>you can never go back
It hurts
You can never go back
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn fight those snails in ToT again
i hated them but i loved them
look there is my waifu and I have sex time wit her and I jerk off many times to that sexy I love sexy and impregnate
>ding level 90
>cool now I get to do end game conte-
>dungeons are shit, made purely for shitty speedrun modes
>world content revolves entirely around repetitive as fuck daily quests
>The worst set of raids in the games history, with one remotely fun raid, that was half shitty troll raid, half decent
>the worst BGs ever added to the game's history
>started the trend where non-raid content was 90% cutscene filler and travel time, 8% gimmicky minigame, 2% actual gameplay
Nah, as much as WOD gets shit and MOP gets praised, WOD was pretty much MOP 2.0, it just wasn't fuzzy wuzzy furry bait.
>The worst set of raids in the games history
t. wrath babby
Feels bad, OP. I have far too much praise for MoP so I'll shorten it to just God damn do I miss it.
I love how every time my Ally and Horde guild start talking about past WoW it always boils down to "I miss MoP".
MoP was garbage. Good riddance.
I haven't touched MoP max level content because I couldn't bear to finish the first leveling zone (during free game time offer during WOD), such is my hate towards neo-WoW style of questing, but surely endgame dungeons/raids were one of the relative strengths of the expansion. "worst set of raids" in particular is a very tall order given that T1, T7, T9 exist (and presumably T13, but I haven't done Cata raiding past first tier either).
I only pvp'd in MoP, did I miss out?
>He thinks MOV, SOO, Terrace, and HOF are good raids
>he thinks the first half of TOT is good
I said set for a reason.
Whats worse is that from MOP onward you could completely skip entire tiers from daily quest grinds, thus the raids didn't even last.
>lfr kiddy thinks his opinion matters
ToT and SoO were absolute god tier
did you run fucking LFR or why is your opinion so terrible
So bad, blizzard pretends it never existed. Pandarians now are only minor filler characters for filler games like HotS and HS. Its like out of place mods for skyrim, when NPCs ignores your slut armor and thomas tank engine dragons.
MOP was some of the most fun I've had just because of the professions.
It was a filler expansion, aside from Garrosh, no mistake about that, but it still was fucking amazing you dumdum
Looking strictly at progression mechanics, that's how it has been since WotLK with ICC heroics providing the same quality of gear as TOC10, ie. the level of gear you'd be "supposed" to start doing ICC10 with. Not that it matters a whole lot given that TOC is easy with freshly dinged characters without enchants and gems or anything, rendering substantially tougher Ulduar utterly obsolete.
Although in terms of what is actually possible, a properly min/maxed raid group could go far with fully pre-raid gear even in vanilla (I'd hazard a guess most of AQ40 and Naxx would have been doable). With TBC release in China, I also remember top guilds clearing BT while still wearing some T3 (I believe they went straight to 2.3 or 2.4 patch, at which point content was already fixed and nerfed, and T6 of course is an easy tier with first half of BT and entirety of Hyjal easier than T5) so skipping straight to Sunwell should also be in principle doable for modern min/maxers at top of their game (although Kalecgos probably would be quite troublesome since the demon hits hard and Brutallus would definitely end the fun until you had at least a reset worth of raid gear).
MoP was so comfy. Chilling on the Timeless Isle waiting for Huolon to spawn was my favourite thing. Now I have to run around some grey-green, boring wasteland with a pack of mobs every five steps that dismount you instantly. I'm so sick of fucking demons and fel horse shit.
Been playing my Monk lately just to have a bit of comfy time whilst doing their class quests, which is all in Pandaria. All three specs are pretty fun desu.
SoO was great, you fucking pleb.
caring about WoW after WoTLK
I'll never go back, it hurts
>Caring about WoW after 3.1.3
>caring about WoW after 1.0
do you remember MoP at all?
its one of the least popular private server types
>in lfr for the bazillionth time for the fucking legendary garbage
>put ancient dalaran portal at the top of the stairs near a dead snail
>mfw i trick five or six people to their deaths
As far as content, storylines, world building, and raid tiers go MoP was GOAT.
Throne of Thunder was better than Ulduar, there I said it.
MMO PvP can never be truly balanced as long as healers exist. They either need a complete rework to be damage dealers that have limited amount of heals, or actually die the moment more than 1 person swaps to them.
I remember Warlock actually being fun to play in MoP
Hey man, there are portals in Stormwind/Orgimmar to Pandaland.
It just needs a few QoL fixes and some extra content and it's as perfect as modern WoW can be. It's really too bad they turned the whole game into D3 instead and killed tens of thousands of 10-man guilds so they could put soaking mechanics on literally every boss.