What went wrong
What went wrong
Nothing much, it's pretty good. It's still WoW however instead of somehow magically a better game so appeal is still limited.
same thing that has gone wrong for about a decade now: activision
Titanforging did, it completely ruined the game for anyone wanting to do even remotely challenging content.
>recycled garrison mechanics
>RNG legendaries
>ability pruning made most classes less fun
>more rng on abilities
>even more rng
destroyed the warlock class wich was the one I main
there have been some saving graces but it was a big clusterfuck
>World quests were okay for 2 weeks then it got boring shit
>Grinding for AP
>Emerald Nightmare being shit
>Classes being absolute shit in the beginning on top of that Legendaries were either made you god tier dps or shit tier and if you got shitty legendary you could not even participate in raiding because of the shittier dps.
Quit after 2 months because I could not take it anymore. The leveling part was really good though, I'm waiting for the next expansion.
Legendaries being so defining and so RNG at the same time. Same with the titanforging. You could play more than the other guy in your guild who's also the same spec as you and he could have way better gear than you simply because he got lucky.
The past 4 expansions.
Making expansions and patching the base game.
They designed themselves into a corner years ago and the game has been forever ruined,
The only way to fix it would be to remove a shit load of items that people paid for with real money which is impossible.
Legion was just the continuation of their utter incompetence.
Blizzard is way too scared about not being able to churn out enough content, so they fucked everything up.
>25 days played at 110
>still don't have any of the top tier legendaries for holy priest (cloak, trinket, amulet, pants).
Stupid system.
The fuck are you taking about? The only things you can buy with real money are cosmetics. Or does someone having a different mount than you bother you that much?
Most of the people hit the nail on the head here, but missed a very important thing. Let's say you get lucky with RNG. Titan forged, perfect legendaries, great parsing, all that. Then you get into raids. You are topping the charts.
Well there's no fucking point because after all of that work, it's the same shit you've been doing for 12+ years on the same engine. The same game. Nothing is new except the guild you're in, and how soggy it truly is. Watered down, boring, unfun raids with the kind of people that still play this game, enough said.
There were better times, and this particular expansion, despite the vast amount of content it offers, is just boring.
So, if demons don't actually die outside of the twisting nether what's stopping the Legion from waiting a thousand years, spawning five quintillion imps and then attacking Azeroth?
Woops didn't mean to quote anyone
Wow being free when? I don't want to pay for this shit
>Great parsing
>High ilvl
Lol, he doesn't know
Nothing, Blizzard just needed a reason to recycle villains.
>destroyed the warlock class wich was the one I main
This pissed me off so much. Warlock was my favorite to play and the class I needed the most action bars for and then they dumbed it down by removing almost every ability and making the rest spec specific.
>Meta demo gets tossed because DHs need to feel special
>New demo has awkward as shit rotation and is just overall less fun.
TBC was a mistake
Well now the main reason is that a Titan world soul helps speedboost the process of rebirth.
>Waaah, the demons keep coming back
>But it's okay for players to respawn over and over
>You could play more than the other guy in your guild who's also the same spec as you and he could have way better gear than you simply because he got lucky.
If you play SIGNIFICANTLY more than him, then that literally will not happen.
If you play SLIGHTLY more than him, you don't have any right to automatically be better geared.
speak for yourself fag, other than the pet pathing issues i enjoy new demo a lot more than i did "shitty discount mage: shadow edition"
>There is people itt who aren't 945 ilvl
Why are you even playing? Go back to LoL or something casual
that's covered in game, that's why we're goign to argus otherwise they can just wait us out
>wow isn't casual
what did he mean by this
>he still playing WoW
why would i spend effort doing the gear threadmill in a shit game
>Hey guys! In Legion we're going to redesign all the specs from the ground up so we're not stuck with legacy flaws from 2004!
>Somehow every single spec ended up significantly worse
>"Class fantasy" just pigeonholed a wide variety of lore into a single rigid story
>Sunwalkers? Fuck you you're a paladin now
>Honored soul priests? Fuck you you're a caclking tentacle monster now
Current WoW team needs to be purged. Get some talented people back in here.
