best of his genre?
Best of his genre?
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this game is for autists.
If you want something good go play Grim Dawn or Van Helsing Final Cut.
>i-it's too complex for m-me you autist
It's alright. The dev team is incompetent though, except the composer.
Diablo 3 is great as well, both are top tier
They're not blizzard at least
stop acting like a fucking idiot.
Whole economy and crafting system is designed with autists and whales in mind. Fuck off.
For years instead of new locations, enemies, even fucking better lookingm inimap they were focusing on creating more shitty cosmetics and items to grind and pay for.
Amount of shit you have to do to wrap your mind around current state and value of currencies alone is fucking sad.
I've played it for 190hrs. Fuck off.
That's not diablo 2
D3 has much better combat but worse everything else
So no path of exile is not the best and D3 also isnt in fact there is currently no modern "best" of this genere. Cause blizzard messed up and the competition doesnt get combat.
diablo 2 is not the best
i say the best is titan quest or grim dawn
TQ and GD both bored the everloving shit out of me
GD expansion fucking when? The wait is killing me.
Objectively yes.
Subjectively I have more fun with Grim Dawn.
Ever since the Oriath updade the game runs like shit on my toaster laptop, which is really a bummer because I liked it beforehand. Anything I can do? Been trying to play on minimum graphic settings and all, and it doesn't really get better.
I did not like Diablo 2. What now?
With PoE having a SSD is by far the most important thing.
I dont think you can put that into your laptop somehow?
I'm having more fun with Grim Dawn.
Just need the expansion...
yeah at least you can have some kind of closure with that game.
There's always something to grind for, but as a whole it's a normal game you can complete and move on if you like.
Grind is ok, but PoE takes it on a whole new fucking level.
Diablo 3:ros>poe>gd>tq>diablo 2>torchlight 2
I love grinding and just having an excuse to play, but holy hell maps can be REALLY fuckin' boring in PoE. I guess it really comes down to how much fun you're having with your build, but I could never have that much fun with the abilities in PoE.
>all those GD shitters came to shitpost about something that they dont understand
Grim dawn is nice and comfy game, with some unique (not that unique actually, most of stuff straight from tq) mechanics that no other game has to offer,
but you cant fucking say with serious face that its better then poe, your game is either an auto attack>trigger explosions clownfiesta or exactly same but with minions. Thats fucking it even expansion wont change and you know it.
That doesnt mean grim dawn is bad, its just different gameplay with different feel going for it. But should stop acting like you know shit about poe
>all people are saying that they like playing Grim Dawn more
>nobody shits on PoE or anything
>PoE autist comes to the rescue anyway
Cant make it up
>all those GD shitters came to shitpost about something that they dont understand
are you mentally capable of anything beyond strawmanning, you fuck?
GD has better gameplay.
PoE is literally "I need my 6 socket gems to put all these support skills into one ability xD" and spam that ONE ability for 100+ hours while obtaining Life and Speed buffs so you don't get one shot by that one powerful mob and run around like sonic.
you're on Sup Forums people will point out when you're wrong user
poe is objectively better, grim dawn is still a great game
continue watching streamers then.
>Its arrival is fast approaching now as we near content complete and hit the grinder on polish and bug fixing.
From their most recent update two days ago. Knowing them, it could be within the month.
grinding is an affront to god
rotfl, following cookie cutter builds and mashing health potions sure is hard
entire genre is nothing but a mobile game tier timewaster
every game is a time waster, what you trying to prove here idiot?
or you play popular genre games only? only those that played by others? why the fuck you should care how others waste their time?
Is it fine to go Demo only in Grim Dawn ?
Depends on what you want to do. There isn't much reason to stick with only one class but one-class builds can be viable.
I like competetive genres like fighting games where through playtime you actually gain skill, not some abstract currency that makes the game automatically piss easy
enjoy right clicking on mobs
I dont know much about the game, im still only 8h on it and i play sporadically.
