What went so horribly, horribly wrong?

What went so horribly, horribly wrong?

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They didn't realize that 99% of people don't give a shit about isometric RPGs and there's a reason that they keep having to Kickstarter this shit. Also they won't just make a new FPS Fallout using UE4 or something

>Also they won't just make a new FPS Fallout using UE4 or something
they don't own the IP
what's more obsidian can't code for shit
literally the last meaningful game they made was fallout NV and it was a glorified mod

Nothing? They're good.

>obsidian can't code for shit
Nice meme.

fpbp as always

Pillars of Eternity was really good and Deadfire looks amazing

>obsidrone in denial

off yourself my dude

they not have enough sexy I need more trap and sexy thicc and fap to I can so more boob and more sexy and they is so good and waifu more of that

Nothing. PoE is the best RPG since New Vegas and is Obsidian's best game overall.

>>obsidian can't code for shit
>Nice meme.
How is what he said a meme? Every single one of their games is an unoptimized mess with massive amounts of bugs.

Brain drain.

Actually, whenever Obsidian worked with their own propriety engine called Onyx (Dungeon Siege 3 and South Park) they've made their most polished games.

Tyranny missed a proper ending (according to the reviews at least).
Concluding that people don't like RPG games because their game was received badly is just silly.
Because many people skipped their game while they did play Divinity Original Sin.

Can't keep deadlines for shit.
All competent people left nearly a decade ago.

chris left.

easy kikestarter money

That's QA, which typically is provided by the publisher and not the developer.

There's an article on rps about obsidian, read it.

Tyranny actually had a rather extensive slideshow ending that pretty much detailed every single decision you made. Problem was that the last act was rushed and they went for a "story is just beginning" kind of ending. We know from the art book that two acts were cut, for example. Maybe the upcoming expansion will fix that.

All games suffer the same problem. All are half finished buggy messes. Yet Sup Forums will still suck its dick all day and night

PoE literally saved their studio from collapse. Their financial position is the best it's been in years.

They do have a UE4 project, btw. And since they have their isometric engine set up with Unity, it's probably a first/third person game, so if you like that kind of shit it's coming too.

DS3 used a custom Obsidian made engine (Onyx) and it was pretty stable and looked good for its time.

The stuff they're doing with visuals for PoE 2 is pure wizardry, too. The lighting effects, the shadows make 2D look 3D.

>PoE literally saved their studio from collapse. Their financial position is the best it's been in years.
Kind of makes you wonder why they kickstart every single game they work on now

>Shillers of Eternity
>SJW kikestarter funded cuckshit with more WORDS WORDS WORDS than a Bum Tickley strip and literally the worst ''''''''RPG''''''''' mechanics in any game since the iOS tablet based fuckery that was Shadowrun Returns
>better than anything

wew lad fucking kill yourself

They only kickstarted Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2. Tyranny and Cain's game weren't kickstarted.

>literally the last meaningful game they made was fallout NV

Huh, here I thought Stick of truth and tyranny(while short) were quality games.

Less risk for their own company seeing as they get money for literally free.

Very ambitious studio.
Not very talented.

Known for its writing.
Lets all its good writers go.

Does well when another studio does 90% of the heavy lifting.
Stumbles when they carry the full load.

I don't think you know what that word means.

>literally the worst ''''''''RPG''''''''' mechanics in any game
You mean the best RPG mechanics since New Vegas, which was pretty much the best RPG ever made on par with Fallout 2.

This. Obsidian is full of very talented artists and designers, but their best writers left. Specially Avellone and Gonzalez.

Is Pillars of Eternity worth getting? I know Avellone and Sawyer still were a part of its creation and I really like their work.

i wanna fuck franchesca ramsey

You mean the guy who only wrote anything of note under Sawyer's direct supervision, whose work before New Vegas was Endgame (evil Ruskies vs. US vs. EU RTS) and after New Vegas he wrote Horizon Zero Dawn (evil white man makes evil war AI, good Muslim woman makes peaceful Gaia AI)? Wew, I bet you think Sawyer is a SJW too.

It also disgusts me how you didn't even think to mention Tim fucking Cain.

It's OK. 2 will be better. Don't expect anything close to New Vegas in terms of quests or reactivity, though. Unlike New Vegas though, it's really darn pretty.

>bukkake & gokkun
>tairyo za-men special

fucken saved

It's nothing earth-shattering, but it's still solid workmanship. Nothing really terribly bad, nothing really oustandingly good.

>they don't own the IP
They can make a new IP, they already have the fans, literally win/win situation for them

Problem with pillars is that people expected baldur's gate 2, instead they got baldur's gate 1 modernized as advertised. It's a good game, I'd say tyranny has a much better story.

