How can we stop literal gambling becoming a norm in games?
How can we stop literal gambling becoming a norm in games?
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We can't.
We can't but China is going to force them to reveal drop percentages.
Don't spend money on it?
I just feel that every game with gambling in it should simply be AO in ESRB rating. This way they won't pry too much into game development but there are still regulations harmful for the publishers (you usually don't want your multi game to be over PG12-16).
those mechanics are aimed at casuals (CoD, Destiny, OW audience) they are not aware gamers
also fuck you for that gif
Blizz found a loophole by making it so your $5 buys you 1xp, but just happens to come with 5 loot boxes as a bonus
Loot boxes are designed to circumvent gambling laws by always giving a reward, even if it shitty as hell.
How do you stop it? Stop buying and playing games that have loot boxes.
For a start, it should be made illegal to hide drop percentages. After that, well, we're fucked beyond saving already.
you make some big incident involving gambling in games and some real people(better children) who got hurt by it, and then you throw it at media, sjw and other bullshit will do rest of the work
why user, fucking delet
You can't. For every person who refuses to give companies money for putting that shit in their games there are a thousand who will happily lap it all up.
mfw when I moved my cursor off the gif after a couple of frames so I didnt see the disgusting act
China putting lootboxes on the same tier as gambling is pretty impressive considering they usually DGAF about this kind of shit.
Men are cutting their pineles left and right and you're worried about a mouse?
this can't be real
Don't even make it an incident. Just convince the media it's gambling for children.
Don' t spend money.
takes like 15 minutes to get one depending on the game mode.
you guys forgot abou csgo?
fucking disgusting
i meant real media, like in nazi pewdiepie and so on incidents, not some internet drama on couple of sites
because it's innocent animal that didn't give a consent
it's not like the mouse cut off his own dick himself
one is under duress, men do it voluntarily, the mouse dindu nuffin
the difference is the sheer look of panic and stress the mouse under, if a man was in the same position and got his dick cut off I would feel the same way, even theon greyjoy didnt see his coming
It just reflects the totalitarian style of their government, it's not something particular to loot boxes.
Lobby governments to force video game publishers to either drop monetary meansnto purchase them along with resale of items received, or remove them entirely.
or do what china is and forcr them reveal the percentages.
or have them be only adult only games due to gambling. I am sure if mothers see that the reason the game is adult only us due to ability to gamble in game with loot boxes, she won't buy the game
Based China.
It's already a norm.
fuck off reddit activist
They can just change the drop percentage based on the region
I'm impressed
i don't play overwatch
someone explain this too me
>literal gambling
>posts a picture from a game where you get loot boxes for just playing the game
Gambling implies you are spending your money for a chance to make money back. This isn't the case, you are spending your money to obtain random in game items.
you can't and also I'm glad I didn't grew up in this because I just blow dosh on every game I play as an adult
Cant we just get some religious anti gta organization to take this to fox news saying that they let little kids gamble?
thats so fucking shady
Selling lootboxes with random loot in them is considered gambling in China. It is forbidden.
Instead; Blizzard is selling exp, and adding a lootbox as a free bonus. Now it's not gambling anymore because you know what you're getting (exp).
Sorry, I said it wrong. They're selling in-game gold, not exp.
>blizzshills trying to spin this as something clever and not scummy as fuck
I wish China would shit on them even harder. The only reason we have any decent service from games nowdays is because an entire country forces them too, like steam refunds.
>tfw I'm too deep into gacha now
With the way lootboxes work now you can get everything
We don't.
Stupid people deserve to have their money stolen.