I hope there is a skill for holding a gun in each hands.
also nice trips.
>I hope there is a skill for holding a gun in each hands
Not yet but there will be with the upcoming Inquisitor class in the expansion. Until then, there are items you can craft/find that allow you to dual-wield ranged weapons.
I would recommend checking out the Build Compendium on the GD forums to find some builds you think are interesting.
you do realize there are times where you just want to kinda releaxe and not worry about thinking everything through and making always the right split second decisions? This happens when you are a couple of years in the "adult" work life. On the weekend is where you play demanding stuff .. in a work week many people just want to relaxe dude.
You need some experience to get this but its the way it is.
Yes. Hopefully they bring the 3 scrapped minor gods to the Pantheon system soon. Most obviously Shakari who was supposed to be in Oasis, which is now a completely optional area.
If you have a shit connection or can't otherwise play online all the time, pick Grim Dawn instead. Its an improved Titan Quest, although still has some of the problems of TQ's gameplay.
>For years instead of new locations, enemies, even fucking better lookingm inimap they were focusing on creating more shitty cosmetics and items to grind and pay for.
They've done all that shit and more retard
if you actually enjoy it then good for you, it's just not my kind of thing
Diablo 2 > Grim Dawn > Poop > PoE/D3
>"Lol this game is too easy just trade the best items and follow the most OP build on the net."
>"Ok, play SSF league then, good luck finding a fully 6 linked item there."
>"Wtf this game requires you to grind too much you die way too much trial and error gameplay artificial difficulty!"
Every time.
>People acting like Grim Dawn is anything special
come on. You max out passives and toggled skill then use the same attack skill with maybe a debuff then watch your devotion abilities automatically activate on hit. the story is also an unmemorable borefest i can barely recall after putting 200hrs in it
Maybe now.
Pre-patch vanilla D3 when the game was impossible and nobody knew any builds was the best in my opinion because the gameplay was actually engaging, instead of D2X, PoE, D3 post-patch and practically every other game in the D2-clone genre which was all the same shit:
>Spam one offensive skill endlessly, every situation is approached the same.
>Enemies and bosses are either helpless weaklings or one-shot you with any skill or even basic melee, meaning endgame combat always breaks down and devolves to maintaining leech equilibrium to survive harder content.
>Just run into packs and smash attack, literally.
Pre-patch D3 felt like a different game in those first few precious weeks:
>Elite packs will fuck you completely in seconds, however not so fast you can't escape death, and their regular melee abilities are weak -- special skills and modifiers are the real danger.
>Modifiers MUST be taken into account and avoided at all costs, leading to a constant engaging safety dance of trying avoid various projectiles and ground effects, while trying to deal damage.
>Take too long and they enrage and one-shot you, you must try to apply DPS constantly while minimizing damage.
>Some modifier combinations were such bullshit, they could really change your approach.
>No bullshit constant life-leech builds yet.
>Must employ every skill and trick in your wheelhouse and potentially re-think your strategies and build once you get your asshole pushed-in repeatedly by a fucking basic bumblebee in Act 2 Inferno.
to be honest, these are the inherent flaws of the game.
you either play the trading game or you play the luck/time game. they need some incentives for ssf like lowering the npc currency prices but making it that you can't switch away from ssf or something.
It's true though. PoE is designed around trading.
>Van Helsing Final Cut
VH is legit one of the worst ARPGs out there and AT BEST is mediocre as fuck. How shitty is your taste that out of all ARPGs you choose to recommend fucking Van Helsing?
Can't wait to pirate this
>they need some incentives for ssf like lowering the npc currency prices but making it that you can't switch away from ssf or something.
Problem gets mitigated when SSF league characters share the same stash. Meaning your first character farms and finds whatever uniques, you get one good unique that doesn't fit your current character so you start thinking of creating a SSF character using that particular unique.
I hope you enjoy the game, friend!
>best of his genre?
