
>8 months later
>still full priced


Other urls found in this thread:

It's still selling really well 6 months on according to Koei Tecmo's last financial report (It's Team Ninja's most successful game since NG '04 and KT's highest selling game since the 2009 merger), so neither they or Sony probably feel like it needs a permanent price drop. I've seen it on special at some stores for about $40-ish though, so keep your eyes peeled.

Nioh 2 when? What would the setting even be?

You had eight months to save money for the game.

somewhat on topic but
>nintendo game
>3-4 years later in some cases
>still either full priced or maybe $10 cheaper
seriously wtf is with that shit, I'd own a lot more Nintendo games if older games weren't priced so poorly against the competition.

modern high school, you are one of william-samas descendants, you are a bully victim, you must purify the school.

Probably sooner rather than later; the final DLC pack was announced half an hour ago.

Yasuda's said that the next game will either be about another notable Sengoku figure or set even earlier during the Kamakura period.

three kingdoms

It was like 50% off on PSN a few months ago.

Are the DLCs worth getting?

Not op, but i don't like digital

this i want to know

First one's really good and the second one's alright. I'd say they're worth it just on the basis that the new weapon types are really neat and Data Masamune's one of the better human boss fights in the game.

wel too bad because a lot of people do and digital sales will be the cheapest way to get games for the most part soon

I just like to be able to lend/borrow my games with my friends and sell those that i don't need anymore, and hacve an actual physical object.

I hope so because every single human bossfight has been ridiculously easy and tedious.

I think so, yes. But you need to have beaten the main game to even gain access to them, so know that going in. 2, presumably 3 new weapons are nice, NG+3 adds DLC enemies to base game levels, finally changing those up. The new levels are pretty good in and of themselves. If you can get the season pass discounted, definitely go for it.

Muneshige and Naomasa were both a blast the first few times. Sakon is good, too.

how does the season pass work? if I get that will I get all DLCs free? never bought one before

The season pass is basically the 3 story DLC packs bundled together for a bit cheaper than buying them individually as they come out.

Maybe I was overleveled then.

When's it coming to PC?

neat thanks I'll keep a lookout for any sales

sup Gladium

I hope Bloodborne 2 learns some things from Nioh. A stance system would have been great to mix things up.


A few months before Nioh came out, a couple of the Sony Japan Studio guys who worked on Bloodborne (It was the Tokyo Jungle guy with the glasses and that other one with the stupid haircut who always pops up at TGS) guested on a Team Ninja dev stream and made a point of saying they'd all been keeping an eye on Nioh's development over the past few years. They were probably just being friendly, but you never know, it might've been hinting at something.

weeb games never drop, this also applies to all nintendo games

Once you buy it, the 3 DLC story chapters will show up as purchased on PSN. Then you just need to download them separately.

>Its already been 8 months since nioh's release
Holy fuck, it feels like it was released like 2 or 3 months ago.

Nintendo titles are evergreen titles that don't only get the vast majority of sales in the first few weeks. Another example of this would be GTAV which barely goes on sale and when it does its never a super deep discount. They can do this because their games have enough demand to where they don't need to encourage people to buy them with deep sales.

>the alpha demo was close to 18 months ago

I'll never forget all those whiny nue-males.

>4 arms
as if those mortherfuckers weren't dangerous with 2 already

>I'll never forget all those whiny nue-males.
Nips were the one who whined the most.

Of course, but the salt in those alpha threads here was highly amusing.

But yeah, it's funny how soft Japan's gotten. Hell, the feedback surveys from the initial FFXV demo had the majority of the Japanese playerbase thinking it was too difficult.

>european castle
>jap fishing village
>generic caves

I just can't bring myself to play it anymore.

>the feedback surveys from the initial FFXV demo had the majority of the Japanese playerbase thinking it was too difficult.

So ends an era, I suppose.

It gets much better in level design after you leave the first region. The gigantic bath house really surprised me.

floating castle in the skies though

To be fair, it's difficult in that you get one shot all the damn time. It's just heavily mitigated by the fact that 99 of every restoration item is dirt fucking cheap. If they added any level of resource starvation/restriction, fights would feel so much more tense

Alright. That's honestly enough for me to give it another go.


>bought the season pass
>still haven't payed the latest DLC
its all so tiresome

The bosses get better after the first region too.

This guy, Hasekura Tsunenaga. Japanese samurai who travelled Europe, mainly Spain.
Samurai adventures with euro myth

You're almost required to have completed Way of the Strong. You finish the game at around level 110-130 and the latest dlc recommend level 200. If you're too low level bosses can seem like damage sponges


Way of the Wise was a mistake
I bet the last DLC will add a new difficulty too

Weaboo bait the game

The 2 main human fights in the first dlc are easily the hardest bosses in the game, the final boss of the second dlc is significantly easier than those two but harder than anyone in the base game.

