Barack Hussein Obama II A Ex-President without a past

Barack Hussein Obama II A Ex-President without a past

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i was born on a small island

When will TellTale be edgy enough to make a game about a real-life politician?

I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers, american soldiers.

Obama was a gem of a President.

I hope we get another one like him in the future.

is obama the nintendo switch of presidents?


I do too. He presented himself as an extremely competent person. Hopefully the next guy we get like that is actually competent and not merely pretending.

Was his anger translator a necessary sacrifice to spread the vocal chord parasites, Sup Forums?

in that only total spergs complain about him while the general population seems to enjoy his presence?


Torn from my Iman, I was made to worship their god

in that effeminate men, feminists, and minorities were the only ones who liked him

is obama the dark souls of presidents??

>when a thoroughly mediocre disappointing president looks like an absolute god compared to the buffoon we have now

these are dark times lads

>general population seems to enjoy his presence?

We're getting front-row seats to what an actually incompetent president looks like. Largely Obama's administration was middling in quality with a couple of extremely foolish goofups in foreign policy that he happily passed on to the next poor sap. He'll be smiled upon by history due to being bookended by two disastrous presidencies.

Obama had charisma, that's pretty much all he had. He was historically one of the most disliked presidents. His popularity only increased during the 2016 election.

>He was historically one of the most disliked presidents.


>a ex


He'll be smiled upon the same as every other do nothing president. The only thing that could truly taint his legacy is if Obamacare actually fails like trump claims it will.

>liking Trump
>hating Obama

the ultimate sign of a brainlet retard

Why was obama so forgettable?

People still remember Bush, Clinton and even Al Gore will be remembered more than Obama

He pulled around 60 percent approval at different points in his presidency. Trump has had a hard time getting back above 40.

I know right? Muh polls

When's the last time we had a president who maintained a >50% approval rating?

Yeah, supporting radical Islamists is 6 cases out of 7 is a couple of goofups.


>He was historically one of the most disliked presidents

Not even remotely true. Like why would you even say something like that? Do you just expect people to take your word for it?

You must have a short memory, or perhaps you're too young to remember all the fuckups he did during the first 7 years of his presidency.

People only started liking him during the election.

Pic related?

Funny enough it won't affect Obama's legacy in the least since Trump is doing everything he can to sabotage it.

Obamacare will probably lead to single payer due to a bunch of poor republican brainless realizing how much better it is to have government subsidized healthcare. He took a fairly historic step,although it may be more footnote than anything.

Kanye is about 100x smarter than you

dumb Sup Forumssmear

He really never made any big mistakes. He's like washington, the good he did outweighted any bad.

There is a mountain of difference between being controversial and being "historically one of the most disliked presidents". That's not something you can support with just "muh feels".

Obama was down in the 40's too.

You're on of those conspiracy theory meme believers aren't you? It's not like we don't have a record of events and the ability to track his approval ratings and popularity.

Trump has already admitted he can't change it if congress doesn't want to help. He's abandoned doing anything about Obamacare and is now giving ultimatums for wall funding.


>Obama is popular because he's not disliked as bush.

Lmao your favorite rapper is a trump supporter. Sad!

he's also a Trump voter you fucking imbecile

>Drumpf's legacy will be doing absolutely nothing while in office, before getting impeached

what a fucking retard, and anyone who voted for him probably has genuine down syndrome

He's routinely pulling the "I'm going to deny the subsidies" shtick at every turn. Also he gave up on wall funding by making a deal with the democrats for the debt hike.

The guy ranted about the 60 vote filibuster when the ACHA vote was a flat 51 majority and they couldn't get it.

>Sits on his hand the entire time for NK
>NK keeps making missiles
>Now it is Trump's fault
>Economy on the uptick under Trump
>But it was Obama's administration that did it
Loving this meme

>I wanted to kill white cops.
>Obama, "We'll never know what pushed him to this".

he certainly is dark, heh.


Can't for 2020 to see you crying again. Keep screaming impeach tho, that'll change things.

You wan't to see my school records? Too fucking bad.

LMAO you fucking idiots are so easy to expose

Kanye never voted for him for one, and he would have voted for him to expose racist retards like you and get you out of the shadows so your lives can be ruined.

You are subhumans.

He was in the 40's during the majority of his presidency.

>on the uptick under Trump
That's a funny joke since now that Trump's policies are finally going through the economy has taken a downward swing. Or did you really think just existing without passing a single law or policy caused the economy to climb?

The best thing about Trump president is that Sup Forums can't complain about the president, in fact now they have to resort to this sad shitposting.
I'm sure someone unironically wanted Shillary to win so they had some years of extreme shitposting.

Its ok when the black second coming of christ as described by our darling national media does it!

better than bush

He didn't give it up he postponed the negotiations like a responsible person would. You realize America is currently sandwiched between two of the worst natural disasters in the country's history right now?

i was talking about the switch, we're the general population doesn't seem to enjoy its presence

>mfw shills think we aren't winning but they don't actually understand that we are undeniably winning in every aspect of our lives because were alpha as fuck based magapedes that think on a whole different dimension to these lowly plebs who aren't even worthy of my (you)s so i @ them to assert my superiority when they foolishly try to bait me into responding to their low effort anti-Trump rhetoric because they're fucken losers that will never be a part of our based movement and i immediately know I'm superior to them because what they said was against Trump

Uhuh, sure buddy. The man is so desperate for wins he caved to the Democrats just to get one.

unless they tear down his wall, trump's legacy will live on forever :^)

lol Kanye loves trump and you can't handle it. Your first mistake was idolize for a retard in the first place. Now your retard idol is following an even more retarded person

Bush actually got more popular during Obama's first term, it was just the "but Bush!" crowd that never stopped hating him until 2015.