By far... if you like grinding and are willing to invest couple of hundred hours, it will keep you entertained for several thousands of hours. Or atleast it used to for me. I havent really enjoyed the game that much since the rise of the clear speed meta, for past 1.5 years i've played 1-3 weeks at the start of leagues if i havent skipped them altogether.
Thats a thing in the entire genre, D2 also provokes these periods of serious addiction, then you get like a half a year or a year of being burned out of the game. But the addiction eventually comes back, playing this genre tends to come in waves.
FUCK YOU, just when I thought I forgot about him. ;_;
Why can't they make the game like Hellgate: London or Borderlands, but good and complex?
I have enjoyed HG:L, but it was so broken.
The diablo 2 player sawing at the roots
Because if the stats on your gear determine the performance of your character, gunfighting feels like you're shooting peashooters. And if the gunfighting determines the performance of your character, then the rpg loot elements have to be very light as to not veer the gameplay too far away from being fun.
>For years instead of new locations, enemies, even fucking better lookingm inimap they were focusing on creating more shitty cosmetics and items to grind and pay for.
They literally more than doubled the size of the main campaign like a month ago. Stop being retarded.
You forgot
>harder difficulties are gear check
>you have to buy gear for real money or be stuck in endless loop of farming
And for me, because I mained WD it was also
>spam Zombie Bears only, all other options yield much less dps
Unless you used bot - that's another story.
What the fuck does this game offer ? I'm stupid rich in Harbinger now so I'm looking for something else to sate my thirst of looting and killing.
I have also never played Titan Quest
>For years instead of new locations, enemies, even fucking better lookingm inimap they were focusing on creating more shitty cosmetics and items to grind and pay for.
Confirmed to not have played since beta.
It's not only viable, but downright unfair, because of how strong this class is on early difficulties.
Not many people play pure, they take about 20 nodes in another class to support it.
is the most stupid. got it.
i like the game, but have a lot of issues with it. there's so many skills that they just nerf to shit and leave them dead forever while every league it's a newly added skill that is the best. it's highly annoying
Its a decent Arpg with a bit slower combat, less interesting loot and less monster variety. Plus sides is you can play it offline, you can pick two classes like in Titan Quest and as an extra you have a star map which acts like an extra bonus passive tree on top of your passives. Its a game worth playing through at least once if you're fan of the genre.
Audiovisually its also not as good but to be fair they had much smaller budget and a team. It has couple of good songs:
but user, why playing same thing over and over again in already pretty repetitive genre?
but i know the feel, got demonic reave mtx from free mystery box right after they nerfed it, for some bloody reason
I'm just happy Dark Pact actually makes Summon Skeleton builds viable. Feels like playing Generals GLA again when I keep summoning armies of exploding suicide bombers.
Thats one request someone should make for GGG, replace skeletons with dynamite belt arabs.
Yeah poe it's best of its genre, better than d2 aswell, people whining about hardcore or
are the reason d3 exists.
>Working a fucking shitty 9-5
LMAOING @ ur life
>make Dark Pact for cool skellibombs
>people build marauder berserkers with 8k+ hp instead to use it
PoE > Grim Dawn > D3 > TL
Haven't played van helsing
>not working 12+ hr days
fucking casuals I swear to god
Speaking of isometric RPGs, opinion on Divinity II? I see a lot of positiv reactions but I want to know you opinion Sup Forums.
Theorycrafting a build is fun.
Playing the game is not.
It's pretty good. But the end-tier gameplay is very twitchy and like a bullet hell.
Majority of end-game builds at this point rely upon doing damage faster than you can take it, so, there's actually not all that much variation.
I kinda wish they'd slow the game down in favour of making it more fun and interesting, but, I guess people just wanna go fast.