>destroyed the warlock class wich was the one I main
>was debating coming back to Pvp on my Affliction lock
Painful news, but not shocking. At least I can ignore the itch to resub knowing I'm saving myself from misery
>He sits and watch the Sup Forums catalogue all day for a WoW thread
>When there isn't one, he's angry there isn't one where he can parrot negative opinions and shitpost memes, so he goes into a OW thread if there is one
>Gets angry at others success because he lost control of his life playing the game
>Forever salty that people can enjoy something he can't
Imagine how much content might've been added if they didn't waste their manpower and money on FUCKING PIXAR ANIMATIONS
EVERYTHING is fucking timegated holy shit
It's the best of the worst expansions tbqh
gottem good
Nothing. We're going to Argus and "forcing the hand of fate" for that very reason. Defeating Argus will lead to Illidan becoming the jailor of Sargeras and put a lid on the Burning Legion's operations.
They removed the fact you were forced to socialize with people in order to progress.
I just resubbed for the first time in a year and haven't had to type into chat once in the past week.
>OP post literally says "What went wrong"
>angry that people doesn't like the game at its current state
played for 3 months after launch
never again
Let's see that cutting edge Helya and Gul'dan then
>"wahh give me something to do besides sit in my garrison"
>gives you shit to do
>still complain
>most of the whiners haven't even stepped foot into a Mythic raid or even cleared heroic and most won't get their challenge skin before the expansion is over
realm community is dead
I know its been dead for a long while and its not a problem specific to Legion, but it is whats kept me from coming back to wow
what if the content is just straight out bad
>haven't played in a year
>mfw there are so many solo quests and flying achievements I gotta do I only have to idle in LFR and minimum effort for heroics to get it all done
>people think 10 man raiding is the only thing to do in the game
>when you want to damage control for free so hard you have to resort to projecting
par for the course for the dumb animeposter
>People play WoW for other reasons than raid
Mythic+ is much more interesting.
>level my Druid to 110 yesterday
>Already 890 ilvl with a 930 weapon
I'm having fun. I'm almost Normal ToS ready after a day.
It really isn't, you're not rewarded to go past +10 / +15
Catchup mechanics are great, feels like I can finally bother with a alt without it feeling like a waste of time or time that should be spent on my main
>with somewhere like 10-15 legendaries per class, it can take the whole expansion to even get the legendary that you want or even need
>specs require a lot of time and artifact power investment to even be viable and with no way to predict what's going to happen to your spec, whether or not it will get nerfed for instance, playing any dps spec is basically a crapshoot until you read the patch notes of a major patch and find out if you need to start working on your other artifact or not
>arbitrary timegating and rep gating (this isn't that much of a problem anymore since most of it has been removed, including the suramar questline), worst offender being the broken shore questline that took 11 weeks to complete with one new quest per week
>after doing your daily and weekly shit, there's little incentive to keep playing other than to check in occassionally. leveling an alt only allows temporary respite from your chores as eventually you will be faced with the same problem on your alt as well and eventually you'll be doing the same weekly daily chores multiple times per day just to get them done
>everything you do you in game ultimately has no value as eventually everything will be either removed or replaced by content patches, expansions and the eventual switching off of the servers so you might as well not even bother at all
>he doesn't play video games for fun
>mfw raiding is cancer unless you got a group of RL friends
A surprisingly small amount of issues that tremendously hampers the game.
>Implying I would play if I didn't find raiding fun
>Implying I'm that much of a assburger that I can't socialize and get to know new people and have to rely on irl friends to have fun online
>>everything you do you in game ultimately has no value as eventually everything will be either removed or replaced by content patches, expansions and the eventual switching off of the servers so you might as well not even bother at all
raiding is fun to do and having an actual gear treadmill is healthy for an mmo, the problem with legion is that raiding isn't good or fun at all
>with somewhere like 10-15 legendaries per class, it can take the whole expansion to even get the legendary that you want or even need
Two of my friends have every single legendary for their main spec. Doing things right, you can get an almost guaranteed legendary drop just about every 14 days, because of bad luck protection and the things that increase the counter.
Even with that, there is still no way to actively go after a specific legendary. Even if you take all the necessary steps to speed up the legendary process, getting the one you want even by your count can take any where betwee 2 weeks or 20 weeks.
am I the only one that just hates how much shit we have to do now? I know people complained about lack of content during warlords, but now I feel like i'm drowning in shit, making it impossible to really commit to an alt.
was having fun before 7.2 hit. now I'm just logging in, doing what's needed, then logging out.
I'll tell you why nuWoW is shit.
I came back to the game last week after taking a few months off. I did Tomb LFR both weeks and the only tier pieces I got were shoulders, both weeks. I even bonus rolled and still just shoulders. Fuck this shit game.
>durr if you do things right it'll only take up to a year of underperforming to be able to do acceptible levels of dps
>and even then you're not allowed to use an offspec
>the system is fine
gear drops have always been random you dumb shitstain
I'm 934 and I literally play once or twice a week for a couple hours, I don't even raid kek
Artifact power and gold inflaction, the rest is pretty good desu
>wasting your life "hardcore" playing a 13 year old game
915 is enough to nuke everything in the world. Anything beyond that just makes it faster.
