Give me one good reason why your backlog is growing instead of getting smaller

Give me one good reason why your backlog is growing instead of getting smaller.

You should be finishing at least one game a week.

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I'd play my games but all i can think about is how terrible her nipples are.

Because the only thing I play is FFXIV

Also, I have an executive level full time job




I did this to myself

I mainly play multiplayer games with my friends and my backlog consists of massive fucking games like witcher 3.
I did just finish dishonored 2 and the new Hitman though

Stop hassling me, Mia, Age of empires 2 takes practice

Fuck off to Sup Forums faggot

My backlog is every single video game in existence. I do not think I will succeed but I am going to die trying.

Because I am not satisfied till I 100% a game that I really like.
I am playing Bayonetta and finished last week, but there are much more to the game.

Why did she quit?

>unironically using the term "backlog" when referring to something that is supposed to be an entertaining hobby
kill yourself

>Sell Steam account to friend because backlog is too large
>Open a new account
>Now only buy a game after I have completed another
>If game is shit I refund

It's going so well, I only have 28 games in my library and 27 are completed.

mental illness

She bagged a rich boyfriend so she no longer has to turn tricks. Shame. I miss he interracial scenes

I fell for the get a job meme.

Multiplayer shooters are the biggest reason I can't make a dent in my backlog.

I've considered doing this, how much did you sell it for?

Force her to grind in your games.

Because it's easier doing nothing and getting money from omega orbiters.

She does Twitch/Youtube now and has a Patreon and shit.

This, when I get on in the afternoon my friends and I play one of the following
>Titanfall 2

>she fixed her shitty looking nipples after she quit porn

I have a 12+ hours job.

Is not bad but It won't let me git gud at vidya which is sad.

I will never resort to mobage crap tho

i'm not a neet

Pretty much this, all I've been playing lately is rainbow six siege, I hate Ubisoft but it's fun

>You should be finishing at least one game a week.
You're either a parasite NEET or someone who plays 2-hour long "cinematic experiences" and walking simulators

Also put away your fake tits, you've got awful taste.

I am not growing my backlog mainly because the concept of a backlog is terrible and takes out enjoyment from something that's supposed to be fun. If I stop playing a game without completing it then I'm done with that game unless I go back to it. Worrying about incomplete games brings too much anxiety.

Because I went from a fulltime NEET with online friends who only play multiplayer games to a fulltime worker with a gf and friends who only play multiplayer games.

You need to learn to run on no sleep, I work 8-8, play Vidya until 1-2 then sleep until 630 and work 8-8 again

I got about 200 which was a steal considering it was worth about 1800 according to steam Calculator. It easily paid for most of the games I have now though.

Give me one readon not to masturbate to Mia Khalifa right now.

It's not.
Since I've stopped caring for the new stuff coming out for years now, it's actually growing smaller as I play the stuff I've been meaning to play for so long.

>brain damage worse than alcohol: the post

>having a backlog

If it didn't work for Kramer, why would it work for me?

Her shit tier tits and obnoxious personality.

I don't feel like playing most of the time. I end up completing a maximum of one 10-hour game per month when I get that urge to, and last month I didnt even complete any games.

They're pretty good senpai, nice, dark, big. Scar ain't too bad, and better there than under the tit.

>she quit BEFORE fixing her boob job

>tfw got back into Siege around the time the new XCOM 2 expansion was released which I haven't even touched yet
>Also preordered Samus Returns

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself


pls help

>tfw started the year very well
>up to may or so I was completing 2-3 games a week
>summer comes
>too hot to do anything
>never recover from lazy fuck status

When did that happen? Ah well, at least she did a creampie video before she quit

Why is this cunt even popular?

Why do so many famous rich athletes want to fuck her?

im a wage slave now, i keep buying games but i don't play them, just hope to play them one day, one, day.

and exactly why are you in a rush to finish video games again

>I've stopped caring for the new stuff coming out
This, also I try to avoid games that are too time-consuming like RPGs.

Literal lives depends of my job, If I slack I'm going to jail on a heartbeat, sleep deprivation is out of the table.

Christ, I wish I was a woman sometimes. She probably makes more than I do in a few days with her videos and probably made boku money with her few porn vids she put out. Not to mention just generally having an easier life.

I have a weird habit of switching around the hobbies that I spend the most of my time with. One month it could be video games and the next it could be comic books or something. Makes it hard to keep up with my backlog

Not OP, but
>finish work at 5
>home by 6
>dinner by 7
>vidya from 7:30-11:00
>wake up at 7
>leave the house at 8
>be at work for 9
Seems simple enough to me. Not really sure if this'll work for students though. For me that's my schedule, except Fridays are half days, I normally head home and chill then go out with friends. Saturday I get shit done, Sunday is vidya day, although I usually sleep through half of it. I don't have a GF so that's not a complication. I don't always play vidya each day, sometimes it's anime or tv instead, but still I usually get through a game every week or two.


