGER before I shoot you in your disgusting black face NIGGER! This kukri right 'ere's goin' in your fookin' arse you NIGGER! Fuck, I hate NIGGERS!
How the absolute fuck did Valve get away with it?!?
That isn't a kukri, you silly Sniper
>"You were a nigger, now you're dead.. amen"
Fucking hell. Just boycott Valve.
Subtle, I'm legitimately wondering if this was in the game now.
Is maggot an actual insult people use or is it just the ol' switcheroo?
>they're gunna have tah glue ye back together afta the N double A CP is dun with ya, whiteboi
My dad called me maggot when he beat me
It's a common insult used by drill sergeants and other rough-around-the-edges sergeants in war movies.
The Soldier resorts to it a lot because he's not a professional soldier so his only scope of how the military works is from pop culture.