Puppetmaster Todd

How about the role-playing aspect. Is there a lot of freedom to craft my own character or is it another one of those """RPGs""" that give you two dialogue options a conversation.


Who the fuck is this?

a new chris avellone

It gives you plenty of dialog options alright, but I can't say if you'll find them satisfying. Their relevance pretty much ends two sentences after you pick them. For example you can have any reputation in the world, but it won't make the slightest of difference in the eyes of your companions who could be your best source of constant feedback. They don't even notice it, as far as they are concerned you are the generic hero protagonist and their personal therapist.

tyranny is better. like said it's solid but nothing more. tyranny is shorter but has that spark of inspiration

>They don't even notice it, as far as they are concerned you are the generic hero protagonist and their personal therapist.
Sounds like every RPG tbqh

Mindless sheep following them, same thing as Bethesda actually.

Nah, there is a little more in BG/2/PST. Not much more, but more. Still, user asked a question, and it was relevant to the answer.

You seem to get upset by trivial things. The reason Gonzalez quickly came to mind is because coincidentally, I just read an interview with Sawyer a few hours ago where he mentioned him as one of the most important writers in NV along side Avellone and himself.

I won't bother defend those other games, I haven't played them and I'm not interested in them. I'm not even a fan, I just liked some of his work at Obsidian, that's it.

And I don't even know why you assume I think Sawyer is an SJW. What does that have to do with anything? Even if I thought he was (which you have to be pretty fucking dense to think so, I'll give you that), he's still a very very talented designer and one thing does not invalidate the other. I just don't think Sawyer is all that good at writing stories, but he's pretty good with characters and high reactivity.

>Normal people don't understand this concept; they believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.

They have access to Mutant trough Paradox. It's way older than Fallout. Nothing is stopping them from making not-Fallout.

>And I don't even know why you assume I think Sawyer is an SJW.
Because that's the only reason I can see for invalidating his work on writing in New Vegas.
>I just don't think Sawyer is all that good at writing stories, but he's pretty good with characters
That's pretty bizarre, his characters are very much hit and miss (seemingly nobody liked Paladin Vagina), but the way he approaches worldbuilding and the importance he places on player agency (in the latest Deadfire stream IIRC he literally said "if you want to tell your story, write a book") makes him one of the better RPG writers. Gonzales wrote FNV story based on Sawyer's outlines, after all. Sawyer designed all the factions, their goals, their morality, and those are things people will argue to this day. Sawyer pushed for every NPC (except for kids because it was current year) to be killable, which is one of those things that make New Vegas good.

And Tim Cain literally came up with Fallout setting. But I guess Avellone left Obsidian so they don't have a single capable writer anymore.

And if you noticed in the same interview, Sawyer also says that Gonzalez didn't know shit about RPGs and he and Avellone had to basically mentor him and direct him.


Why does this fluke get shilled so damn much? He's like Lucas where he's only good when he's filtered but when put in charge he's trash.

Okay, this is kind of my bad, for some reason I thought Gonzalez was the lead writer on MotB as well, but I was mistaken, so I was giving him more credit that I should've. Still, he was Lead Creative Designer, so it's not like he was totally clueless in his work.

And I really appreciate Sawyer's approach on writing, but I'm not that interested in it myself. I prefer Avellone's style and I think PoE's story suffered from that in my opinion.

I honestly don't want to wail too much on Gonzales because when given good direction his work was good and impressive. However Obsidian lost much better writers, and kept better ones too.

>I think PoE's story suffered from that in my opinion
PoE story was written by Fenstermaker, and by his own admittance they screwed up the timeline to the point where they went with the first draft. I still think Fenstermaker is a good writer, though. Hope his sorts his family business out and comes back to Obsidian to work there full time (he's freelancing on 2, writing Eder and I think somebody else).

Deadfire looks more like a Sawyer's game than PoE1 writing and plot-wise. You have factions heavily based on real world ideologies and historical factions, reactivity and freedom of movement, and then there's a personal story to tie it together. That sounds good to me. It's not Avellonian deconstruct-everything kind of story with larger than life characters and philosophical concepts, but I don't think even Avellone does that anymore.

>I don't think Avellone does that anymore

He was a writer for nu-Prey

Avellone's content in PoE was some of the worst and more dragged out (Durance and GM).

Eric Fenstermaker and his wife had a baby so he took a break. He's only writing Edér in PoE2. For anyone else interested, for PoE he wrote Edér, Thaos, Zahua and was the narrative designer of the game.

he only wrote like a side quest and email entries for nu-Prey though.
He came in when the game was 3 years into development.

Social Justice.

Oh right. I didn't play it (yet, it looks like a good game), but the spoilers I've read don't sound like what I associate with classic Chris. Might be wrong, though, I'm also not sure how strongly was he involved.