Who was in the wrong here?

>dating with plastic boob job bitches

I know I'm far from being a Brad Pit but I know I can do better than that.

porn is bad for you, user

Ohh, doctor? Paramedic?

The dull student outside school each morning in Persona 5 is making me want to pick up some new hobbies to make myself more interesting. This post reminded me off it What are some other fun hobbies?

Yeah same. A game goes on sale and I just never play it. Got MGS v free with my 970 2 years ago and it's just sitting there uninstalled

This is a christian board.

I've finished 3 games this year

Being a moderately successful member of society is suffering

Where's the time allotted to masturbation?

Lets be honest here, she's not that special and i like mena women

The boreball """athlete""".

He should've just scored with some random 10 instead.

My cousin went trans at age 12 or so (sometime before puberty) and is actually was pretty passable and was popular in high school. She went to college for nursing. Sophomore year she's working some front desk job at a hospital until she has enough classes for a real intership when she starts dating a doctor. A year later they're married and she drops out. Doesn't work and doesn't have kids to raise. Just chills while her husband takes care of her. Meanwhile, I'm working 6 days a week to survive. It's not fucking fair. Even dick girls have it easy.

I, uh, do that either just before I go to bed or whilst I'm in bed. So, like 10:30-11:30, usually the latter because fuck giving up my vidya time.

>live in Miami and worked at a hotel bar on Miami Beach
>a Miami Heat player comes in
>some bimbo is there with her husband
>bimbo goes up and talks to the NBA player
>husband tries to drag her away
>NBA player has his entourage block the guy
>bimbo and NBA player go upstairs
>she comes back down an hour later all disheveled
>her husband is there to meet her
>looks angry as fuck but stays calm

Shit like this happened often. Never ceases to amaze me how women throw themselves at any famous guy

I'd rather just talk about Mia because that's the only reason you posted this thread.


Good schedule then user
>I don't have a GF so that's not a complication.
Potentially, hopefully you'll discover the joys of juggling it soon

What a cynical image

Well, most of the games that I play are the kind that you can't finish. Stuff like Mount and Blade, Europa Universalis, Civilization etc.

Typical of Sup Forums and many kiddos today with their constant victim mentality. Is it something wrong with me causing others to dislike me and for my life to suck? Unpossible, it's surely everyone else's fault but mine!

I hate how she tries to use sports to stay relevant

I hate how overrated she is

I decide I wanna take a crack at my SP games on a given day, and then my friends wanna play PUBG, Siege, or Overwatch.

>tfw starting to get ED from too much porn (once a day)

One trip to /cgl/ will bump the purple zone from starting at 2 to starting at 4.
Seriously, it's mostly women. Take a good hard look at what they are and you'll realize that this image is far too lenient on ugly women.

This is my biggest fear

How old are you?

the last game I finished was half-life 2

Can't get it up or can't finish?

Look at her, she's hot.

You can't be overrated as fap bait if you're perfectly fapable

Why is the 4/10 female more attractive than most of the others above her?

The career span of the average porn star is ridiculously small.
Iirc, someone compiled a graph according to the stats on IAFD.

Just getting it up is the main problem

>Look at her, she's hot.
She isn't even a blip on the "hottest pornstars" list

>she's hot

will getting ED help me last longer when I have sex? I haven't had sex many times but when I did I couldn't last very long, I'd very much like to last longer because it feels so good

Same. For a few years I had been unable to enjoy anything. Slowly starting to recover. I just beat MGSV that I bought almost a year ago and initially only played up to the 4th episode. Felt good to play it through finally.

Maybe because people can have subjective opinions over what they find attractive. I know plenty of girls who'd much prefer the 6/10 to anyone above him.

It would just be a very frustrating experience for both parties

Simple fix. Quit porn.


Yeah you'd last longer since you'd never fucking get sex.

What girl would want your floppy ass 2 incher?

Nofap is always an option, though I wouldn't take it to "LOL 6 MONTHS WITHOUT FAPPING LIFE IS FUCKING AMAZING" extremes. Also if you're on meds of any sort, that's a more likely source than fapping too much.

I legitimately would not bang Mia Khalifa. I find her repulsive.

I never get sex now, user

It's literally the easiest treatment in the world to fix.

Stop jerking off so much and stop watching porn.

Do they have nicotine patches for porn?

What kind of absolut turbohomo made this pic lmao.

>10-7 male are all extremely hot
>First attractive female start at 8
>4 female is literally hotter than 7, 6 and 5