What was the name of his game again? No one even shitposts about it anymore. Even Battleborn had more relevance.
What was the name of his game again? No one even shitposts about it anymore. Even Battleborn had more relevance
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Cliff Bazinga
I think it was called shoot people simulator 5000
It was called Criminals, or People of a Lesser Moral Standing, I think.
The Lawbreaking Eight
How much does this game cost?
why is he a worse manchild than most of us?
not much
If a man child is given alot of money it only worsens their problems not help it
He lacks self-awareness
the game is free to play right?
Cliff is such an annoying fag. It would have better if had kept quiet and just kept his occulus bucks to himself.
Vore Tournament: Censored edition
Eternal Death Slayer 3
nah it's $29.99 -- none of that $60, multiplayer only bullshit.
Reckless story!
He has a FUCK HATE shirt
Pretty sure it was called People Who Oppose Rules Set By The Government.
correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't he the one who was shit talking people on forums for playing overwatch or something
Clifford Jewinski
Let's face it, both Memewatch and Lawbreakers are terrible. The thing is the goyim is way more found of Blizzard than of Cliff
Rule Violators
In actuallity it said "FUCK MY WIFE"
Almighty Allah, please save UT4 from CliffyB's crooked, talentless, cheeto-dusted fingers!
Unreal doesn't deserve this fate.
Bazinga left before the alpha was released
Not saying otherwise, but wasn't he saying that Overwatch was for plebs and his game was for mature audience or something?
>expecting Allah to do anything for you when you haven't even suicide bombed in his name
>wearing a shirt with swear words on it
>Ricky & Morty t-shirt
>destroyed beauty
Pfft hahahaha! I'm glad his shit game failed.
Actually yes, he meant that his game was meant for a more mature audience. Basically he is a schizo retard. Never liked Gears of War
>What was the name of his game again?
Unisex-toilet Users.
>call game "Lawbreakers"
>most of the characters are black people
Is Cliff a racist?
Mature, woke audience, who realize what year it is and how important it is for a shooter game to have unisex bathrooms
Gameplay looks fun for what it is, haven't played it yet and the sub-300 player count doesn't inspire much hope.
What went wrong goy?
i'd prolly play it for 15$
Cliffy is balding, he just want to distract people with t-shirts like that.
No one is woke enough for the gender neutral bathroom sign
>Knowing that the obscure character on his shirt is from Rick and Morty
>clearly bothered by how it looks like it says KEK
>tries to play it off as being above it
>can now not change his picture because then the enemy "wins"
>doomed to eternal cuckery
Cliffy, please...
Is he cursed?
What he was involved in this too ?
Its a shitty meme character that have been plastered all over the internet
Hard not to when redditors meme the show everywhere
What is the appeal of "I'M MR. MESEEKS!" and "I'M PICKLE RIIIIICK!"?
>knowing that it's an obscure character
Then stop visiting Reddit you morons
They come here you fucking retard. You must be so new that you missed the spam wave of pickle rick threads.
>what is the appeal of normalfag memes?
You got me
Clifford doesn't play by the rules like us regular sheep, he's what you might call a 'rule disobeyer'...
He made the Lords of the Fallen of FPS.
Well he's not Rick... And he's not Morty.... So that's obscure enough for me.
Battleborn V2
>"I'm Pickle Rick" is this generation's "Luke, I am your father"
I think it was Outlaws or Battlelaws.
Dead Games General:
Let's take a moment to remember those dead SJW games of the past year
>tomb raider reboot 2
>mirror's edge 2
>deus ex: mankind divided
>mafia 3
>watch dogs 2
>dishonored 2
>horizon zero dawn
>mass effect andromeda
>uncharted the lost legacy
>life is strange
Take a moment to remember them, Sup Forums, because nobody did a week after they were released.
>He clicks on Pickle Rick threads
You're a special kind of person, user
nah, give it Another month and no-one will remember or care anymore
pickelrick is this month's member berries
>you have to go to reddit to se shitty memes
I wish, senpai
CliffyB will always be best known for Dare to Dream
>you need to click them to see them
I don't believe you are baiting me, I believe you are just that stupid.
>People of a Lesser Moral Standing
This is generally a decent synonym but there could be a situation in which the laws in place are unjust and morally wrong. In that situation it would not work.