>Eric Fenstermaker and his wife had a baby so he took a break. He's only writing Edér in PoE2.
Well yeah, that's what I said pretty much.


I played through the whole of PoE twice and never saw a single SJW thing in there. Are you trying to falseflag and pretend to be a Sup Forumsack or something? I'm seeing a lot of that lately and it's very annoying.

Do we have an idea on what exactly he did write? Quest names or anything?

I'm curious to see what he put in.

The old guard has completely lost any ounce of passion they might have had.
The new guys are a bunch of millennial tumblrinas from California, that had to to google what RPG meant.

I only know he wrote a side quest about some lesbians. Read an interview couple months ago of him talking about it.

And Shadowrun somehow made a gigantic leap in the sequel.

>PoE story was written by Fenstermaker

Well I now nothing how about that. For what you mention, Deadfire might be more interesting. Still haven't played Tyranny though.

>I don't think even Avellone does that anymore

After all the publisher fuckery he had to suffer in Torment and KOTOR2, I think he said he doesn't want the stress of having big role in a game anymore unfortunately.


>Obsidian had/has based anti-SJW developers
Literally /ourguys/

Harsh way to say it, but I kinda agree with the sentiment at least.
They've bled talent and the new blood doesn't seem up to par.

This is pretty fucked up honestly.

Also fucking Sawyer. Friends with the guy and doesn't even come out to defend him or anything.

It was a contract writer they just signed. If he hadn't handed in his resignation Obsidian would have fired him.

One of the backer-reward tombstones was a joke about how the dead guy killed himself after he found out he had been sleeping with a tranny. SJWs threw a fit and the guy ended up changing the tombstone.

remember when he went on a rant about dating mechanics in games

Well of course they would to save face, literally any company would.
The fact that he got a contract in the first place is inspiring

He got a contract because he's friends with Sawyer and Sawyer fucking loves Battle Brothers (guy was a writer on that).
Doubt anyone else at Obsidian knew about his less fashionable views on life.

They thought they could actually strike it big as an independent developer.


That's just caving to negative press. Is that what we define by social justice now?
I remember the days when the game had to have unironic tranny characters ala DA: I to be considered social justice.

He haven't said anything that's more extreme than the official stance of the current government. Last time I checked the Democrats were not the ones who won the election.

There was no press. Some tranny tweeted Sawyer about it and he immediately apologized saying he was gonna talk to people about it.

>negative press
Get with the SJ times grandpa

idk about you but I think 15 years as an independent studio is a pretty big achievement.

15 years as an independent studio saved by fuckhueg publishers over and over again isn't that impressive

At the same time, Tyranny was very hit-and-miss, and the misses landed deeper wounds than the the hits. So while I would agree it was more inspired, had some pretty neat ideas worth reiterating, as a game it wasn't particularly inspiring.

And if he didn't he'd be plastered as a transphobe on the MSM. So he was saving his company from some bad press, over something that clearly isn't worth the trouble.

>saved by fuckhueg publishers
how so?
everytime they were in the red was because a "fuckhueg publisher" cancelled their project (Alien RPG and Stormlands)


Political correctness bullshit took over creativity and edgyness.

wew lad

Literally all of their notable games were saved by fuckhueg publishers. Ubisoft, Bethesda, Sega, Paradox.
What a useless studio honestly.

Avellone blamed the managers for his departure. Apparently they're pretty incompetent and for what I've heard of that Chris Parker dude, it doesn't surprise me. I don't know if he also meant Feargus.

In which games?

At this point I know you're trolling
But just in case you aren't
What exactly do you mean "saved"?

Ubisoft didn't do anything for South Park, Bethesda gave them 18 months to make New Vegas, and Paradox didn't do shit for Pillars of Eternity either. LucasArts is known for anticipating the release date of KotOR2 causing a myriad of issues.


Lucasarts ruined what could've been a 15/10 game. Now it's only a 9/10 game.

The last ones, Pillars and Tyranny are not even close to things like New Vegas story and lore wise.
But well, this shit happened with all the known studios lately after the Gamegate shitfest.

Tyranny straight up has two women married to one another with no explanation. Not to mention the incredibly forced scene where the racist disciplined Disfavored commander tells a Scarlet Chorus commander to surrender and warm his bed just so the female commander can act like a badass by telling him off

ideological purge

Don't forget about Sega partially fucking AP's development too and cancelling the Alien game.

AP is still a good game tho.

Sawyer's totally an SJW though, he could have even been the one to ask his 'friend' to resign, or else.

according to the guy, he pretty much handed his resignation to Sawyer the moment he saw shit hitting the fan and walked out the door.