Div II and Div: Oiginal sin II are different gamES REEEEE
but it looks fun. imma get it if only to play as a skelly man
the opposite
you'll spend the next 100 hours to grind for ONE spell, before getting fucked in the ass because it will be nerfed in the next patch
you put that gem on and lvl it up as you play the game. the only ones actively grinding gems are chinese drones who then sell them
>meta rotation is bad
>playing in standard EVER
Pure, unfiltered shit due to retarded camera angle.
it is a very fun game im playin on hardcore right now , but the second act is really really bad , it's kinda like the act 3 of diablo boring it takes 20% off the game score
Wait what the fuck. It ISN'T like that right now? I was going to play SSFHC properly next league but yeah fuck that. That's pants on head retarded.
>Find Shav's
>Yeah time to do some LL charact-oh wait
>Someone is right
>"Lul he must watch streams xD"
Any idiot can point out that this game has shit abilities and that majority of the time it's just you running around spamming the same 2 abilities. One being your main spell, and the second some random ass mobility move.
poe is probably the most enjoyable if you're looking to play it single player, as it's mechanics are fluid and it's very versatile in terms of builds. while not being a pay to win game (outside of a premium stash tab) you are able to access all of the content in the game for free. trading with other players is a very nice/well appreciated mechanic in a game about finding random loot. the servers are usually fairly stable. it can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be, depending on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.
diablo 3 would be next up if you are looking for something to play with other people, as it's a very watered down game in terms of mechanics, but the overall game is better suited for party play. it isn't overly complicated and there isn't very much room for build diversity but it's fun if you're just looking to grind with friends.
grim dawn has a lot going for it, but it falls very hard because of the core mechanics that were carried over from titan quest. it's got a pretty decent atmosphere and the concept of class mixing, if you choose, is interesting but it's biggest downfall is how slow and clunky the game feels. when it comes to attacking or picking up items, it just feels like there is way too much delay/animation time in your actions and it just isn't acceptable when compared to other games of the genre.
diablo 2 is in a league of it's own. there's not much that needs to be said here, if you've played it you know why.
> It ISN'T like that right now?
No you read it wrong, thats exactly how it is. Your SSF characters have a shared stash.
Right. I thought the
Was supposed to imply that it would get mitigated if it ended up like that in the future.
This is my first league. Im addicted as hell. Got to maps ans got bored, so I beat the story in ssf. Now i just keep rerolling characters this shit is like crack
Legacy League was nuts, wouldn't be surprised if they would bring it back as Legacy 2.0 just before next big expansion.
>took a break after breach and missed legacy league
>missed out on buying that sweet legacy mtx
>try out Oro's unique map where you have to clear levels before a certain time or you simply die
>fucking harbingers spawning inside it and wasting time
i'm slighly upset about this
>Dark Pact
>skelly viable
Vaal skellies are the only worthwhile skellies for DP. If you want to play skellies it's dead reckoning or not at all
Harbies in Oba's is fine
5 Essence mob with life regen was where things get silly
Why the fuck can't Runic Games, the people who are responsible for Torch Light and whose staff comprises of mainly people from Blizzard North, the devs behind Diablo and Diablo II, make a spiritual successor to Diablo II? And I don't mean more of this cartoony bullshit, either. I'm talking about a game with a serious, dark, gothic, hell-on-earth atmosphere like the first two games paired with Matt Uelman's dark atmospheric sound track.
I want a true Diablo II successor. I tried Path of Exile and couldn't for the life of me get into it. It's no where near as polished, the music is boring and generic (even playing D2 music in the background doesn't help), I don't like the super in-depth skill tree, fucking everything is socketed and it doesn't hold my attention for long.
>make a spiritual successor to Diablo II
because the PVP is what kept D2 alive for so long, not the story. heck, rushing people through the story so they could do chaos runs and powerlvl for PVP is the easiest money you could make
Maybe so, but the story and lore were still good.
>SSF btw
Is there any phrase more pretentious?
Trading shitter who can't do anything on his own found.
They made it too easy.
This was the first league I was able to kill Shaper.
>I'm a vaping and crossfitting vegan. SSF btw
This is what you sound like.