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but it was already HD reeeeeeeeee

I love LA Noir it has waifu and so many sexy in it I jerk and fap for days it is so sexy I love post sexy and vagine and boobs I love it

Holy shit, what? I didn't even know I wanted this but I'm absolutely buying it. I've been meaning to replay LA Noire and never got around to it. Looks like November is the time.

L.A. Noire was the biggest disappointment of a game for me (after MGSV)

What about the Switch?

I think you're looking for a Senran Kagura thread, sir.

It's literally right there in the tweet you mong

Thanks for another cash bait garbage for only 39.99+tax

It's listed right there.

>LA Noire HD


Rockstar is fucking retarded.

>another soulless cashgrab!

>R* game on switch

GTA4 & 5 are next, boys.

What about PC? Fuck you Rockstar!

Sure, why not?

does anyone even care?
it wasn't that good

It's already on PC, you pathetic urine vat.

>LA Noire HD
Who the fuck wants this? The game doesn't even look bad, what a rip off. May God have mercy on the poor suckers that buy this.

Fuck you guys I liked it. Comfy 1940s driving around solving crimes n shit

>inb4 it's $60

What the fuck

>Rockstar games on a Nintendo console
This is it, boys. The Switch made it.

I guess they have to reclaim all the dev costs, huh.

It's just a re-release you dummies.

Why tho

I don't really know if it's a game i'd want to replay.

the game looks fine, why the fuck does it ned HD???

Doesn't the facial capture take up a shit ton of disk space, how is that all gonna fit on a switch cartridge?

Lurk moar. RDR's code is an unholy disaster and it's a miracle the game even runs. No wonder it'll never come out on any other platforms.

I like your ass.

>GTAV sp dlc/agent died for nicer looking clouds in LA noire and GTAV online shark cards

You know if you just bought the PC version instead you could have played this game at 4K years ago already

>VR Case files
Are they completely new cases or what?
I might buy it if so
And also if it comes with all of the DLC

Testing the waters to see if there is enough demand for a sequel.

No point if you already played it
unless you want portable switch version maybe

atleast port over red dead redemption, not this disappointing trash

>falling for the 4k meme


720p upscaled is not true HD

Probs just a 1080p version of the original. Nothing great desu. Where is the red dead trailer?

>new versions
What else could this mean?

Have you ever seen an Xbox 360 game? They look like the PS2 by today's standards.

>Remaking the game that sold so poorly it made the studio behind it have to close their doors

>there will never be a port of Rockstar's ping pong game
I really quite liked it, too. There wasn't even a fucking ping pong minigame in GTA V

>30 fps cap

If only you could actually do shit in the world.
But it's as story focused as it gets.
Good for switch users i guess. Everyone else can just get it for dirtcheap right now


Marketing uses the best language possible. There were never Switch XBONE PS4 versions in the past, so these are "new"

Who was your favourite partner?

Aside from Roy, all of them were total bros after they warmed up to Cole

the actual gameplay is skippable, just play the investigations

>L.A. Noire on the Switch was real

Still a great game so I don't mind getting it on the Switch if it has new cases and features

Thanx :)

You ready for Nintendobabies to ruin the once every few months la noire threads?

i liked polack guy

you can uncap it with less than a minute


>tfw bought the PC "complete" edition for 3€ years ago

The switch can run LA Noir? I don't think so.

>there are people actually excited to play la noire on a switch
Literally why

Each one of them had a different flavor but I would say the Polish guy was the best due to the level of banter he had with Cole.

Roy can go eat a dick though.

Yeah I'm ready for calm and civilized discussion more than ever.

But Nintendo got the best version of Bully.

What do you think the switch version's resolution will be?

>Sonyfags keep making threads about how the Switch keeps getting Wii U games
>All the PS4 is getting are PS3 games
>"It's okay when Sony does it!"

I'm ready for PS4 kids to shit up every thread about the game because god forbid someone enjoy something not on a playstation console. Just like they did to Dark Souls threads.


Good one


>portable LA Noire

You sound insecure

LA noire was on ps3/360/ and pc though

>man, i'm not sure about this one, better use "doubt"

It's my favorite Rockstar game, Max Payne does come close though.
It shows support that I'd want Rockstar games on the Switch.
I want to play it completely this time rather than skim through like I did last time.

Plus it's fucking portable man.

Rockstar didn't make la noire

And Monster Hunter World threads.

because they have nothing else to play
same reason why bomberman and arms sold on switch

how about a new game instead

Who the fuck cares about L.A Noire? Its like their worst game to date. They should have made a RDR HD to get people hyped for the eventual RDR2 sequel.

lol why? LA Noire sucked ass. Probably testing the Switch before they port GTAV


I know, they more had a hand in it than anything else the actual company is gone now but to the scale of most of their games none of them are really just Rockstar.

this. la noire was legit trash and brendan mcnamara is a psychopath.

>Doesn't the facial capture take up a shit ton of disk space,
Not really. I think the game as a whole was about 20GB

They released the second most brutal violent version of Manhunt 2 on the fucking Wii.

>I know, they more had a hand in it than anything else the actual company is gone now but to the scale of most of their games none of them are really just Rockstar.

The game was boring tbqh but i liked the ost


will it work on Oculus?

is this just gonna be the PC version ported over to current gen consoles or are they actually polish it up

Polished up. The switch version is probably going to look like the ps3/360 version though

How do you know it's polished up? Are there screenshots?

It's a remaster so just like the rest it's going to be a simple upscaling job.

>looks like i made a mistake

roy did literally nothing wrong
he didn't trick cole, he didn't set up false evidence, he didn't even suggest anything and even warned cole

cole went and cheated on his wife on his own accord

Wasn't Manhunt 2 on the Wii?

Is this game any good? I hear the car physics are awful


>tfw marketer
>tfw read posts on Sup Forums and notice how many people here are actually paid to post

But it is

L.A. Noire for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One delivers the complete original game and all additional downloadable content with a range of technical enhancements for greater visual fidelity and authenticity, including enhanced lighting and clouds, new cinematic camera angles, high resolution textures and more. L.A. Noire plays natively in 1080p for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, and stunning 4K for PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X, capturing the grit and grime of the City of Angels like never before