Mythic is too hard, but Heroic is too easy. I wish the world first race would fucking stop because I find that it makes raiding much more of a chore for the rest of the players since the final difficulty must be super hard in order to present a challenge to the poopsockers.
Replace legendaries with a questline like the WoD ring or the MoP cloak and maybe it would of been good. Not being able to play my prefered spec until I get a certant rng legendary is a joke.
They already have a unlimited supply of demons its just lazy writing
>They went out of their way to make a worse version of Garrisons.
>Long tedious questlines with gating out the ass and long-winded talking segments that are completely 100% required.
>Intrusive phasing absolutely everywhere.
>Sharding players into completely different servers, even if they're in the same fucking group.
>World Quests are Pandaria Dailies, but worse.
>Classes have been pruned down to random.com levels of interactivity.
>"Class Fantasy" is created to explain away all of Blizzard's blatant incompetence whenever anything involving classes comes up.
>Outright stealing skills from Diablo 3 and making them shittier and less interesting.
>Dumb spec overhauls that make no fucking sense, like turning combat into "Outlaw" and making it a pirate-themed spec when leather has no pirate-themed armor, or any kind of pirate themes at all.
>All of the classes are designed around making them unique, but they feel more the same now than ever.
>Completely gutted certain classes because they ran out of ideas for other classes, like giving "Verdent" sphere to mages because every idiot at Blizzard thinks Kael was a mage.
>Blatant class favoritism.
>A bloat of tedious, awful, content that no one wants to do.
>Shitty raids like EN and ToV.
>Gated content out the ass, the likes of which no other game has ever even attempted. "PATCH 7.2 DROPS TODAY! HAVE FUN PLAYING IT THREE MONTHS FROM NOW!"
>Retarded fucking story, as usual.
>Retarded cutscene bloat.
>War/Titanforging turning your drops into trash 99% of the time.
>Mythic+ means you get to run the same linear pos dungeon hundreds of times.
>The worst class balance and spec balance of any expansion.
>The worst itemization of any expansion.
>The most dumbed down expansion.
>An endless fucking grind for points that largely mean nothing.
>Legendaries being random fucking drops that redefine your class entirely. After nearly a year (32 days played) I finally got the bracers on my mage, right when my sub ran out.
You can in a way go for specific legendaries, but it still comes down to luck. The gear tokens you buy can proc legendary items, and they will be a legendary of that gear slot. So lets say you really want Mantle of the Master Assassin and it's been a long while since you got a legendary? Spend all your Veiled Argunite on shoulder tokens and hope for the best. It's still not great, but it does help. I think every token you buy with Argunite (and the epic tokens from Nethershards previous patch) counts towards bad luck protection too.
I didn't say the system was fine, just that there are ways to combat the shit system a little bit.
Mythic is the poopsocker difficulty though. That's the whole point of mythic.
If anything they need to remove the higher ilvl of mythic drops and just make everything that drops in there a unique xmog, but give it the same stats are heroic.
Actually, remove LFR and Heroic entirely, and just make Normal and Mythic. The retarded ilvl bloat needs to go.
Yeah, I get that it's the poopsocker difficulty, but after I'm done with Heroic what am I supposed to do then? I can't raid Mythic because the time investment it requires it 10x what Heroic requires and I don't want to farm Heroic difficulty for all eternity.
The fact that they also lock the only good looking variants of tier sets behind the poopsock difficulty is maddening.
The retarded ilvl bloat does indeed need to go, but variable difficulty for raids is a good thing.
You can always come back to the mythic raids later when you outgear them.
artifact power grind
lots of timegates
legendary heroic titanforged mythic dildo +9 BiS
Turning class features into pvp talents
global cooldowns somehow became even more annoying
RNG on RNG on RNG, too much carrot on the stick for a game that isn't actually free to play. The base of the expansion was enough to steer people away from the game early on, and that easily snowballed into many more people departing. Legion had some great ideas, but like WoD it falls flat on its face due to very terrible concepts dragging it down. In the end you're left with this cheap and fake world that is desperately trying to trick you into thinking there are people playing this dead game. Mission tables have played a big part in player departure, though obviously it is just one piece of the whole.
