You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you don't main red mage

you have 10 seconds to explain to me why you don't main red mage

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I still prefer Summoner like the stubborn autist I am.

It's baby's first dps.
Does worse damage than BLM.
Comes with a stigma like SAM.

Because if I didn't tank none of you RDM would ever get to do anything

Can't tank as a red mage, therefore i'm out.

Did they improve XIV at all or is it still the same as Heavensward/ARR. All I remember doing is daily hunts, weekly duties, grinding fates and idling in the casino.

It's braindead easy and it's seen as the designated shitter class, like DRG was/still is(?) and SAM.

I still play it though. I find it fun trying to optimize the best I can.

I don't wear fedoras.

Lots of improvements. The latest xpac has changed around a bunch of skills across the board and (I think?) killed cross skills in the process (eg, don't need to level PGL to get second wind, etc)

You have 10 seconds to give me a reason to buy this game and erp is not a good one. I hit level 35 in the free version and I'm still not sure if I want to spend money on this.

Pretty much this, my static needs a pally.

Because BLM is still GOD

I don't play shit games

because i quit that shit fucking shit game before i hit 70
no idea how i managed to enjoy HW when i didint even touch savage

Heavensward is fun and better than the entirety of 2.X, especially the fucking 2.1-2.5 slog.

I main AST. :3

Because I quit the game after 3.1 and nothing I've read about it was interesting enough to consider coming back.

Shitty combat stance. Why stay in rapier mode while standing still/moving if 90% of the time you will be a caster? And Holy and Flare aren't even RDM spells, this is Sage territory.

If you liked the artstyle, music, story, and somehow the gameplay during trial, buy it. These things get better as you progress, if you already appreciate them.
If you have any sort of expectations for the endgame, from rewarding grindfest with cool itemization (or any RPG element other than level up and +X damage) to just something to eat your free time, stay the fuck away from XIV.

I'm a wise AST player

>And Holy and Flare aren't even RDM spells, this is Sage territory.

Uhm, sweetie, they're not Holy and Flare, they're VERholy and VERflare, snookums.

But lorewise, Flare is a signature spell of BLMs just like Holy is for WHMs in this game, and RDM came about as a combination of Black and White magics after the great flood when Mhach and Amdapor realized they were both being retarded. Thus, RDM has access to a kind-of sort-of version of Flare/Holy.

The ARR slog is worth it for heavensward I was beyond ready to let my sub run out and give up on this game complete before reaching it.

It completely changed my mind on the Story-based MMO format.

Stormblood is okay, the first crazy fun villain is in it and Aesthetically chinatown is gorgeous. It kinda just feels like a 'more stuff expansion' if that makes sense

Because I'm still trying to get MCH down.

Just started playing as a tank. Give tips pls.

But I verdo, you verifiable fucking vermin.

When the story's good, it's great. When the story's bad, you find yourself in wierd situations that center around you that don't make sense considering how much power you have (or the game makes you think you have with how much it sucks your cock). When it's at the worst, you get the content between ARR and HW.

Don't die

>finish Heavensward, loved every minute of it.
>get to Stormblood.

Stop being a follower of the fluorescent.

Rotate your defensive cooldowns.
Pop them for trash pulls, don't be that guy who "saves them" for boss fights.
Pull big if you and your healer can handle it.
Drop tank stance to do more DPS if you're comfortable with it.
Provoke is always your friend.
Open with 1 (one) enmity combo on a boss and then do your DPS rotation endlessly.

grab pack with your ranged attack
press aoe enmity combo(overpower,flash)
proceed to hit enemy with combo, be active and keep switching targets placing your enmity attack on the mob with the least aggro to you
read all your skill descriptions, you should be able to learn all the advanced specifics when youre leveling up

I can pull shit off you just fine, try tanking better to keep up with my burst damage faggot

save cooldowns for boss fights
chain pull way more than is fair for your healer to have to deal with
blame everyone else if something goes wrong

you'll fit in with 90% of tanks in DF

dont fucking mark your targets like a pleb unless theres an important mechanic that needs attention and your teamates are ignoring it

It gets better but you'll hate the blonde bitch and the elf midget by the end more than you ever thought possible.

I wanna get into this game but I've hardly played any of the Final Fantasy games.

If you didn't like the formula then, you probably won't like it now. Not much has changed this expansion.

Did they add anything new yet? Quit a month after Stormblood.

>don't do something helpful because i said so

great advice fagbreath

go ahead and be the slow bastard that marks every pull then, im sure everyone loves you for it

Because I don't play plebeian DPS
t. AST

lol no it's still the same shit except hunts are useless so replace that with dailies.

Nobody is going to respect marks in trash pulls of 3+ enemies because they are using AoE anyway. At best you can let people know of a particular enemy that needs to be stunned or silenced but typically people already know that (and dont do it anyway because DPS players are brainlets).

>Nobody is going to respect marks in trash pulls of 3+ enemies because they are using AoE anyway.

Healers are the brainlets user

FFXIV players are the brainlets, user.

Yeah you're right

Monthly fees make me feel like I HAVE to play.

Nope, major patch is coming early October. They'll have the 24-man raid, new difficulty Bahamut, Shinryu EX, and bards will get to play melodies a la LoTRO/GW2.