>What went wrong goy?
Nonexistent marketing, releasing a very samey kind of game to an already oversaturated market, generic audiovisual content so it does not immediatly stand out from other similar games.
But the real reason is the gimmick of the game is not strong enough. Low G is not as fun to play as it sounds, quite the opposite it can grow frustrating, it kills much of the speed of the game.
>he keeps looking rather than looking away
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
The game doesn't have any game modes worth playing is its main problem. It's just not fun. There are like 10 different 1-flag CTF or capture point modes and they all suck dick.
The game would probably be a lot better with a traditional 2 flag CTF mode like Quake, Tribes or UT.
>Battleborn had more relevance.
Nah, they're about the same.
>he keeps posting about pickle rick in an unrelated thread
>doesn't even have 2-flag CTF
Great bait pasta.
oh my god :D
How has no one figured out that being a virtue signalling faggot on twitter and demeaning 99% of your base to appeal to the mentally ill 1% is not a good marketing tool?
this is the faggot that created timed healing, fuck him for making games easier and easier
Blizzard didn't even revel Tracer's sexuality until long after OW's release. If Cliffy really wanted to go DUDE NEUTRAL BATHROOMS LMAO he should've done what they did
That same Twitter and Tumblr keep saying its a good thing you do that. So a lot of people who got sucked into those circles have to learn the hard way who their true audience is.
>the dark souls of competitive first person shooters
buy my game
How did Cliffy get away with this character design?
holy fuck those are some tiny eyes
guess you just didnt see this failure coming huh
has Quentin Tarantino ever made a movie with very masculine looking women?
While not all of them where very beautiful every one I can remember looked like a typical women. Skinny and smaller then men
>le stronk smug black woman
>quirky woke latino girl
>mean black dude
>le stronk woman who can bench press evil white nerds every day.
Gee I wonder why everyone is so indifferent to this game. If you're going to make a "character" driven roster, then you're supposed to design them like a chocolate box with different flavors for everyone, not the same Tumblr shit each time.
Because he is a fucking idiot that doesn't have a filter for his stupid mouth. Remember when he said that PC gaming was dead? He had to retract that because he was obviously fucking wrong
Who the fuck approved those designs? Bazinger himself? They look like something a literally autistic kid would come up with. Complete absence of artistry, not even a shit taste normie would look at those and say yeah it's good.
Who /badass/ here?
How goddamn generic
Cliff & Randy, the most badass vidya duo since Kojima & Doritopope
That face is all sorts of bad, its enerving
Version without the faceapp logo.
Randy has the mind of a damn child
So lets get this straight:
The three liars are
>Peter Molyneux
>Sean Murray
>Todd Howard
The three failures are:
>Cliffy B
After a lengthy film discussion, Quentin suggests we head to bed, which is the point where I really start panicking. I have stalled for a good long time but the makeouts were really losing their appeal because you can only be sweated on so much, and we were getting closer to the moment of truth on whether I'd have to put out or not. The makeout continues for a while longer, and I'm really getting nervous about where the night may lead, kicking myself over not pretending to be more drunk and "passing out", and wishing he'd turn the damn lights off. We make out some more, there's a little below the belt action that I try to avoid, as QT has the most unattractive penis I have ever seen (short. fat. nub-like. The chode of all chodes. Boys, those junior high pamphlets are lying when they say that all shapes and sizes are normal. Lying.) Just as I'm about to hyperventilate over the fact that he may try to put that horrific bodily implement anywhere near my Britney, he leans over and goes "Hey..."
I know this "Hey." This is the "Hey, should I get a condom?" hey that accompanies 20 minutes of ungratifying sex. As I'm trying to rapidly think of ways I can agent myself out of this deal, I hear what is without a doubt, the strangest question in the history of my life.
Quentin Tarantino asks, "Can I suck on your toes while I jerk off?"
What. The. Fuck.
And thus began the weirdest ten minutes of my life - having my feet made out with by an Oscar winning filmmaker while he pleasured himself. Truth be told, it wasn't so bad. I didn't have to do anything (a nice bonus, since I am undoubtedly the laziest person in bed, which some of you can attest to), no bodily secretions were ejected anywhere near me or my feet (thank god, because I imagine it would feel like walking in sand with wet I fucking hate that), and just as I hoped, we went to bed right after.