If I were blizzard, I would make the free to play content consist of every aspect of the raw gameplay, as in all the way to the highest level pve/pvp content. Subscriptions would grant access to cosmetic or recreational perks such as transmog and flying in the latest expansion, and perhaps even legacy server content if they ever do it. They need to do something to bring back the hordes of players, because pretending there isn't an issue isn't going to bring people back.
>The retarded ilvl bloat does indeed need to go, but variable difficulty for raids is a good thing.
So just have Normal and Mythic. Make LFR normal difficulty and give it the same gear.
Then re-add hard modes for fights cause the bosses to drop exceedingly rare crafting materials or BoE profession patters that are raid-level loot.
The soulless gear treadmill in WoW has ripped all the life and ingenuity out of the game, and it needs to be shitcanned, especially with the retard-tier catch-up mechanics that Blizzard adds ever 3 months, making their own content a pointless slog that no one wants to do.
random chances for a random proc for random amount of time that is your key class feature
>remove LFR
and lose like half of their subscriber base? get real retard
AP grind & legendary RNG
Removing LFR wouldn't impact shit. It's a loud minority of people that like to sleep through content and get free loot. Most people just use it for Artifact Power and legendary drops these days. Atm if you want useful loot you just put together a normal/heroic with groupfinder and get carried.
As that other user said, Heroic is too easy but Mythic is too hard.
Making it just Normal and Mythic leaves too much of a gap. I don't have an alternate solution at hand, but I don't think your supposed solution is any good.
Pugging normal/heroic tends to be easier and faster than LFR these days in my experience.
At least, most of the time. Because even if LFR is technically much easier, the people doing it are so fucking braindead they mess up even the simplest things, or just waste a lot of time in general.
Hardmodes are the solution to the difficulty gap. They allow people in normal to beef up the difficulty and add something new when they already have the fight on farm, with a chance at new loot and rare drops.
>Pugging normal/heroic tends to be easier and faster than LFR these days in my experience.
Pretty much, yeah. Which is why I think LFR exists for no reason right now. All of these extra raid tiers are a waste of development time.
>even if LFR is technically much easier, the people doing it are so fucking braindead they mess up even the simplest things
The problem is that the content is so pointless that most people (myself included,) only show up to LFR to do the very bare minimum of work, which in most cases is being AFK.
Mythic feels like vanilla raiding (in comparison).
Enjoying my free 930 loot from the new world bosses. Suck it, nerds.
>920 assholes not breaking 300K because lol LFR
LFR was a mistake
Titanforging and RNG legendaries.
if you still do lfr you are a shitter, plain and simple. anyone worth a damn has already gotten all their legendaries and doesn't need to run it for bad luck protection or that pathetic amount of AP
Or you want to get legendaries for off-spec, or for alts.
>I need to have my alts ready in case they become FOTM
No, I never gave a shit about that. I've mained Sub Rogue for the entire expansion even when it was the shittiest spec, and I've also played a lot of Elemental Shaman and Holy Paladin.
I just like having alts.
>destroy all elements of an MMO or an RPG game
>fuck over MMORPG players to try and attract other gamers
>other players don't wanna play shitty "MMORPG"
>MMORPGS players don't wanna play shitty "MMORPG"
>destroy hardcore PvE and PvP scenes in favor of attracting casual masses
>hardcore players left
>casuals starting to leave too because World of Grindcraft still takes more time than a Facebook game
when ever im subbed to WoW i always end up just grinding for rare mounts
i have all my alts run through old raids, dungeons, world bosses, ect and hope i get lucky
then i remember there's nothing for me to do aside from that and unsub
>tfw got the 300 mount achievement last time i was subbed so i don't fall for that pitfall again
its a good feel
I'm still new to WoW and my complaints are:
>pvp is boring
>classes feel weak especially casters in pvp
>skill animations are awful, have to cast for an ability that has no animation(unstable affliction, arcane blast etc)
>awful, childish community
>Talents are mostly passives and then finally get honor talents and those are also just passives
I run heroic tos weekly on two toons and in total I've had 16 loot drops between them since I started playing again
Out of those 16 4 have upgraded
One +5 ilvl and a socket
Two +5 ilvl and speed
Three + a socket
Four +avoidance
It's really fucking depressing to see people running around with 20+ilvl titan forges on bis gear while I'm stuck at fucking 923 ilvl while having only 3 pieces of gear upgraded on my main
I also run normal aswell weekly it's fucking depressing
>don't fall for the pitfall again
>has 300 mounts
You lost mate
blizzard's newest retcon says that they can only do that because of the power of argus' titan world soul. so we're going to argus to nix that.
then illidan and sargeras will be imprisoned inside argus until blizz needs to asspull them for a future expansion.