>If you have any sort of expectations for the endgame, from rewarding grindfest with cool itemization (or any RPG element other than level up and +X damage) to just something to eat your free time, stay the fuck away from XIV.
Thanks for the response user.

They seem ok. But I'm more of a hit shit than cast shit kind of guy. They're the closest I'll ever get to playing a mage though and they're sick in most games they appear.

I like the veteran rewards because they prevent that feeling for me. Even if I dont log in I'm getting closer to getting my Nanamo onahole

I haven't played a single one. You do miss out on a lot of the "wow!! it's x!!" nostalgia factor, like everyone creamed their pants over Exdeath, and even though I like his design, it's all kind of lost on me. I still sank many hours into the game, though. Main story quests are rarely fanservice and while they follow FF conventions like every FF, can be enjoyed without playing them.

I started playing FFs earlier this year but I don't think they're my cup of tea.

>leveling up WHM
>going through Brayflox
>tank tells me to stop DPSing after a single pull
>tell him I can DPS and heal
>he uses practically 0 defensive cooldowns during throughout
>barely used flash, even when pulling groups
>only focuses on one target even when other people have aggro on them
>leaves right before the final boss anyway
Why do people try to act like some kind of authority when they can barely play their own job?

I don't mind the turn based combat but later on in the series it goes somewhat action based(?), which doesn't look at all interesting to me.

most tank players have complexes despite it being a trinity where each member is important

there is value in marking targets in the dungeons up to probably thousand maws, which is right around where he'd be if he's leveling

at any rate, tanks set the pace. everyone knows it

Because MNK is more fun with less branded.
I'll main RDM out of the caster dps though. Simplicity be damned they have style

Only one game in the series is an action game.

I recall a tank throwing a tantrum in one of the early dungeons when I was leveling an alt. We were ignoring mechanics and it was making him mad so he refused to tank. I was leveling a lancer at the time so I just became the new tank.

Because maining anything in this game makes zero sense since there are no build.

Brayflox really is where the shittiest of shitters are revealed.

>When they lose aggro to SCH DoTs

you can't afford 43 cents per day? i let my sub stay active all through last winter without touching it for 5 months just so I would be 5 months closer to the Zidane outfit reward whenever I felt like playing again

jesus christ

he has a point, there is no fucking logical reason for paladins to have to wait until 40 for it

My mother pays my sub because I'm a leechy neet :^)
In return I basically do everything for her

XV is really the only action based game in the series.
Most other games are either strict turn based or ATB turn based

Well they don't anymore
CShield oath is 30, sword is 35, cover is 40 now

Paladins get shield oath right away, though

>catmilf killed Minfilia's dad
>mfw combat-only cucks will never discover the true depth of THE LORE

Players are the brainlets, user.

Yeah they changed that in 4.0

They also only flashed once and had 90% of the MP left at any point in the dungeon, but considering it seemed to be a couple, I didn't want to risk getting booted for whatever reason.

I still kept DoTing things, though. Their 'squishy huggler' was a BLM too so I can only imagine what it's like to never be able to do AoEs.

Like others already said, XV is the only one that completely abolishes turns in any form, but even then its combat is pretty slow. The fastest and most action-oriented FFs are Dissidia, I think.

If you're curious and have the time, I suggest giving FF a shot. Each game is self-contained, except in obvious cases like X and X-2. VI is probably the most often recommended choice for an FF virgin, VII is another.

DF is a social experiment

Thats probably an old screenshot, but i swear to god if that paladin is saying that post stormblood he can fucking die

I am more hype for the trailer than the patch itself.

>Clenches fist

>this is what dps actually think

III and V are the best ones if you like job systems. Bravely Default is effectively a spiritual successor to these games.

Just like the official forums.



Don't have the plague bringer set yet

Too busy waiting for Blue Mage

Are we getting the Lakshmi dance from the beast tribe?

>Content between ARR and HW
Also know as Yugiri's Boring Adventure

>Adventurer in need: DPS
>Queue as DPS
>12 minutes to pop

>Adventurer in need: Tank
>Queue as Healer
>Instant pop


>Level up an alt
>Join PF for a 1 chest O1S to get rid of my bonus

And now we have another one for an oh god, what the fuck are you doing collection. Even more props to the AST for putting solo balance on themselves throughout.


ikr i only play world of warcraft

Probably, but not in 4.1. The Kojin are first.
I'd like to know if we get an elephant if the Antana become BTQ.

Because I don't half-ass two things at once.

XIV will get loot boxes at some point, I bet.

Wow. I should get credit for LB as a melee dps. You don't have to worry about mechanics and I get LB damage, seems fair to me.

>tfw can't have cute Antana GF

How do I make gil with Fishing?

>tfw some cheapo shit is more profitable with higher ROI than 2*

What if the next custom delivery NPC will be one?

Ivory soles. Easy to get and 20K each on MB.

I'm really looking forward to Shinryu EX and any other primals we'll get this expansion compared to Omega. Lakshmi and Susano EX were A in my book, the way the music melded perfectly is great. Even Susano's which doesn't have lyrics because he shouts like a jolly madman the whole time instead.

Ivory Soles, Motley Beakfish, and maybe some of the older corals. Absolutely nothing else.