Sup Forums - Politics

>video games

Don't let the fearmongering of the media get to you. The economy is on the uptick and still is on the uptick. The Dow jones is climbing and will continue to climb.


Oh shit I actually thought I was on Sup Forums I swear to god.

>Sup Forumscucks completely ignore evidence when it flies in their face

I guess this is required to be part of a racist cult. Reasoning and rationality flies out the window. Assuming you had any in the first place.

actually you don't say ex-president you just call him president still.

More like he's actually willing to reach across the aisle to get something done. The debt ceiling needs to be raised or else the government shuts down you idiot.

>that dive
The honeymoon sure was short lived

>Economy on the uptick under Trump
>But it was Obama's administration that did it'

The economy doesn't become "yours" as President until you sign a bill that affects it. Because Trump and Republicans don't know how to govern, they haven't done anything. This will remain Obama's economy until he does sign a bill affecting the economy. Much the same way that the recession was under Bush and the economy didn't become Obama's fault until he passed the stimulus.

>Sits on his hand the entire time for NK
>NK keeps making missiles

As opposed to what? Invading NK, a nation with one of the world's largest armies, during the Arab Spring? Or during the Great Recession?

Bush didn't do it because of 9/11. Clinton didn't do it because nobody wants war with them. NK having nnukes is China's fault more than any American President.

I already posted the evidence retard. Kanye couldn't wait to meet trump he literally flew a private jet to trump tower.

>Obama was able to get Obamacare done, over one year during Iraq, Afghanistan and the Great Recession

>Trump can't even get shit done and his team has power over everything.

Makes me tink.

>k-Kanye doesn't like trump he just flew across the country to congratulate him because he wants to be a double agent!

Imagine being this delusional

>record high national debt
To be fair, every president probably gets that. Pic related is right now.

>As opposed to what? Invading NK, a nation with one of the world's largest armies, during the Arab Spring? Or during the Great Recession?
>Let NK continue to make missiles undeterred
>What could go wrong
>Something goes wrong
>Opps not my problem now
I am sure NK suddenly developed their ICBM tech in the 1 year that Trump took office.
Fucking Obama dick sucker. I recognize that the economy is due to Obama but I also recognize that he fucked up plenty during his term. One of them was leaving NK unchecked.

The entire basis of the stock markets upswing is confidence in a business minded president to lower taxes and other barriers to entry. Trump raised the stock market literally by just becoming the president.

delusional Sup Forumscucks can't accept reality

so fucking pathetic, but so fucking predictable

Obama is a CIA nigger. Trump recently pardoned a man who is 100% certain his birth certificate is a forgery. Big week ahead folks, the world is going to change significantly soon.

Did you even read the article you linked you dumb gaffer?

>make no rebuttal
sure showed them

>>Let NK continue to make missiles undeterred
Which was ultimately the best decision. It kept us out of war. just like how NK attacking the US or our allies is the best way it all ends.

> ICBM tech in the 1 year that Trump took office.

Past 25 or so years.

Again, the best move is not to play.

>Obama got a shitty bill out in time of crisis that makes everyone's insurance premiums go up
>this is somehow a good thing

Funny you mention all the wars that he was unable to end as well like that's something to be proud of.

>You are subhumans.
Wow that's racist man. You know who uses that kind of rhetoric? Bigots and nazis.
>pic related

can YOU read? the article I linked provides a much clearer picture, and West admits that he "likes" Trump because he's a useful idiot in exposing racists

imagine being so blisteringly stupid that this simple fact still eludes you

Bombing a doctors without borders hospital for hours and burning the western doctors and patients alive, with Obama approving when he knew the exact coordinates of the hospital. The doctors called the embassy and pleaded for the Americans to stop. It was called a crime against humanity and condemned internationally by pretty much everyone.

Libya? Gaddafi? Destabilizing North-African and Middle-Eastern countries. Causing the creation of Isis.

Obama was nothing more than a ''cool dude'' with charisma. He fucked up a lot during his presidency.

Yeah Kanye is a retard he's not some mole digging into trumps base. He is a part of that base.

>Libya? Gaddafi?

>killing a middle eastern dictator that funded terror against the US

>Destabilizing North-African and Middle-Eastern countries.

Caused by Bush invading Iraq for no reason.

Can't be racist against Nazis since Nazis can't even be considered human in the first place.

fuck the living politicans. when are they gonna make a game based o the exaggerated legends of teddy roosevelt?

>nazis are subh-

>kill gaddafi without the consent of our allies
>suddenly huge power vacuum gives birth to ISIS


Its time to stop, user. That was just a few points i mentioned, there is a lot more.

Are we being astroturfed right now? What sort of retard actually likes Obama and tries this hard to spread any good name about him on the Internet, on Sup Forums of all places?


Your keyboard bugging out? I got you, don't worry.

>the Arab Spring was caused by Iraq
Back from the dead I see.

I miss the days when the US had a real man as a President