Do you think Left 4 Dead 2 deserves to be considered one of the greatest games of all time?

Do you think Left 4 Dead 2 deserves to be considered one of the greatest games of all time?

A marginal improvement in terms of features over its prequel with a vastly worse cast and atmosphere? No.

Yes, absolutely.

The majority of criticisms boil down to "It wasn't L4D1", ignoring those you have a product of equal length, with a more refined aesthetic, better weapon, item and enemy variety, not to mention level variety.

With the inclusion of L4D1 campaigns L4D2 is up there with the Orange Box in terms of value, not to mention the workshop support. And it runs like butter on some really weak systems. I ran it at 1080p 60fps at medium settings on an A8 5600k APU, it was one of the only games I could play on PC with my best mate.

The atmosphere in L4D2 is great, idk if you've ever been to the south but it essentially looks exactly like the places it was trying to capture and adds the apocalypse vibe to it. You're just mad not all the maps are at night you faggot.

For me it has to be Deus Ex. But then again it can just be-
%favorite_game% is on the greatest game of all time.

Maybe I'm not obsessed with "americana" and nigger culture. Thought about that? The bayou atmosphere is cringeworthy.

What the fuck is cringeworthy about the Bayou?

Oh I understand, you're a moron, opinion discarded.

Is it's community still somewhat populated? Thinking of playing for nostalgia

>bayou atmosphere is cringeworthy
really nigger

This wasn't me.
Daytime's always going to be less atmospheric and there's no getting around it. Kentucky's as far south as I've been, but I don't find the setting very compelling myself. I don't care about big setpieces like amusement parks of mansions. I like the more lowkey environments of the original game because they create the illusion of bad things being capable of happening in ordinary places that you yourself are more often around in your daily life. It's a much more atmospheric approach.

hard rain has better atmosphere than everything in the first game put together

One of the greatest multiplayer games certainly, I just wish the community was a touch less carcinogenic though.

Valve killed this game by not adding proper matchmaking.

Sorry Tyrell that your made up culture is dumb and cringeworthy but not every american is obsessed with southerner swamp garbage.

Also having different times of day between levels removes a lot of the immediacy from what's happening. Having a lot of bad shit happen in one night creates more uncertainty about whether you'll make it out or not. Surviving several days gives more of an impression that you're capable of surviving for longer.

Yeah, 12,000 are on right now. Granted there's probably a lot of people in the awful steam group servers.

Of its genre? Sure, I guess. Of all games? No, not even close.


>Made-up culture
>I don't know what culture is

This is a little far-fetched

>can't even iron sight while aiming

Hell no

>dude lets force teamwork by having hug your team like a fucking carebear or you'll get incapacitated by one of the four different special infected who can incapacitate you with a single mouse click, that's good game design right?
L4D is a good game but it's barely even a classic much less an actual GOAT

>let's encourage teamwork by keeping them together and making them protect and heal each other and punish those who run off by themselves.
The design is good at steering players towards a style of play, you may not like that style which is fine but the design is solid.

no, teamwork is fine, sticking together is fine, the way they make you do it is not
it's like if you made a high-paced action game where if you didn't maintain at least 150 APM your character blew up

no doubt about it.

>I like the more lowkey environments of the original game because they create the illusion of bad things being capable of happening in ordinary places that you yourself are more often around in your daily life
lol. yes the zombie apocalypse is not contained to interesting locations, the zombies will come to your boring ass neighbourhood too! lmao

Left 4 Dead it's so overrated. It's fun for a time, but nothing more.