There are people who refuse to use a mouse and keyboard to play shooters

>there are people who refuse to use a mouse and keyboard to play shooters

>he dosent use keyboard only for FPS

Shouldn't it be している? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Both are right. But の should be removed as it sounds more feminine/more formal and the い isn't there becuase it's more manly to slur things together. It should be してる or してるのか.

>there are people who play platformers and racing games with m/kb

Also (samefagging here) just saying くそ黒人 is just saying damn black person. If you wanted to say nigger it should be either ニッガor くそ黒人め. Also just remembered that if you wanted to say "what the FUCK are you doing" it should be 何してやがる. Right now it just asking what the black person is doing without any malice.

>open thread
>expect shitty greentext thread
>end up with lesson of japanese

why the fuck did old FPSs use arrow keys to turn the entire fucking camera

>person uses gamepad on vermintide pc
>has mic
>uses discord
>binds push to click in left stick


>there are people who play shooters

>play shooters
Found a problem.

he doesnt use the best control scheme
r= reload
s= shoot
f = forward
b = backward
l = left
o = other left
j= jump

There was a time when the mouse was new, and the developers of old FPSs were used to keyboard only controls

arrow buttons for aiming

*tips fedora*

Didn't Doom use mouse?

Explain, i should clarify it is FPS games in particular i do not play.

One of my friends is like this, he prefers console shooters just because it's easier to do well in multiplayer, guy can't aim for his life so the handicap of a controller really helps him out.

Mouse > Motion controls > D-pad/keyboard > Analog stick

何やってんだ or 何してんだ convey the original meaning better