>tfw lost my job
>can't afford vidya now

>tfw live in a small town area and all the jobs require a college level education and are taken by abos and family members of employers

You can always get a new job, mate, I have to subsist off data entry and shitty phone-work.

Are you ready for DLC 3 user?
Do you already completed WotW? i haven't yet
Do you have your ethereal gear ready?

>Do you already completed WotW?
>Do you have your ethereal gear ready?
No and I probably never will
I'll just complete the last DLC on WotD and be done with this game, unless they add some super fun weapon

How and when do you reach level 200? I'm halfway through WOTS and I'm only lvl 168

why is that? im level 175 before the dlc but i farmed for upgrades i dont really see anyone struggling if they have upgraded weapons


Three Kingdoms. You play as Qin Lun (Or Leon of Shin Empire), a roman merchant who land on Wu Kingdom's territory and caught in their warfare.

ThisOr just go to an amrita farming mission

I think you do more damage the higher your level is. And you have more health

Do you know any good one for way of the strong?


There was another one on the fourth mission where you fight 3 small one-eyed onis, but i think it was patched

Fourth region*

These weebs just circlejerk how awesome it is cause "muh japan stuff".

Theres like maybe 8 different enemies the entire game. The whole game felt like a white trash Souls game.

>but I think it was patched
They consistantly patch everything that makes the game fun or helps the player

I got it for 40 on amazon

I fully expect Nioh 2 by 2019, and then Nioh 3 by 2021.

They are going to run this shit dry. Fucking japs can't even make a respectable series without abusing it anymore.

Does anyone else prefer it over the Souls games?

bakamatsu would be coolest. let me play as the shinsengumi

I've been waiting for a sale too, even $20 off would be good enough for me

>last DLC announced
>completely new mode for who knows what purpose
finally it's time to go back and actually finish WoTD and almost time for nioh general to come back for another 5 weeks before dying forever this time

>feign mental illness
>collect disability pension


>tfw got the game 3 days ago and can't beat the second boss, the spider
I'm running kusarigama mainly, was that a mistake? Apparently ninjutsu gets really strong later but with my 7 miserable kunais I'm not going very far

I like work though.

Just focus on melee attacks and use some onmyo to budd yourself and debuff the bosses

Ninjustsu build are only viable in the later game

Cheese combo: sloth talisman, Carnage talisman or power pills. Throw some weaken talisman if you have the points

And you can always summon someone to help

So what do you recommend, that I give up Dex and kusari?

>new difficulty level

Nigga just play any weapon you like.
They're all viable in Way of the Samurai.

Not at all, kusari is one of the best weapons, just invest some points in onmyo to get some buff talismans for tough situations, then go all in on dex and ninjustsu if you want.

This could have been an amazingly tight experience, but instead they made a repetetive grind, repeating shitty levels and enemies.

I wish they just made a focused experience, a connected world, without the shitty map.

>why didn't they just make dark souls
every time.

>Good world and level design makes something dark souls


I kinda like the missions/map mechanic

The grinding i agree, let's hope they don't add another equipment tier higher than ethereal

My biggest problem with it is that it's only there so you can repeat levels over and over to grind. I think they could have still had a map and made it feel more connected.

As it is, it doesn't feel like you are exploring Japan, it feels like you are playing missions in a video game.

What are the odds we finally nail down that slippery moth slut?

>it feels like you are playing missions in a video game.

Fairly high, considering we got octodad in DLC2

>an art form almost entirely based in escapism shouldn't fulfil escapist fantasy.

Yes user?

She will be the reward for going through Abyss alone with wooden weapons only
and that's actually completely realistic since they figured out how to check for what weapons you've been using during a fight in the last DLC

HOLY CRAP those new yokai looks insane!
And some faggots here keeps making stupid bloodborne threads.
Nioh is truly GOTY.

>Videogames feel to videogamey

>was like 50% off


What do you guys think is gonna be the new weapon type?

Brass knuckles

Bakumatsu obviously, it's the other big thing after the Sengoku period

>Bloodborne 2

Just what the fuck is wrong with you people? How can ANYONE not be full up to their eyeballs with this fucking formula? This garbage is literally Assassin's Creed tier now.

Full ethereal iga jonin set + 30 and same level et Shiranui. Not sure if I want new ng+ tho.

I dropped nioh after getting a taste of way of the demon.
Jesus christ what a horrible difficulty balancing

There is literally nothing wrong with WotD
git gud