Which Metal Gear was the best?

Which Metal Gear was the best?


The Shagohod is technically not a Metal Gear.


Irving is the most practical and cool.


ST-84 was pretty damn cool and intimidating.


What are the defining characteristics of a Metal Gear? Onboard reactor?

Who /tx-55/ here? It's the most practical one of them all.

Ray. Though I feel the Shag is more practical.

>cannot launch nuclear warheads

Legs for locomotion. Mainly bipedal but that's not strictly necessary.

Being part of the Metal Gear line. The Shagohod came before that. Also being a walking robot. Mind you I'm not bothered by OP putting him there, my autism just commanded me to point it out.



Metal Gear is defined as a mobile nuclear platform

Since the Shagohod could walk into enemy countries and self destruct it qualifies.

Still fucking stupid, you think any country would just let a walking tank within detonation range of any populated cities? What about Islands like the UK?

That's what makes it practical.

I really don't understand what the big deal with the Metal Gear is, when the series keeps proving that Cyborg Ninjas are a lot better alternative.

The point of Metal Gear is to launch nuclear warheads, you idiot.

Why can't I play mgs3? I can't get into it

>Though the Shagohod had similar capabilities to the Metal Gear series of mecha, it was not a precursor but a parallel development; it was developed by Dr. Sokolov at a secret base located three miles west of Tselinoyarsk under Nikita Khrushchev's orders. His peer and self-proclaimed rival Director Granin conceived the Metal Gear concept at approximately the same time, but Colonel Volgin favored Sokolov's design over Granin's after the latter idea failed to produce immediate results, and secretly planned to steal the prototype as well as capture Sokolov. This is possibly due to the fact that, though a walker like Metal Gear would ultimately prove to be a far more versatile system, the Shagohod was only an unusual combination of technologies that already existed at the time (tanks, ground effect craft, IRBMs, and booster rockets), as opposed to an unrealized idea requiring years or even decades of research (as well as large amounts of money) to produce.
Stolen from some wiki. The Shagohod is not part of the Metal Gear line.

Because the writing is so stupid that you can't bring yourself to play the game

Fox couldn't take on Rex, Olga didn't even start, and Raiden took out a bunch of miniatures I guess. Still mad about Chico being taken out of V since he was supposed to be the games ninja character.

It would take a cyborg ninja a lot longer than a nuke to kill a whole city.

I just feel it's so weak in everything compared to 1&2

I think that was brought up in MGR

>Fox couldn't take on Rex
Only because he was unfinished, on medication and damaged from his fight with Snake.
>Raiden took out a bunch of miniatures I guess
Until Revengence where he tosses a ray several meters up in the air, and that was in his old combat gear.

I used to love it, more than 2 even, but for some reason as a grown man I can't really enjoy it.

That is why you send more then one Cyborg Ninja

Keep going. I have a similar problem every time I replay it since it's really slow gameplay-wise compared to 1 and 2. But at some point you are getting into the flow of the game and will have fun.

Or just one metal gear


why didn't otacon just go into the microwave hallway alone? snake didn't do shit once they got inside

Because metal gears with mounted nukes can threaten nations
Cyborg ninjas cannot

When has any Metal Gear gets powered by a reactor? They never mentioned any power source for them.

Because all the cyborg ninjas in MGS series eventually turned to rebelling wild cards. Meanwhile metal gear does what ever it is ordered to do.

Neither is Excelsus, though I still love it.
It's just a big walking tank that was rebadged as a Metal Gear to give it more street cred.

Yeah, naming Excelsus a Metal Gear was a bit stupid, but at this point in the game nobody bothered anymore.